
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter Twenty five

Alice stood in the sitting room when she saw her daughter's red and fluffy eyes, tears streamed down her eyes but she didn't bother wiping them off.

" I know how heartless I am for creating such a hollow injury in your heart, I've made you go through pains that I couldn't bare, I break your heart and I know that, I am such a disappointment and I am very sorry, I am also selfish for not thinking about how long you've waited for me and now just wants you to forgive me. I deserve every treatment from you, I don't want to be a nuisance to you", she cried as she couldn't bring herself to look at her anymore, she just faced the ground," as you said earlier, I will get out of your life for good, I shouldn't be here and I am very sorry, I love you and I sincerely regret all my actions towards you. Please take good care of yourself", she concluded and turned to leave, devastated.

"What?", Lyndia quickly stepped down the stairs, "how could you be like this?", she yelled gaining back her attention. Alice turned back to her.

"you left for years and now that I should be rejoicing that you are back for me <>you are talking about leaving again?",

"Lyndia?", Alice was surprised. Lyndia ran to her and hugged her very tightly.

"I'm sorry",

"Please don't leave mum, please",

Alice grinned and wept to hear her call her mum.

"no I won't, I promise am not going anywhere", she hugged her tight, giggling and crying at the same time. Her friends were so happy at the reunion.

"Someone did a great job",

"kudos to Lissa", Max complimented.

"mum, where are you going to?", Lyndia asked as she saw Alice picking up her handbag to leave. She smiled at her,

"it's getting late so I'm going home but be rest assured I will be back tomorrow, I don't want to disturb you guys, you are all here for a sleepover",

"no we are fine, you can stay with us, we are cool with it", Lissa said,

"no that's not done, I am..",

"no mum, please stay", Lyndia pleaded to give her her cute puppy eyes.

"and you can also give us some sleep over cooking", John said licking his lips,

"hun.....him", Alice smiled and accepted, "if that is what you all want, then no problem",


"Thanks, ma'am",

"thanks, mum",

Lyndia was so happy and she pecked her but then she saw a vision that baffles her. She saw her mother's car being chased as they wants to kidnap her mother. Just as Alice proceed to the kitchen, Lyndia quickly told her friends about the vision.

"They kidnapped your dad and now they're after your mum?", Lissa asked not understanding the situation,

"what connection did your family have with vampires exactly?", John asked,

"I seriously also don't know",

"Knowing is not the point now, we need to protect her", Max said,

Lyndia felt grateful as they all agreed to Join her in protecting her mother.

"Thanks, guys",

"you don't need that, what are we team for", Max said.

Lyndia admire the set of people she found herself among, they are not powerful but they are brave. They are the type of friends who doesn't keep grudge as they share one love. Fighting vampires is not easy and safe at all but they are ready to risk their lives for one another. This type of friend is rare and she's not ready to let them go or let them down as she will also do everything in her power, to protect them.

Vanessa and Collins kept wandering around knowing no direction or way out. They walk hand in hand, helping each other to walk, they look tired and unkempt.

"Be careful over there", Collins warned as they walked through a sloppy path to the cliff.

"don't be so worried about me, I am not weak I am stronger than you could think of", she boasted as the continuous care and the way he gets worried about her made her feel weak and inferior.

"ho ho, you might be powerful but it doesn't change the fact you are still a girl", he said,

Vanessa rolled her eyes and just then she slipped. Collins quickly get hold of her before she fall, thanks to the fact they were walking hand in hand, he was able to quickly get to pull her back.

"ho ", she exclaimed. The gravity at which he pulled her back was strong and that caused her to fall back to his chest. His grip on her was first and her breast was resting on his chest. She flipped her eyes open, locking eye contact with him, she felt her breath seize for a moment causing her mouth to part involuntarily. Collins smiled seeing her trip for him.

"you won't feel pain when you fall but you sure will get bruised", he said and stared into her eyes, he couldn't restrain himself from it the word out, "I like you", he said to her face.

"huh?", she pretended like she didn't hear him cause she believed she was not hearing things right.

"I...just said I like you", he said and released her from his grip. She felt like she was at a stroke, she stood speechless and confused. He held her hand and made to get down the hill.

"I'm not expecting you to say anything, not immediately but I mean it, seriously",

Vanessa yanked her hand free from his hand,

"How can you be so shameless<>we are stuck inside the forest and yet you still have the chance to tell me you like me? funny", she rushed her words as she couldn't believe he truly meant what he said. Her heart was racing so fast that she got scared he was going to hear it.

"What?", Collins exclaimed as he wasn't expecting that,

"I don't like you",

"huh?", he looked at her properly, "are you sure about that?", he asked smiling as he secretly checked her body language.

"of course", she maintain a straight look and made to walk briskly past him forgetting they are on the hill. She slipped and held Collins along with her. They both fell and tumbled over each other till they reach the hill, falling to the river bank at the hill bottom. Vanessa was panting and getting off Collins, she checked the few bruises she sustained and looked at him but he wasn't moving. His eyes were also closed.

"Collins!, Collins!!, hey wake up, Collins!", she tapped his cheek and beat his chest but he wasn't responding. She became scared and got confused about what to do. She looked for something to fan him but none so she pulled off her blouse remaining her pink sleeveless singlet that was stocked into her tight trouser. She began to fan him with the blouse.

"Collins please wake up, seriously there's no one to help us here so please don't do this", she panicked as she kept on fanning him. She doesn't even know what was wrong exactly. She was scared and worried, she looked at the river stream beside them and immediately proceed to get some with her hands. She used her two hands to take some and quickly ran back to him, she pour it on his face causing him to jump up immediately.

"How can you pour me water?", he shouted,

"w..w..were you pretending?",

he stood up and dust his cloth, seeing him not reply meant yes.

"you shameless jerk", she yelled angrily at him,

"you... look so angry",

she scoffed, "seriously?, did you know how scared I was thinking you are hurt or you fainted<>how confused I was?", she yelled,

"stop yelling ",

"don't tell me to stop yelling you shameless goat",

"ok fine, I'm sorry, I just wanted to see if you truly didn't like me",

"fool, even though I don't like you that means I don't care also, we are both responsible for each other's safety and <>yes I do like you and it hurt to see someone you like so much get hurt and couldn't help",

' did she just admit she likes me ?',

"you just admit you like me?", he said. She stopped and looked at him realizing that yes she just admitted to liking him. She blinked her eyes and looked away,

He grinned,

"I'm still angry though", she said not looking at him,

"I'm sorry but you hurt me first",

"What?", she turned back to him, "how did I hurt you?",

"When you told me you don't like me, you have no idea how that hurt, I just smiled to cover the disappointment look",

"ho and that's why you pranked me?",

He grinned," but it's really exciting to see you are finally falling for me", he giggled and pulled her into his arms. She couldn't believe he could be this cute, funny, and adorable. She chuckled at his behavior and got curious about when he started liking her but right there, she just hugged him back, feeling the heat radiating from him.