
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter Thirty one

They stopped at the sight of his mum, Vanessa grinned and dropped his wrist while Collins looks so surprised. He wasn't expecting this, and though Mr. Gaius excused himself to receive a call before they got there he was still surprised.

"mum!", he called and walked briskly to her, giving her a very tight hug. Vanessa excused herself to give them their privacy.

"am I late?", she asked smiling.

"Seriously I wasn't expecting you'd come, I love you, mum",

She broke the hug and looked into his eyes, she has never seen her handsome boy looking this happy. Then Mr. Gaius joined them and then his joy knew no bounds.


"son", he opened his arms for his embrace which he gladly took.

"I thought you won't be able to make it"

"is that why you decided not to tell us?", he broke the hug," we are busy fellows, yes we know that, and we hardly give you the attention that we apologize for, no matter how busy we are, we also have a duty with you",

"your dad is right, we love you so much and we are very sorry for being too busy",

"no no no it's fine",

His mum pecked his cheek," so c'mon let's go in, I think the program has started, I can hear the speech making",

"yeah sure", he said and show them the way," but really mum, you've been staring at me", he said grinning, "don't tell me you are in love with me mum", he said trying to pull someone's leg,

"What?", Mr. Gaius exclaimed,

"I've always been in love with my son", she said and they laughed,

"hey Mr. Man, I don't joke with my wife", he said pulling her closer. They burst into another round of laughter and went into the hall.

Collins held her hand as he sat beside her, he kissed the back of her hand while she smiled. She looked at him and could tell he was really happy. Soon, the speech ended.

"now it's time for the price giving", one of the teachers announced. The students began to murmur before he continue his announcement causing them all to keep quiet.

"the chief administration shall take over this", he said and stepped aside for the chief admin.

"good afternoon to you ladies and gentlemen, I can see several beautiful and handsome faces and I'm wondering if these gorgeous and beautiful people are really from this school", he said jokingly. The students laughed.

"I used this medium to appreciate the parents once again", he said and bowed in respect, "now we shall start the prize giving with the best tutor of the year",

Everyone began to murmur," the price... goes to.....to..... Mr. Godwin", he announced.

The students cheered happily and satisfactorily as he deserves it. They clap and scream as he proceeds to get the reward.

"you are the best", some screamed excitedly. He couldn't stop grinning ear to ear seeing the expression he get from the people. He bowed to them before leaving the podium.

" Now the next person to be rewarded is an amazing student who ranked the best in English... do you guys know who that is?", he asked trying to make them all curious as they all kept quiet, eager to hear who it was.

" that is...Max Turner!", he announced.


"yessss", he chirped happily. His friends congratulates him and the students cheered as he proceeded to the stage. After his reward was handed to him, the chief admin continues,

"the next person ranks the best in Mathematics and Physics...oh..my...he ranks best in two subjects that are amazing",

"In Psychics, I'll vote for Collins", Tary, the science class HOC said,

"this amazing boy is no one but ..... Collins Gaius",

"I knew it", she affirmed,

There was a thunderous clap and noisy cheers. He beamed to the podium to receive his reward. His parents looked at each other, proud of their son. Vanessa pecked his cheeks when he went back to his seat. He was congratulated by his friends.

"the next person is amazing as this person ranks best in Biology and it's no one else but. .... Catherine Halloween", people clapped and cheered for her. They congratulated those given gifts and cheered for them.

"and lastly on a subject which is literature has a fabulous person who ranked first and this person is ..... Vanessa Carson",

Vanessa was so happy and overjoyed as she went for her reward. She receives more rewards from her friends which is pecks, especially from Collins and Lyndia who rain her more than a peck.

Vanessa bears her mother's surname and the same goes for Lyndia. They are the only students that didn't go by their father's name.

"the best social girl goes to Mary Mickey", she walked out proudly but her ego got wounded when only a few people clapped and cheer for her, they didn't scream like others rather, they were murmuring.

"the best social boy reward goes to John Miller", and this time, there was a scream again,

"the next person got the reward as the most athletic person and the most gentle and reserved reward and that goes to Richard Motton", he announced," and the most gentle girl is Veronica Hess",

"the quietest girl is... Lyndia Malone",

They were all cheered by both friends and relatives and were blown kisses.

Jack Cisneros was given the reward of being the naughtiest boy in school. Though everyone laughed he was still congratulated. After lots of rewards got cheered, the chief admin rounded the program up with the announcement of the most beautiful and charming students.

"the final price goes to the most handsome and most beautiful students of the year, everyone is beautiful, handsome, attractive, and charming but that isn't judged by looks only, these people got qualified by the attributes they possess and I would say, they should keep it up. Collins Gaius and Vanessa Carson", he announced.

The students scream, shout, and give out thunderous claps. The people also complimented their looks, especially Collins, some people wouldn't stop tripping. He deserved the reward, he's truly fucking handsome. Same for Vanessa who wouldn't stop getting winks from the guys. She is very attractive and gorgeous. Being beautiful can not be left out. That day was one of the most memorable in school throughout the term.

The people are beginning to head home while some are going to the after-party. Collins and Vanessa were busy staining each other with ice cream while they laughed merrily. Alice was waiting for Lyndia who went to get her backpack. Her eyes were fixed on the two lovers who laughed and giggled together like they have nothing to fear in the whole world. But those eyes were filled with sadness.

"mum?, why are you looking at them like that?", Lyndia queried. She has gotten there a few seconds earlier and noticed her expression as she watched Collins and Vanessa tag around.

Alice sighed feeling so sorry,

"mum? is there anything wrong?", she asked again,

"their love",

"what's wrong with it?",

"it is forbidden Lyndia",

"What did you mean by that?",

"This is forbidden as it is prophecied that...",

"that what mum?", she cut her short impatiently as she felt annoyed as whatever reason could it be for their love to be forbidden, not like they're relatives, " they love each other so much and I am beginning to wish for this type of attention and love",

"you better don't<>cause they can't be together",

"What? how can you say that",

"you can't understand, maybe not now", she said and headed towards the car. Lyndia looks at the couples, their cuteness nearly made her blush. She looked at her mum and hissed,

' mum is saying nonsense '. she thought to herself.