

How does it feel to be pushed into a pile of zombies by the closest and most trusted person? The reborn Hua Mi said: The first priority of survival in the last days is to have enough supplies, stay away from the crowd and that white lotus, and survive until the end. Rolling up your sleeves and preparing for a big fight, suddenly activate the supermarket space and cashier system? ! Tsk, what more struggle is there in life, you can win until the end by lying down! But looking down at her growing belly, Hua Mi held milk powder in her left hand and a machete in her right. Where did this baby come from? ! The plan was a bit different, the first priority of survival was the smooth birth of the cub, and being vigilant against the man who stared at her stomach all day long. Man: Wife, why do I feel that you have been eating more and more fat recently? Looks like she's pregnant. Huami: Not like...

winter_yanyan · แฟนตาซี
57 Chs



  She don't know how long she have been sleeping like this. Not long after, someone approached Huami, saying that it was introduced by Chi Chuan.

  His batch of solar panels was in Xiangcheng, and he had dragged them out of the ruins.

  Hua Mi paused, paid the bill quickly, and asked someone to move all the solar panels into the underground garage next to the supermarket.

  By the way, she moved the 200,000 bottles of mineral water that Chi Chuan ordered out of the garage, and transported them to the next city for Chi Chuan.

  A friend of Chi Chuan's friend called a group of workers to help move the goods. They seem to have formed a team, a professional team specializing in buying and selling.

  So it was very fast to move the goods. Soon the solar panels were put in place, and 200,000 bottles of mineral water were also transported out of the ruins.

  As soon as Chichuan's friend's friend's friend left, Huami got into the dark underground garage and put all the solar panels into her own level 6 storage.

  [Acquire solar panels X5000]

  [Unlock storage level 7 (space 7X1)]

  Hua Mi is happy to see that her storage, whether it is her materials or other people's materials, as long as Hua Mi stores materials in it, it is considered hoarding goods.

  As long as the stock is sufficient, the storage will be upgraded.

  The warehouse has been upgraded, so let's upgrade the factory too.

  Huami directly spent 70,000 turnover to upgrade the factory to level 7.

  [Level 7 factory: mineral water bottle (specification 550ML), mineral water bottle (specification 1.5L), mineral water bottle (specification 10L), mineral water (specification 350ML), mineral water (specification 550ML), mineral water (specification 1.5L), waterproof Oilcloth (specification 2X1.5M), limited production: self-priming filter anti-particulate respirator (specification: children) X60000, self-priming filter anti-particulate respirator (specification: adult) X50000, ethanol X40000, painkiller X30000, sterile Gauze X20000, hemostatic gel X10000]

  Looking at this level 7 factory, there is a row of densely produced things.

  Hua Mi couldn't understand, that is, the limited production of respirators, ethanol, painkillers, sterile gauze, hemostatic gel. She understands all these, medical needs.

  What the hell is this tarpaulin that can be produced infinitely?

  Hua Mi thought about it for a while, and suddenly realized that it is useful, she produces, can cover the supplies on the garrisoned open ground.

  In this way, she entered the open space guarded by the garrison, and secretly put the diesel barrels in the tarpaulin into the level 7 storage, so that others could not see it.

  Hey hey.

  Huami immediately ordered mineral water of various specifications X100000, tarpaulin (specification 2X1.5M) x10000, self-priming filter anti-particulate respirator (specification: children) X60000, self-priming filter anti-particulate respirator (specification: adult) X50000 , ethanol X40000, painkiller X30000, sterile gauze X20000, hemostatic gel X10000.

  After clicking these, there is no doubt that the energy bar of the level 7 factory will bottom out.

  But it doesn't matter, Huami has diesel, let the generator set run slowly to charge the [Doomsday Supermarket].

  Holding an umbrella, she first went to look at the 10 square meters of flat ground that Huo Jing had reorganized.

  The 3 square meters of black land was placed on this flat land by Hua Mi, and then, what to plant?

  For the time being, we have rice and vegetables, so Huami decides to grow fruits.

  The seeds of the fruit were bought on the first day she was born again, and she bought a lot of each.

  Huami looked at the land, and took out a few seedlings of small frail orange trees.

  She didn't know if she could support it. She didn't care about that much, and randomly inserted the orange tree seedlings in her hand into one of the square-sized black soils.

  Then she walked to the second piece of black land, and she decided to plant apples, and she bought a lot of apple saplings.

  On the third piece of black land, Hua Mi decided to plant pomelo.

  These three are the fruits of the season, so it is not possible to plant them in the wrong season and cause them to fail.

  Hua Mi thought wildly, she actually lacked knowledge about planting, because in her previous life she was able to give birth to plants, so she could ignore all factors of plant growth, and just use supernatural powers to make plants grow.

  In this life, she planted carelessly, and didn't expect too much. Anyway, this first batch of seeds was just an experiment.

  The agricultural trade giant also sent 1,000 bags of various grain seeds to the garrison air defense area. Huami has sufficient seed reserves.

  She thought about planting it first.

  After finishing all this, Hua Mi held an umbrella and teleported back to the basement of the RV in the relief center, ready to see Cao Feng and Tang You.

  The ground was covered with cement, and Hua Mi had put on a raincoat beforehand, so when she crawled out from under the wet RV, she was not so embarrassed.

  But when she climbed out, she saw that the guards standing near her caravan were soaked through, but still stood motionless.

  Like a flag in the rain.

  And the people who set up stalls around them are obviously much less.

  After all, on cloudy and rainy days, many people do not have professional awnings and awning equipment. If the weather is such that they will catch a cold.

  So many people ran back to the tents of the relief center, and some people went back to their houses tremblingly for the time being because the house they lived in was still good.

  Hua Mi held up an umbrella and walked in front of a garrison in a raincoat.

  "Sister Hua."

  The garrison was a little surprised, in fact, he never saw Hua Mi get under the car at all.

  It's a crime, his scouting ability has regressed, so don't let others know.

  He secretly decided that he must silently improve his reconnaissance ability.

  Those who thought the same as him, as well as several surrounding garrisons, felt that their scouting ability had regressed, but they couldn't say it out. They also secretly decided that they must catch up.

  "Your garrison headquarters didn't arrange raincoats for you?"

  Hua Mi is holding an umbrella, frowning and looking at the brim of the garrison hat in front of him, dripping water.

  Although it was said to be drizzling, it couldn't stop the rain from falling.

  The young garrison in front of him looked upright, "It rained suddenly, and the garrison headquarters was still urgently dispatching relief supplies, and they were busy here." "


  Hua Mi sighed, what a crime.

  She took out a pack of men's raincoats from the shoulder bag on her side, "Here, thank you for guarding the booth for me, and I will give it to you to wear."

The young garrison quickly refused, "No, no, sister Hua, you have helped us s lot of busy work, and you have been helping to take care of Cao Feng and Tang You, we should help you look at the stall."

The rescue team is a branch of the garrison, and Cao Feng and Tang You have also been in the garrison for several years, and they followed Gong Yi to rescue Team.

  When he came back, Gong Yi would at least be able to go to the garrison headquarters in Xiangcheng, and Cao Feng and Tang You would definitely be promoted accordingly.

  So Cao Feng and Tang You are the garrison's own people.

  Hua Mi has been helping to take care of Cao Feng and Tang You, not only the rescue team is grateful, but even the garrison is very grateful to Hua Mi.

  So what's the point of helping Sister Hua look at a stall, it's something within their ability.