
Don't Stop me

manishajha10 · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

Such a tease

"Lisa! where were you?" - Sonia asked in anger.

"Sorry Sonia, actually my alarm.." - I couldn't complete because Eli interrupt us.

"Guys, just stop talking, let's go in class" - Eli interrupt me and we almost ran to our class.

On our way to stairs, because of my heel I almost trapped and I closed my eyes and hold Eli's hand but when I opened my eyes I saw noone around me except that guy. He was again looking at me and I got nervous because he was too close to me still looking at my eyes. I also cannot stop myself from staring at him. My heart was thumping so fast that I think he might have heard my heatbeat. I got nervous and lowered my eyes. Then he got more closer and his hands took their way to my chin and he made me look at him. During this time, I was still holding his hands and he tighten my palm into his.

Then his hands made their way to my cheeks and he caressed. That time I suddenly realised that's wrong and I step back and I ran away. I was already shaking whenever I remember those moments.

"Aaahhhh!!!! Lisa, what stupid things, you are thinking,stop it." Then I went back to my class where Sonia and Eli saw my expression and asked my whereabouts. I made them relaxed and didn't told anything about that guy.

I went home after college, just trying to remember the moment. I don't know but I cannot forget those moments. Actually I just want to meet him again but maybe he don't think the way I am thinking, he never tried to talk with me. (Looking at mirror) Am I not beautiful enough to attract any guy? I am better than him, I can get any guy whoever I want.

Lisa ( to herself), you thinking about guys, you really need doctor. what stupid things, I am thinking about any random guy.