
Don't Simp!

A bastard’s soul suddenly finds himself in the body of a simp inheriting the said simp’s psychological tendency of simpness. “What the fu~~” There should not be any problem as he is just an extra to the story anyway. If that is the case, then it is quite simple— he just has to live as an extra for the rest of his life with humility. “Hey, hey~! What do you mean that I should kiss a girl every 24 hours or else, I will die!?” However, it is not really just a simp-ple matter… anymore… In a world of a female-dominated reversed harem novel, the 'extra', Hans, has to find a way to survive in this miserable world of potent lenses of simpness. Under the lenses of a simp’s eyes, how can Hans survive in this new world? How does he survive against the currents of the world with a strange fate hovering over his head? ... Updates are every 7:00 am consistent with GMT +8 #No Smut

Alfir · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Dear Tammy

"Yo~ beautiful," Hans tries flirting with the angel he conjures but he gets nothing… "Hooo~ I don't know why but I feel dejected and relieved at the same time."

In his musings, someone suddenly arrives where he stands. A woman standing over six feet tall, glass figure, and a bountiful chest. Truly a woman of fine beauty, but Hans disregards all that and only dedicates himself to his 'ambition' of ordinary life.

"Who!? What is a rat doing here?" She shouts to the angel remaining ignorant of Hans's overly OP stealth magic.

It seems conducive for one to achieve ordinariness through slaughter, for it is simple, straightforward forward, and effective. Pacifists say 'Violence is not the Answer', however, Hans believes the opposite.

Violence is the answer.

The irony to this is the name of the novel this world is based on is Love and Magic.

From his mana heart that keeps on pouring magic power to the angel, Hans uses the Transmutation Theory to 'change' the nature of the magic he casts. The angel sheds its pristine white feathers, turning it blacker than black—an abominable creature of magic takes form and attacks the new arrival.

Black wings, chocolate skin, and brown hair. The fallen angel wields a corrupted sword to slice down her enemy. The new arrival having the impression of fighting a holy being is in the midst of channeling a barrier magic of similar nature, this the angel's sudden transformation disrupts her rhythm a great deal.

"I might have talent with this…" Hans snarkily comments as he undoes, reverses, and amplifies the opposite effect of his 'I Am Not Here' spell, and instead, it has become an 'I am Here Spell'.

The woman feeling her senses warning her cannot help but glance at the sudden appearance of a new enemy. She totally loses control of her magic which is again midway through changing its nature from a holy element to either dark or gray.

Piercing her is the corrupted sword of the Fallen Angel.

"Who are you?" She asks with terrible fear.

Hans is not someone to banter lest something 'unlikely' occurs for the sake of moving the plot Hans will not let fate screw over him. He is the master of his own choices or so he likes to believe.


Enforcing his verbal command with his tongue Geass, Hans imbues the attribute of death from the tip of his wand. With a soft tender cry, Hans utters the magic spell's name word by word to maximize its full effect. "Bang!" A rather simplistic name for a magic spell, and fueling the 'thought' behind the magic is Hans's impression of guns.

The woman who should be the branch manager behind the Dara Ramen Shop struggles with futility. The magic 'bullet' pierces through the thick warding barrier of incredible magic and squarely lands on the woman's head. It is a total slaughter.

As a bonafide 5th circle mage, it is the height of comedy that she will fall into the hands of a temporary 5th circle. Hans doesn't find it funny though, as getting his hands bloody feels mighty unpleasant.

"No time to dwell on this, I have to move on."

Hans ransacks the place. As it is a factory for Love Potions, there should be a magic bag around, and it didn't disappoint him. Hans fills up the magic bag, seemingly ordinary luggage where the items he places in it shrink manifolds. Getting all of the valuables in the secret base of the Dara Ramen Shop, Hans makes sure to prepare himself for his 'planned' future.

To a plan that is not yet certain, Hans can only prepare his mind. There is nothing wrong with that. Moreso, to feel shame. For Hans, this is right, and thus, he needs no excuses and self-rationalization.

He might be sick in the head for all he knows, but in the end, he knows. That is what matters. He knows he is real, and thus he must live. And for as long as he is alive, he must choose the way how to live. Another random thought comes to his mind, how life and love only have a single letter that differentiates them.

Hans loves himself not in a twisted egotistic narcissistic sense, but he has self-respect and ambitions. Things to accomplish, goals, and a life he wishes to pursue. Nothing will stand in his way.

Bringing forth a calamity of fire, with the cry of his mana, he burns the Dara Ramen Shop with magic leaving nothing behind but a fake corpse born out of his artifice.

With no time to lose, Hans proceeds to return to his apartment under the 'I Am Not Here' spell. He observes Tammy and Mira conversing. He only hears a few words, and so on more useless things all thanks to the heavy rainfall upon them.

Hans counts in his mind how many more minutes he has at least in estimate— five minutes, maybe more or less.

"Don't worry, I have a plan…" Tammy assures Mira as she places her hand over her shoulder. Hans watches Tammy console Mira with a passive expression.

As Tammy leaves, Hans follows in pursuit with tact. Tammy is clearly unaware of him. Finally, the two of them reach a familiar place, it is the same abandoned complex where Hans and Mira initially find themselves after the mirror realm breaks off from the catastrophic exchange of magic.

Tammy draws her phone from her pocket and starts dialing numbers. "Hello. We need to meet. I am in the same old place. You can come now." She addresses the phone with impatience.

"Sorry, but you are out of service." Hans mutter, revealing himself.

Tammy retreats in shock. As a 5th circle who is already on the cusp of the 6th circle, it comes a great surprise to her that someone is able to sneak on her. "How? I thought you were dead… you suicidal monster! Wa the mages from Benevolence only amounts to this?" She complains.

Hans is quiet abiding by his time.

"Tsk," Tammy snaps her wrist summoning a wand of her own hiding from her sleeves. "I wanted you to die, but for you to voluntarily head to the Dara Ramen Shop is beyond my expectations. I thought with the fire that big, they would have surely killed you." She says under a mistaken impression.

The fact she doesn't know Hans is the cause of those flames is a boon for him. From how Tammy speaks, Hans can safely deduce that he is being monitored from the very beginning since he returns home. It cannot be after the mirror realm broke in that incident.

Tammy snaps her wrist, summoning her magic power on her wand, but nothing happens.

"Let's see, I only have less than four minutes to deal with you…" Hans whispers.

Tammy studies the place around her and she realizes… "I am in the Mirror Realm…" She fearfully says and comes with the anxiety, fear, and mind-numbing horrors of what Hans can possibly do. "You are hiding your abilities? Are you a direct knight of that bitch? No, you should be Mira's knight!"

And again another misunderstanding. Not like Hans need to care as she will be dead anyway.

The Mirror Realm is a world where mages can go wild and throw their magic all they want, however, it has one flaw. Any illusion magic of any sort cannot maintain its existence in this realm. In a mirror where only the truth is reflected, it is impossible for Tammy to survive. Hans knows Tammy's mastery over illusion magic, so Hans shamelessly calls forth the Mirror Realm, an extraordinary feat considering he is not even an archmage.

"How!? How did you do it?" Tammy hysterically asks aware that only archmages can go back and forth from the strict Mirror Realm. Among the different dimensions outside of the mortal plane, the easiest to summon is definitely the mirror realm.

To Mira's question, Hans eerily smiles sarcastically telling himself how convenient it is to have double Geass. His right eye of a reversed crown glows mysteriously with dread. "Oh my~ my, my, my dear Tammy…"