
Chapter 9 Andrew


My pride is stronger than my feelings, so don't try to play me


“I AM YOUR ALPHA! I tried being nice to you, but you're clearly a disrespectful person. Don't you dare disrespect me! SUBMIT NOW”

He shouted out of nowhere

Wow, the rumours are true he does have a short temper

I look at him in disbelief, he doesn't know who I am. I am more than he can ever be

Ava is angry and so am I removed myself from his grip with a scoff

I tried to calm myself down because if I shouted back it will just be two people shouting at each other. We don't want that, do we?

I put my calm face on but just for you to know, I am raging inside

“Alpha Lucas, foremost you are a new alpha-like you literally just got your title…so I consider the way you shouted at me a mistake

I forgive you for your mistake… second of all you don't know who I am. I am stronger, smarter, faster, fiercer, and I might just be a head warrior, but I mean more to the world than you. Third of all, I don't submit to anyone, especially you” I said as calmly as I can,

He listened, but he is clearly pissed

“You might be the special person who beat the Rouge king but-”

I cut him off with a slap

I know too over-the-top right, but he just undermined my accomplishment and when people do that they deserve a slap

He completely deserves it

He was about to speak, but I cut him off

“You know what? People like you deserve people like me to kill them but nah I'm not going to do that because if I kill you, I'm killing myself I don't have a problem with dying because I'll be saving the world and someone has to be sacrificed for that, but I'm not going to do it for my family.

They'll miss me too much”

I walked away, leaving him in shock.

I wonder why he's in shock. Maybe because no one else has the guts to put him in his place

I'm sure he was pampered growing up

They surely gave him everything he wanted, but I'm not going to do that

I walked away from him,

I walked away from drama

I walked away from my mate

That last sentence made my wolf a bit sad, but it got me laughing- I think I'm always going to be the one walking away

I snapped out of my trance when I felt him following me silently.

I passed people who greeted me as Luna

Can you imagine me- Luna, eh never, unless that pack wants to burn down

I can help them with that

I let Lucas follow me in silence

I walked into the hall again to find my family looking or acting worried

We are not the type of people who show our weakness, but I can see they are worried

They are pretty good at hiding it, but I can see it

Kaden is tapping his hands on the table- it's a sign of worry

Leo is standing with his hands crossed and tapping his foot- a sign of worry because Leo is never impatient

Victoria is biting her nails, but she loves her nails, so a sign of worry

Alpha Tom is leaning against the wall, and he never leaves on anything unless he's worried

Finally, my dad

he's pacing around and my dad only paces in a state of worry?

If it was any other person who saw them, they would have thought they were enjoying the party but no

To me, they look worried

The hall is getting less crowded, people are leaving

I walked over to my stress to family

And Lucas is hot on my tail

They didn't even sense me because they were too worried

“Guys, let's leave”

I snapped them out of their state

Their eyes raked over me to check if I was okay

“Guys, I'm ok so relax”

“We are relaxed. What made you think we are tensed?” alpha Tom asked

“The fact that you are leaning against the wall proves it all and the fact Lucas is right behind me and none of you noticed is really disturbing me”

Alpha Tom immediately stood up straight, the others looked behind me and growled

“Kaden, Leo take Dad, Victoria and Alpha home” I ordered

“Quid de te” Kaden asked in Latin

[What about you?]

“Ego eiciam cum cursoriam” I said in Latin

[I will ride with my bike]

“bene” He said he's not yet satisfied with my answer


Kaden hugged me and Lucas growled

We all ignored him

Leo hugged me, and he growled again

We tried not to growl back at Lucas this time

Victoria hugged me then Dad hugged me and Lucas growled earning a death glare from my dad

Alpha Tom gave Lucas a death glare that said (if you growl one more time, I'm punching you)

Alpha Tom hugs me and Lucas was silent not wanting Alpha Tom to punch him

They said their goodbyes and left

I turned around to leave, but Lucas grabbed my arm

“Who are those men to you?” he questioned

“I don't answer to you, Lucas” I stated as trying to keep myself calm

I muttered fool in Latin

“Asinus” [Fool]

“Yes you do” he opened his nasty mouth again

I bet you wouldn't think it's nasty if he kissed you Ava said

I ignored her, she's talking nonsense

“I don't answer to you or anybody else so Let. Me. Go.”

I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he tightened it

“I will ask you one more time, Who are those people to you?”

I have to tell him, so he can leave me alone

“Kaden is my brother, Beta Jay is my father, Victoria is my younger sister, Leo is Victoria's mate making him my brother-in-law and alpha Tom is Leo's father making him my uncle. Now let go of me”

He relaxed and let go of my arm

I walked away, I'm livid

He didn't try to stop me and I don't think I looked back


I was walking, I didn't know where I was going, but I just felt lost …not physically, but mentally

Why would the moon goddess do such to me?

I brushed off the question because I smelt an awful smell

I'm in the forest

Open for attack

I could die alone and sad…my foot

I continued walking

Hopefully, I will make it to my pack's territory soon

The awful smell hit me again


Fucking Rouges

They are here to attack me

And I'm wearing a dress and damned heels

But I can compromise

I remove my heels making me temporarily barefoot

I tossed them aside-hoping to find them later because those heels was so expensive…

I might be rich, but I'm spending money like I'm Bill gate

I ripped my dress enough to make it short

Then bam

Out of nowhere, I received a kick in my ribs

There are only five of them here

okay, I will survive

I took out a blade that was in my purse.

Don't blame me every time I go out my second sense tells me to take a weapon

I used it to slit the rouges who kick me in the ribs.

This is not the ordinary blade

It wouldn't have killed the rouge if it was… It is a blade made from silver, which is dangerously harmful for werewolves… To add it on top it's coated with wolfs bane

This weapon is lethal

It instantly kills werewolves


Let's just said and it's so bloody

It got nasty

I got a few cuts, but I'll survive the question is: Why would rouges attack me?

Didn't I save them from their previous horrible King

Well, it's time to find out

Time to visit an old friend
