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SD_SR · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
154 Chs

Chapter 17: Driftmark

Chapter Text

Aerion Targaryen


The hour had grown late as Aerion touched down onto Driftmark's sandy beaches with Gaelithox, you could see High Tide in the distance, and he watched as Daemon shortly followed upon Caraxes, smiling at the bloodwyrm.

High Tide had been built from the same pale stone that looked all too familiar at the Eyrie, its slender towers were crowned with roofs of beaten silver which shone against the sun at sunrise.

The causeway, a long natural bridge between Driftmark and the small island that High Tide was built upon, was covered with the waters from the Gullet.

Daemon dropped down from Caraxes and walked over towards Aerion, who was gently stroking Gaelithox's fine blackened scales.

"We will journey to High Tide on the morrow, for now, let us make our way to Hull and find a nice establishment to share a drink." Daemon said, removing the gloves from his hands and placing them upon his belt.

"I may as well make this my tour of the realm, father." Aerion jokes "For it appears I am often taken to places that I otherwise have no interest in going."

"I thought you may wish to spend time together, no?" Daemon smirked, "We will be here for two days at most."

"Your idea of spending time together is no doubt getting drunk until we can no longer walk." he chuckled.

"Is there no better way to spend a night?" Daemon asked, almost seriously, before glancing at him from head-to-toe "You could have looked more presentable, you look worse than I do after a drunken night."

"Well I most certainly would have dressed more elegantly - had I known I would be coming here, but alas, you did not utter a word to me."

"And why must you insist on carrying around those furs." Daemon asked, snatching them from him and revealing the blade "Strap it to your belt or throw it in to the sea." he insisted, pressing it against Aerion's chest "You choose."

"I already told you I am not ready to wield such a blade." Aerion gripped it tightly.

"Nonsense." Daemon scoffed "You are a Targaryen and a Dragonrider, you are more than worthy to wield a piece of our ancestry."

Fine." Aerion said, throwing the furs onto the ground, clipping the sword onto the right side of his belt "Happy?"

"Very much." Daemon replied.

"Have you been to this place before? What did you call it…Hull?" he asked as they walked along the beach away from their dragons.

"Once or twice before the war in the stepstones, there is nothing special about it - but they do provide a good ale." he chuckled.

Daemon strutted ahead of him as Aerion paused, looking back to Gaelithox, who made a loud screech as he snapped his teeth at Caraxes, before lying down and resting his eyes.

"We came by dragon.." Aerion asked, catching up to Daemon "Why must you insist we wait for the tide to lower, we can land outside the gates."

"Why?" he exclaimed "So that I may spend more time with my son, the fiercest dragonrider in Westeros." He was exaggerating, though it was a nice thing to hear from his father.

They eventually made their way into Hull, trade had turned it from three modest fishing villages into a growing city, it was here you could find men and women from across the lands of Essos or even the Summer Isles.

There was a tavern near to the port, and they soon found themselves making their way in, it was there where many seafarers were drinking, each of them singing their sea shanties in unison with women on their laps.

It was not long till Aerion's eyes gazed downwards at a passing wench, and gave her a small smirk as she looked back at him.

The women in the establishment were exotic, some of the finest creatures a man could ever lay their eyes upon, and second only to the women of Old Valyria.

Daemon and Aerion both set themselves down at a table in the corner, and Daemon gestured for one of the wenches to bring over some ale and then there was a moment of silence between the two of them.

"Why are we here, father?" Aerion broke the silence, tapping his fingers on the wood.

"To have a drink."

"Not in this tavern." he rolled his eyes "Why are we here on Driftmark? What is you seek within the walls of High Tide?"

"Lord Corlys extended an invitation to dine with him and his family on the morrow." Daemon revealed "I am sure he will not mind me bringing a guest."

"To what end? Do I need to hear you reminisce about your little war in the stepstones?" Aerion bit "Why did you bend the knee, might I ask? You could have been king."

"It was dreadfully dull." Daemon replied with a smirk "I grew bored of ruling such an inhospitable place, the sea snake got his shipping lanes back, and that makes him forever in my debt..I intend to collect."

"And how do you intend on doing that?" Aerion replied "Were you hoping he would gift you with some of his treasures?"

"Look over there." Daemon pointed towards a group of men opposite them.

"What am I looking at?" Aerion turned in that direction, there was one man that stood out amongst the many, wearing an orange silk tunic, with rings on his fingers, and looked as if he was foreign to the land.

"That man right there is the son of the recently deceased sealord of Braavos." Daemon explained "He has since lost all of his fortune and is now drinking and whoring with the sea snakes gold."

"And why does that concern you exactly?"

"Well you see, that man right there is still betrothed to his daughter, Laena Velaryon, a fine beauty if I must say so." Aerion rolled his eyes as his father continued "I am going to kill him, and then ask for her hand in marriage."

"I will not be a pawn in your games, father." Aerion went to rise from his chair, though Daemon gripped him by the hand.

"I am not going to kill him just yet." he answered "I must challenge him to a duel, which I will do at the meal with the Velaryons."

"Why wait?" Aerion questioned "I did not know you were accustomed to patience, father, go over there and slit the man's throat." he seated himself back down, taking a swig of his ale.

"For if I do dishonourably kill him, that will only mean there will be a reason not to give me what I want" Daemon explained "A clear bout will ensure Corlys has no option but to accept my proposal."

They drank to their hearts content throughout the night, and Daemon explained more of his plan on how to deal with his new enemy.

"A beautiful young Valyrian bride.." Aerion scoffed "suppose you had to get something out of my mother's passing."

"Aye, much like your own, hm?" Daemon was quick to add.

"What are you talking about?" Aerion said, his eyes focused on the other patrons of this fine establishment, slowly bringing his mug up to his lips, taking another sip.

Daemon leaned in, his voice softened so none around could hear his whispers "The princess wrapped around your cock." he smirked, pulling himself back.

"You do not know what you speak of, father.." Aerion shoved his words off, refusing to retain eye contact with him.

"Do I not? You two must not have been careful enough then, for there are already rumours spreading in the Red Keep." Daemon said "I am not judging you, I for one would understand your draw to the princess."

"Who is spreading this gossip?" Aerion asked "tell me their names at once and I will burn them alive for even speaking of me."

The prince's face fell at the news that rumours had been spread already, if taken seriously by the king or his close advisors, it could mean his head mounted on the outside walls of Maegor's holdfast, or gods forbid they send him up to the wall.

His worry could be seen clearly on his face, enough for Daemon to notice "Calm yourself, I wouldn't tell a soul." he smirked.

"You clearly want her for yourself, father." he said, tapping his finger against the wood once more "Is that not why you brought her down to a filth-ridden brothel?"

"I'd been married to your mother for what felt like an eternity." Daemon replied "Why marry a Westerosi  when I can marry a Valyrian? Had the king annulled my marriage, it would have been Rhaenyra I would have sought to wed, for she should have been promised to me."

"Well you are too late, father, she is mine.." he clenched his fist as it laid on the table "And should you try anything like you have done again, it is not the king you will need to worry about, I'll kill you myself."

"In the end, will she truly be either of ours?" Daemon pointed out "She is married to Laenor, and in truth, whether you are the father or not, those children will be raised by someone that is not you."

Despite their agreements, Aerion still had his doubts about their arrangements, what was the point of a marriage if he had to hide his feelings towards Rhaenyra, or even their future child.

Aerion took another sip of his ale, rising from the table "I need some fresh air.." he said, taking one look towards the former sea lord's son, drunken and falling over, before leaving the establishment, and pressing his back against the building, taking a deep breath.

He emptied the remaining contents of his mug onto the ground, slightly stumbling.

Shortly after he had left the establishment, a young woman also came out "Pig!" she yelled out into the building, a goblet of wine in her hand, and  moving to stand beside Aerion.

"Tough night?" he smiled, kicking his foot into the dirt.

"Not as bad as others." she replied, glancing back at him, her eyes were an oceanic blue, with her blonde curls draping over her shoulders. "What about you?"

"Could be better.." he mumbled

"Want to talk about it?" she asked, extending the goblet of wine towards him, to which he accepted and downed the remaining contents.

"Why would I want to talk about it with you?" he snapped at her, dropping the goblet on the floor. "You could never understand my situation." 

"I may yet surprise you." she said "So what is your story then? What brings you to Hull? You do not look like one that comes here by choice."

"I was brought here by my father." Aerion said, his eyes gazing around the immediate area, nudging his head towards the door of the establishment "He is in there, likely with a woman around his cock, getting ridiculously drunk."

"And you wouldn't be one of those men, hm?"

"My eyes are already set upon a woman." he smiled at the thought, until further thinking on his situation just made him mad, it should be him that should be able to show his love for the princess for all to see, instead they must hide.

"Men's eyes always gaze towards more than one." she smirked

"How would you know? Surely most men a common whore has slept with focus solely on them in the moment." he chuckled "I am a Prince and a Lord, do not claim to know where my gaze lies."

"I will take that as a compliment" she replied, chuckling along with him "It tends to pay quite well given the right client." she eyed his figure "So you are a Prince? It was one of my guesses, the other was a bastard."

"And I suppose my title intrigues you, hm?" he questioned "Do you hope to have me be one of your next 'clients' then?"

"I would not say that, my prince, many women would happily go to bed with you free of charge." she smirked "I will take your mind off your problems.."

"Is that so?" Aerion responded.

She placed a hand gently upon his stomach, trailing her hand up along the fabric of his riding clothes, removing the space between them.

"What are you doing?" he whispered, biting his lip as he fought the urge to react, his breathing becoming more heavy with each breath. 

The woman did not respond, and her lips fell upon his, he did not feel any satisfaction to it as he did with the Princess, however he went along with it, hungrily moving in and pressing her against the wall.

He cupped her cheek, moving to kiss her neck as if something had just taken over him, all he could think about in that moment was Rhaenyra, and how in his mind, this woman was her.

Closing his eyes, all he could envision was the princess's braided silver hair, and her violet eyes to match.


His vision darkened and he could not remember much more from that night, awakening on a bed that was not his own, wondering where he managed to end up.

"I will want some stags for your stay." a woman's voice called to him as he rose up, sitting on the edge, running his fingers through his eyes.

"What?" Aerion replied as the woman brought over a mug with unknown contents 

"You drank quite a bit last night, this will ease the fog." he remembered her from last night, widening his eyes once he realised it was her room he was in.

"Shit.." he took the mug from her "Please tell me you just brought me up here to sleep.." he asked, taking a sip from the mug, and then immediately spitting it on the floor, extending it back to her, shaking his head.

"Oh no..I must say you know how to please a woman, my prince." she smirked, throwing his shirt over to him "You can leave now, your father may be searching for you."

Aerion had got dressed and left in haste, not before leaving a few stags for the night, and shaking his head in shame as he feels the consequences from the night before.

He left the Inn and the first face he saw was that of Daemon, chuckling at him, and clapping his hands.

"There you are." he said "I've been waiting for you, hurry up next time from whatever bed you ended up in, we are late."

"And where did you end up, father?" Aerion asked.

"In the bed of a beautiful woman." he smirked "Now let us head out…No doubt Lord Corlys is wondering why we are yet to arrive."

The journey to High Tide was a quiet one, once  they reached the gate, a great large banner flew overhead, a silver seahorse on a sea green field, the coat of arms of House Velaryon.

Much like the Targaryens, their origins reach back to the days of Old Valyria, though they wouldn't exactly be considered equals, for they were no dragonlords.

The gate was opened wide by two of their household guards, they were cladded in shining bright steel armour where one could see their own reflection, and sea-green cloaks draped over their shoulders.

Daemon and Aerion walked into the courtyard which gave you a clear overlook of the seas of the Gullet, and the Velaryon ships that had been docked at the nearest village of Hull.

"Try not to cause trouble."

Aerion raised an eyebrow as Daemon spoke, on the verge of laughter that such a sentence came from him.

"You heard me correctly, there will be no trouble, it may seem like a strange request coming from me."

"You are right, father, it is an absurd ask coming from you, considering you are the one who causes trouble for the family." Aerion smirked.

Daemon left his presence, a final scoff on his face before he walked up to High Tide, and entered the castle.

Aerion brushed his foot into the dirt of the courtyard, looking to the ground, though his head soon twitched upwards at the voice coming from beside him.

"Cousin!" they shouted, and Aerion turned his head to the sound and was surprised it was Laenor of all people, believing him to be in King's Landing, and following behind him was the one-eyed Joffery Lonmouth.

Before Aerion could even utter a word, Laenor had brought him into a long embrace and he awkwardly patted the Velaryon on the back.

"There you go." Aerion said, gently pushing Laenor off from him, which made him feel less than comfortable. "It is good to see you again, Laenor." then tilting his head towards Joffrey "And it is a great sight to see you able and healthy, Ser Joffrey."

"No amount of thanks will ever be enough for how you saved me, Aerion." Joffrey said "I fear I may not have lived were it not for your intervention."

"There is no need for thanks."

"Nevertheless, I am forever in your debt, and shall you ever need a blade by your side, I will be there for you." he bowed his head.

"I will certainly keep that in mind, Joffrey." he replied, returning his gaze back towards Laenor "Where is Rhaenyra? I had not seen Syrax when I landed, or even Seasmoke."

"I had travelled by sea with Joffrey." Laenor explained "But enough of that, you managed to claim the Cannibal?" he continued, with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"I did, it is a great feat that one shall never forget." Aerion smiled.

"I have never before set eyes on the great dragon, they say it has spent all its years hidden in its lair within the Dragonmont." 

"Well, were that true, I would not have claimed him in the Vale." Aerion chuckled.

"Have you been to its lair? I heard that the bones of all those who dared attempt to claim it are scattered across the ground, you must tell me the tale of its claim."

"It is not as exciting as one should make it out to me, cousin, I assure you." he clapped his hands "However, perhaps I will share how I did over some wine."

"On this we can agree, let us drink to your achievements." Laenor smirked, leading them all towards the castle "My mother and sister should be returning from their flight soon, no doubt Laena will have questions."

"You never answered me, Laenor." he paused, folding his arms "Is Rhaenyra here? I would have thought you would remain together."

"She did not wish to come, saying her place was in Kings Landing where she is to continue to serve on the small council and learn how to rule the kingdoms she will one day be queen of, I am only here to tell my father of the news."

"What news?" Aerion responded, and Laenor shared a long look with Joffrey before turning back to him.

"Did you not receive the letter she had sent?" Laenor asked "Rhaenyra is with child." he smiled.

"Truly?" A brush of warmth rushed up his spine as he heard the news, letting out a warm chuckle. "This is cause for celebration then, let us all drink for a future king." he patted Laenor on the shoulder, entering High Tide.

There was a sense of guilt as well at the news of her being with child, he had just been unfaithful and slept with a random woman he met on the same night, not that he could remember it.

The halls of High Tide were unlike what Aerion had seen before, filled with the treasures from all across the known world that the sea snake, Corlys Velaryon, had gathered on his legendary nine voyages.

These were the same voyages that made it so they were the richest house in the seven kingdoms, he had a book written after him, cementing his legacy, and Aerion would be lying if he said he had not read it.

The walls were decorated with fine art pieces, and Aerion's eyes filled with wonder as they made their way through the halls, finally reaching a chamber that resembled much like a common room.

Bookcases replaced the standard walls and there were couches to sit next to a fireplace, and tables filled with food and drink, the braziers that hung from the ceiling gave the room a specific warmth.

"High Tide amazes me, Laenor, it is just as people say, absolutely breathtaking." he let out a chuckle with a wide grin on his face, planting himself down onto the couch "though not without its' faults, what are its' defensive capabilities?"

Laenor filled three mugs of Summer Wine and brought them over to Aerion, passing a mug over to him "the finest wine you'll ever drink.."

"As for your question, our fleet deters our enemies, no one would dare risk attacking High Tide." he continued, sitting down next to Aerion.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing, they were foolish to think that because they have the largest fleet, it would deter pirates or raiders from attacking Driftmark.

"That is a foolish way of thinking." Aerion scoffed.

"If you think there should be something done about it, then speak with my father."

"Old men do not like it when their decisions are questioned, and considering your fathers' achievements, I would assume his pride makes it so he doesn't listen to reason, so the response will be the same regardless of what I tell him." he took a sip of wine.

"But let us get away from that…how is Rhaenyra?" Aerion asked, licking his lips, Laenor's statement was proving to be right, they indeed had the finest wine he had tasted.

"She is well, though Kings' Landing is getting to her a bit, she and the queen have been at each other's throats." Laenor answered.

"Why does she not take her place at Dragonstone? Would she not be less fearful of the hidden snakes that reside in King's Landing?" Aerion questioned him further "Doesn't make much sense to remain there especially now with her being with child." 

"I spoke to her about it, but the only reply I ever got was 'That bitch would pour her honey in my fathers' ear'." Laenor responded, imitating Rhaenyra, and doing a poor job at it.

"You almost sound as if you both have not been getting along." Aerion added.

"She can be hard to deal with sometimes, but she misses you…and wonders each day when you will be returning to Kings' Landing, what can I tell her?" Laenor responded.

"Tell her I will return when I can, it would raise suspicion with me coming back so soon, especially now that I am the Lord of Runestone, there would need to be a good reason for me to return." he said.

"I will let her know, though she will be disappointed."

"Does anyone suspect anything? Your father perhaps?" 

at that moment Laenor shared a long worried glance with Joffrey 

"Answer me, does anyone suspect that it might not be yours? Or have you both been careful.." he wiggled his finger between the pair.

"My father doesn't suspect a thing, at least it doesn't appear that way."  and then once again, he shared that same glance at Joffrey before turning back to Aerion "My..uhh..my mother on the other hand, she is less than convinced...."

Aerion rose from his seat, taking a long sip from the mug and biting his lip.

"But my mother won't tell anyone…she knows how important this alliance with House Targaryen is, and my father will not allow her to jeopardise that."

"Does she know that it is mine?" he asked.


"Can you ensure she will not utter a word to anyone? Because the last thing that we all need is for -" 

He cut off his sentence as the doors burst open, and through them came Laena and Princess Rhaenys still in their riding leathers, and they were somewhat confused to see Aerion standing at the fireplace.

"Aerion.." Rhaenys said, rather coldly "We did not expect to see you here, did you come with Daemon? I believe I saw Caraxes outside when we landed, though that was overshadowed in our minds by the humongous dragon that lay beside him."

she then elegantly clasped her hands together "I suppose that confirms the rumours we have been hearing, you have claimed the Cannibal."

"Princess Rhaenys.." Aerion bowed his head, then tilted it to Laena "Lady Laena." he walked up to them both, and gently grabbed Laena's hand, lifting it to his lips and putting a warm kiss on her knuckle.

He gazed at Rhaenys "These rumours you speak of are true, House Targaryen has a new dragonrider, I have claimed the Cannibal, though I ask you call it by its new name, Gaelithox."

"Cousin, you must tell us how you came to claim the Can - Gaelithox.." Laena spoke up, and Aerion was fixated on her smile. 

She appeared so kind and full of life, though incredibly fierce also, though how could she not be? Claiming the largest dragon in the world at her young age.

"It is a tale I will love to share with you, Laena." he placed his hand over hers "When I found him, he had been burning my fleet alight, it was then that I had the courage to face him head on, and claim him."

"Though I suppose we bonded because of something deeper within the soul as well." he slid his hand from Laena's, his first thought was that her skin was so soft, though as he looked at her he could feel the daggers coming from Rhaenys at the corner of his eye.

"Is there something you wish to say, Princess Rhaenys?" he asked.

"Laena, sweetie, why don't you go tell the cooks to prepare for two additional guests tonight, hm? We shall show our them a true Velaryon feast." she said, to which Laena accepted and gave Aerion one final smile before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

She stepped over towards the table, pouring herself a goblet of wine, then soon turning back to face them, before intensely looking at the group of them.

"I suppose Laenor has told you the good news?" Rhaenys smiled "The princess Rhaenyra is with child."

"He has, princess." Aerion glanced at Laenor "and I congratulated him on this news."

"Oh I am sure you did." she walked closer to him, a smirk covered her face.

"What is the meaning of this, Princess?" Aerion asked "Sending Laena away, there must have been some other -" he stopped as the wine was thrown in his face.

"What was that for?" he exclaimed, wiping the wine from his lips.


He found himself having to swiftly grip hold of Rhaenys wrist as she went to then strike him around the face "Let us not go doing that, Princess." he said.

"Are you both foolish to think I do not know the true father of this child?" she turned to face Laenor "You may have been able to convince others at court, but never me."

"And how exactly do you reckon that I am the father of Rhaenyra's child, hm?" Aerion asked.

"You do not need to listen to rumours to know you were both awfully close back in King's Landing." Rhaenys explained.

"That proves nothing."

"Do you have any idea of what you have done?" Rhaenys spoke viciously, the so-called 'Queen who never was' had a rage that Aerion never witnessed before.

"I do not know what you have heard, Princess, but I assure you I am not -"

"It is true, mother." Aerion turned his head to Laenor as he spoke, clenching his fists and wanting to punch him.

"Laenor.." Aerion eyed him.

"If she were to find out herself, then we would be in a worse situation, Aerion." Laenor shook his head "Mother, there is truth to your claims, Aerion is the true father."

"Do you understand what would happen should your father or the king find out about this?" Rhaenys questioned "Heads would roll - and not just yours." she said, turning her head to Aerion.

"It was I who has made sure your line remains strong, your husband will have his future king because of me, and spares to follow with the Velaryon name. It does not matter if it isn't Velaryon blood, for we are all Valyrian."

"As a result of this, you have left us vulnerable to attack if anyone was to learn of this secret." she turned to Laenor "And you are foolish to even go along with this plan, have we taught you nothing?" to which Laenor just remained silent.

"Well then, you best keep your mouth shut then, hm?" he looked around at Joffrey, Laenor and Rhaenys "In the eyes of the masses, Laenor will be the father, "

"Take that however you may want." he took a firm grip of the hilt of his blade 

He suddenly smiled at them, changing his demeanour completely, releasing the hilt of his blade and clasping his hands together.

"Now that we have the hostilities out of the way - I shall look for Daemon, about time he tells me what we are doing on this rock." his voice seemed to have unsettled them, turning from rough to calm and soothing. 

He scoured the halls for Daemon, leaving Rhaenys, Laenor and Joffrey in the Common Chamber, he was worried that if too many people were to know.

Someone with bad intentions may attempt to use it against him or even tell the King, and his head on a spike will not allow him to fulfil his own ambitions.

Aerion reached the room they called 'The Hall of Nine' which was named for his nine voyages, and where he most prized treasures were housed

Daemon and Corlys were seated in front of the spitting fire, mumbling to each other, as Aerion got closer he could hear what they were discussing, holding back before letting his presence be known.

"Racallio Ryndoon is no fool, Daemon." Corlys mentioned "It is said he is discussing a potential alliance with Dorne."

"We've only just squashed their pathetic attempt at holding those islands." Daemon added "They would not be so bold as to attempt an attack so soon, they will want to wait."

"For how long, Daemon, A year? Mayhaps two?, as it will take that long to repair my fleet, we are not ready for an attack." Corlys shook his head.

"Why do you think I brought my son here?, he has strong force back in the Vale, and has much sway over the other lords there, perhaps even Lady Jeyne Arryn herself." Daemon included "And a mighty dragon."

"You know, Daemon, sometimes I ask myself why I went to you for help in the first place." the sea snake spoke "with everything, the stepstones, this little situation with the son of the sealord of Braavos."

"You came to me because you know I will get the job done." Daemon smirked "with his army we can keep the Stepstones from falling back into the triarchy's hands."

"Aye, but will he go for it?" he questioned "Your plan is good one Daemon, but he has nothing to gain from assisting us. Runestone has no trade that goes beyond the Stepstones, they primarily trade with the other great houses of Westeros."

Corlys's voice was strong and even the faintest of words commanded respect "though I suppose if we were to offer this to him, he would not refuse."

Aerion scoffed.

"Listening in on private conversations, are we?" The Sea snake asked, as Aerion alerted them both to his presence.

"Come! this involves you, take a seat, Little Daemon." he chuckled as Aerion moved closer to the pair, and received only a glare from Daemon, sitting down slowly by his side "Your father was just singing your praises a moment ago 'my son is a dragonrider' blah blah blah..." he chuckled

"You must be jesting, my father only speaks of his own feats, and no one else." he chuckled along with Corlys, and Daemon sat quietly "Don't pout, father, it does not look good on you."

"Pay him no mind, Aerion, Corlys has always been one to jest.." Daemon finally replied "We were just discussing the Triarchy, it will not be long until they rise up again." 

"I am starting to think the Stepstones should not be our target." he noticed the same fidgeting of Daemon's fingers as his own and smirked somewhat. 

"We are not attacking Tyrosh, Daemon, I disagreed with you when you first brought it up, and I will disagree with you now." Corlys told Daemon.

"Corlys is right." Aerion added "If you attack one of their actual cities, nothing will stop the Triarchy from reaching outwards for other free cities such as Braavos or Pentos and claim that we are planning a full invasion of Essos, Westeros would be entered into a large-scale war."

"Now.." Aerion continued "Can someone please tell me why you have been speaking of me?"

"We suffered heavy losses last time, we don't have the numbers to attack again, and I fear the king will let them claim those islands.." Corlys began to explain "If you were to assist us, commit both your forces and your dragon to our efforts, we may be able to defeat them."

"If I help you in this, what exactly do I get from this? I have no need for land all the way down south."

"You need to be battle-hardened, and to prove yourself to the realm that you are a Lord that they wish to follow, as well as this, Gaelithox needs blood, and so do you." Daemon answered "Our house words are Fire and Blood, son, it is the only way we know how to repay our enemies."

Aerion was seeing sense in the words he spoke.

"What of the King? I may lose favour with him if I were to assist you in this." Aerion asked.

"Then it will show you what I have been trying to show everyone else." Daemon replied "My brother is weak, we must act in his best interest and take on this enemy by ourselves"

"I am surprised you would say such things against your own brother."

"He wants to please everyone, and right now he is under the influence of the Hightower's, everything we do is for the benefit of the realm of House Targaryen."

"You help us in this, boy, and I will make sure you are handsomely rewarded, a trade deal between House Velaryon and you, where it will benefit you more than I." Corlys proposed.

This was much to the liking of Aerion, he rose from his chair and proceeded to walk away with a mug in his hand before receiving Aerions' answer

"We found that pathetic Braavosi in Hull last night, Corlys." Daemon added, stopping the sea snake in his tracks "Will he definitely be here at the feast tonight?"

"He will be here tonight." Corlys replied, disappearing into the hall that led to the families private chambers, Aerion looked back to Daemon and all he could see was a grin on his lips.

"You truly are pathetic, father." he spouted out, rising from his chair "But I have known that for the longest time...I will assist in your defence of the Stepstones when it comes time to call the banners, since that is the only reason you have probably been talking to me since I first arrived on Dragonstone."

"That is not the only reason." Daemon admitted, much to the surprise of Aerion "Corlys was right in what he said, I sung your praises because I am proud, I longed for the day my own son would become a dragon rider, I just didn't believe it would be you."

Aerion chuckled.

"If I am to journey with you to the Stepstones, I will need to learn how to effectively ride Gaelithox." Aerion said "Everyone says you are the finest dragonrider out of us all, and the only one with true battle experience, so will my father finally teach his son?"

"You do what I say, and when I say it, I won't have you questioning my teaching methods, otherwise you can train yourself."

"If those are the requirements to have you teach me, I will, but you have to train me at Runestone." Aerion could see Daemon's eyes roll to the back of his head, being the place he dreaded the most, but he then nodded his head.

"You best look forward to the feast tonight, it is going to be a blast.." Daemon said, before he too also left, leaving Aerion alone in the Hall of Nine, wondering just exactly what he just got himself into.