He had fallen head over heels in love on the spot and had bummed a smoke, although he didn’t smoke (Vice himself only smoked rarely, and more, Raven thought, for the look of it, than because of an addiction), just to be near the object of his affection. He suspected that Vice had known that Raven had a crush, even though Raven had not even wanted to admit it to himself. The other man had been gentle of his feelings however and Vice and Victor had included him ever since, as much as their relationship with each other allowed others in.
A strange relationship between the two men, Raven thought, sexual and yet not sexual. They had always been open with him about their sexual preferences – and those did not involve f-king each other, but rather sex together with a third party. Which is where Mirage came in. She was a good fit for them, he thought, turning in his seat to look over his shoulder.
“She has hung up,” he observed.