
Gray Curse moon Part #5

Jason Rodriguez Sr. had always been a superstitious man. He believed in signs and omens, and would often make decisions based on them. So when he heard about the upcoming Blue Moon Red Moon, he was intrigued. According to superstition, this rare phenomenon was supposed to bring good luck and positivity to those who saw it. But little did he know, this Blue Moon Red Moon was going to change his life forever.

The day of the Blue Moon Red Moon arrived, and Jason eagerly waited for nightfall to catch a glimpse of it. As the sky turned dark, he stepped out into his backyard, his eyes glued to the sky. The moon was a beautiful shade of red, surrounded by a ring of blue light. Jason couldn't believe his luck, he had never seen anything like it before.

As he stood there basking in the moon's glow, a sudden chill ran down his spine. He felt like he was being watched, but when he turned around, there was no one there. Shaking off the feeling, he continued to watch the moon, feeling a sense of peace and happiness wash over him.

But as the night progressed, the moon slowly started to change. The blue light began to fade, and the moon turned into a shade of gray. This was not what he was expecting, and a sense of unease started to creep up on him. He remembered hearing about a superstition surrounding the Gray Moon, but he couldn't quite remember what it meant.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past him, and he heard a voice whisper, 'Don't look up.' Jason froze, unsure if he had really heard the voice or if it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. But the voice continued to whisper, growing louder and more urgent, 'Don't look up, it's not safe.'

Despite the warning, Jason couldn't tear his eyes away from the moon. He felt like he was being drawn towards it, his whole body trembling with fear and excitement. And just like that, he made the biggest mistake of his life – he looked up.

The moment his eyes met the gray moon, a blinding light flashed, and he let out a blood-curdling scream. He felt a searing pain in his eyes, and he collapsed to the ground, his hands clasped over his face. The voice that had been warning him fell silent, and the once peaceful night turned into a nightmare.

When Jason regained consciousness, he realized that he couldn't see. He was completely blind. Panic set in as he tried to remember what had happened. The moon, the voice, the blinding light – it all seemed like a bad dream. But as he sat there in the darkness, he knew that it was all too real.

As the days went by, Jason struggled to come to terms with his blindness. He was constantly haunted by the memory of that night and the voice that had warned him. He couldn't help but wonder why the Gray Moon had taken his sight and what it wanted from him. But he was too scared to seek answers.

Jason's blindness affected every aspect of his life. He had to leave his job, and his wife had to quit her job to take care of him. They were struggling to make ends meet, and Jason's once happy and carefree life had turned into a living nightmare.

One day, while Jason was out for a walk with his wife, he heard a familiar voice. It was the same voice that had warned him on the night of the Gray Moon. But this time, it was not just a whisper, it was a scream. He could feel the fear and desperation in the voice, and without thinking, he followed it.

His wife tried to stop him, but Jason was determined. He followed the voice to a rundown building on the outskirts of town. As he entered, he could hear the voice getting louder and more frantic. He stumbled around in the darkness until he reached a room where the voice was coming from.

In the center of the room was a woman, her eyes closed, and she was trembling. Jason could feel something pulling him towards her, and he could sense that she was in danger. He reached out to touch her, and she immediately opened her eyes.

But they were not normal eyes, they were white as snow, and they seemed to glow in the darkness. The woman let out a blood-curdling scream, and Jason heard the same voice that had warned him on the night of the Gray Moon. But this time, it was coming from the woman's mouth.

The voice explained everything – how the Gray Moon was not a sign of good luck, but a curse. Every time the moon appeared, it sought out a victim to take their sight as an offering to an evil entity. The woman in front of him was the last victim, and her sacrifice was meant to appease the Gray Moon for the next hundred years.

Jason's heart raced as he listened to the voice. He realized that he was the victim of the Gray Moon, and his sight was taken to satisfy its curse. But instead of anger and resentment, he felt a strange sense of understanding and empathy towards the woman in front of him. In that moment, he made a decision – he would be the one to break the curse.

With his newfound sense of purpose, Jason worked tirelessly to find a way to break the curse of the Gray Moon. After months of research and experimentation, he finally found a way to reverse the curse. On the night of the next Blue Moon Red Moon, he performed a ritual and broke the curse that had plagued his life.

As the moon turned red, Jason felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He could see again, and the woman in the rundown building was the first person he saw. Her eyes were now a beautiful shade of blue, and she smiled at him, grateful for his help. They shared a knowing look, both understanding the horrors and potential of the Gray Moon.

From that day on, Jason became known as the man who saved the town from the curse of the Gray Moon. And he knew that he would never underestimate the power and danger of superstitions and omens again.