
Don't Drag Me Down

A red gate appear. Bring tens of thousands of demon. The last of the Demon King tired and done fighting other demon. Wish to rest and heal his heart. Came to this new world fill with humans. One night and a day change his mind. The king of all demon called a matchmaker. He wanted a bride. Just for them to stop the nagging. The strongest Demon can’t say no to one alone human woman. She was the worst woman to demons. All the demons that she dated ran away. And why was that. They did not say. They just wish to not see her again. She was fed up with them. One night was all it took. “I just want one man even it is a demon to love me for who I am.” She was desperate. “Can they love you? I must say. I don;t think they can.” He eyes fell on her.

NineTailedFox80 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

It’s Not Right

To the far east of the city. In this two story building there is once a factory. A group of Human men and women. Gathered together to form a group to deter the demons in farther infesting the human race.

"The demons have change every thing we work hard for. If it wasn't for them to bring magic in to world. We would made billions of dollars. Every thing we tried deteriorate to nothing."

"It's seems that we have changed tactics my fellow comrades. We have worked to hard to come so far. And being wasted to nothingness. We will not fail in vain. I have a plan. But it will not be easy for we will have to put our own children to the task."

"Are you saying our daughters?"


"Are you crazy? We can't do at to our own children."

"It's the only way. Not one of us can come close to him. If we can kill him it will be better for us. If not than we can come up to a different idea to get rid of them."

"But we tried this idea before and looks where it got us. Have you forgotten what happened."

"I haven't forgotten!! This time it is different. If none of you wish for this than go back to your miserable lives. I have a plan and it will work if not I can change it to my will."

"We have plan any times. Each one failed. I am here to tell you I am done with this. Me and my family are moving to a new city and starting over. I am staying out of this. Do come looking for me and my family." The man turn and left the group. Never to look back.

"Leave him. My plan what nothing to do with him. All that man has is boys no girls. So he will come back to us and I will not welcome him back. Let us get down with business." A few more people left saying the same this. They wish the start over in a new place. All night they stay and came up with new ideas.


In a twenty foot tall office building. The top floors of the executive office. The forgotten man came to the Demon King. Here two demons and one man got to business. To the Demon King business was just like war. He learned to deal with humans a little better than demons.

"What information you have for me?"

"They are planning to use this marriage arrangement to kill you. And bring back their families fortune to the top once again. I hope this can be resolved with out my family involvement to you. I will not let my girls in this arrangement. If you will let them out of this my will be greatly appreciated."

The Demon King face the window looking out on the world below. Compliant on the how to proceed. Looking on this world so different then the world he came from. It's still the same plots.

"You have my promise that I will not involved your daughters in this situation. If you change your mind just let me know and I can rearrange it for your daughters."

"Please forgive me. You help me and my family. If it wasn't for the medicine you gave to my wife. I might still be with those I can even think about them. They just don't understand. If they went through the same thing I went through, they might change but I know it money they think of first. I will go now. I thank you from the bottom of my heart." He bow so deep to the Demon King. Not out of hate, but out gratitude. The Demon King nodded his head the him. With that being said it was not wasting of his time on nothing.

"What do you think on this?" He turn his head to the left. One of elite demon his right hand man. Jes luk was a demon with a few words. His midnight black hair frame his long oblong face. His skin tone marble black and red with yellow cat eyes.

"I can say that we have changed this world for the better, nor just for us but for the humans as well. And it seems that not all human want us here."

"Not all humans hate us. There are some that wish for us to stay. But as for the rest maybe something different. You might even say they want us as slaves to them. But for me, my people are the most important thing. To have to fight for them is a given right. I would do anything for them even burn the heaven as the humans say."

"But if he said is true than we have to think more carefully about the selection. "

"Yes. We will have to root them out one by one. At the very beginning. We will start on all the woman. We will have to extend a through background. No woman will get past us. And if they do we will test them to the extreme. I will not have my people hurt in this process. And if I find a woman that is suitable. I will leave it to fate. These humans remind me of the demons back home. All wish to have the power that they do not deserve. I have put my faith in my people. Without them I would not be here. "

"That is not right my lord. We wouldn't be here because of you. You help many and we just wish for your happiness. We can tried to fulfill it to best we can. "

"You are right, but my happiness has nothing to do with my people. I choose to belay it. Until now I have never thought of getting married." He sighed. He turned back around to the window. As night fell the world turn to silent.

Jes Luk walked out leaving the Demon King alone. He continues staring out the window.