
Chapter 4 Lanci Studying Law Intimidates People_1

The cityscape of the Border City-State of Nanwantina, paved with cobblestones, appeared quaint and peaceful in the soft morning glow.

Lanci strolled leisurely with a sunny, cheerful smile gracing his face.

Talia's murderous intentions had been effortlessly resolved.

It hadn't troubled him at all.

Next, he planned to visit his scheduled destination for the day—the Border City-State Library.

Although he never ventured into this place in the past, it now represented an endless treasure trove to him.

Even though the Border City-State Library was incomparable to the libraries in larger cities or the famous Royal Libraries, many precious books that he couldn't find at home were present in this town library.

There were quite a number of books Lanci was interested in, and he urgently needed to consult them.

The notion of returning to a peaceful life filled Lanci with anticipation.

As long as he wasn't murdered by Talia and didn't give her the crucial funding to start the restoration plan, it seemed like he had indirectly saved the world from chaos, making it a better place.

As for the promised 3 pounds per day for her.

Even if she clings to him until her last breath, it doesn't amount to restoration.

Once she's earned enough to stop living on the streets, she'd probably tire of this ordinary town and decide to leave promptly.

After all, Lanci was different than her. He merely yearned to live an ordinary carefree life while she harbored lofty ambitions.

With this in mind, Lanci arrived at a bakery highly recommended by a maid, purchased his breakfast, and continued to head towards the library with his paper bag in hand.

The library was not too far from his home.

Even with a leisurely stroll, it would take him only about half an hour to reach the library.

The morning shops along the street were already open for business, welcoming the day's prospects, and the baking aroma wafted enticingly from them.

The morning rays filtered through the fog and adorned the walls of the buildings on either side. Green moss covered the end of the winding path, subtly hinting at the history, heaviness, and glory embodied within.

The sound of the chapel bells echoed in the distance, accompanied by melodious, sacred tunes.

Every building Lanci passed was magnificent.

Munching on a cheese and fruit-stuffed bun, Lanci breathed in the fresh morning air.

Before he knew it, he had arrived at the Border City-State Library.

In the following days, knowledge-thirsty Lanci would undeniably become a commonplace sight at this library.

The main building, built with age-worn stones, stood tall with imposing pillars that overlooked the wide steps.

Stepping inside.

All he could see were arch-shaped windows with intricate patterns on the edges that refracted a soft halo.

He quickly managed his library card at the counter before stepping into the large reading area.

Under the guidance of the indoor map, he found the section containing legal documents, his fingers lightly tracing the spines of the books as his eyes briefly scanned them.

Soon, Lanci retrieved a hefty book from the shelf—

"Hutton Kingdom Code"

With this book in hand, he was content to settle himself down at a long table and began to read.

Now that he was in such a fantastical world.

Aside from understanding the world's situation and intelligence.

Typically, people would be itching to explore their talent or attempt to learn magic.

But not Lanci. He wanted to study Law.

While magic and power were crucial in this world, like Magic Cards which could bring unimaginable wealth and extraordinary power.

Lanci was fairly certain that he had an excellent talent to become a Cardmaker.

But to become an outstanding Cardmaker wasn't an overnight process.

He still needed a wealth of knowledge regarding magic engineering and diligent practice and training.

As of now, knowledge and wisdom were his lifelines.

There were times when understanding the law could lead your opponent into lifelong imprisonment if they lost, and immediate execution if they won.

So, he wasn't in a hurry to research Magic Cards.

The most important aspect of visiting a new place, he felt, was to fully understand the legal system of that country.

—Or rather, the "basic rules".

That's why Lanci had arrived so early at the town library to get his hands on the latest edition of the "Hutton Kingdom Code" and read it ardently, word by word.

Being a dutiful law-abiding citizen, he would never do anything that the law prohibits.


He stayed at the library until sunset.

The evening sun shone warmly through the library windows, contributing to a calm atmosphere.

At the reading table, Lanci was engrossed in his book, reading diligently and gently turning the pages.

The orange sunlight slipping through the windows shone on his face, adding a gentle and refined charm to his features.

"Isn't that literature-loving boy super handsome?"

"Yeah, he's so serious and focused. He's been immersed in law books all day. Definitely an extreme high-achiever."

"Wait, isn't he the infamous Lanci Welfort from the Welfort family? The one with a super-bad reputation?"

"Err...But you can tell that he respects the law. Maybe the rumors aren't as true as they seem!"

The girls behind the counter whispered to each other, occasionally stealing glances at Lanci.

His smooth black hair and clear green eyes complemented his inherently poetic and artistic aura. A newfound elegance had replaced his infamous reputation, transforming him completely.

However, Lanci—who was immersed in reading—seemed to lose track of time and paid no attention to the happenings around him.

Not until the twilight outside started gradually fading, did he realize that the library would soon be closing.

Shifting his gaze away from the pages, he finally felt a familiar soreness in his eyes.

Raising his head, he noted that the library was now almost empty.

"I should research the basics of magical engineering in this world tomorrow."

Lanci thought to himself as he inserted a bookmark into the "Hutton Kingdom Code" before closing it.

It was time to go home.

Besides wanting to borrow the law book he hadn't finished reading, he had also prepared a list of books he wished to borrow.

A few books he had stumbled across while looking for the law books had caught his interest:

"Principles of Antidotes"

"Resistance Strategies for Psychic Interference Magic"

"Methods to Defend Against Cursed Magic"

After all, once he finished studying the kingdom's laws, his next step would be to delve into Magic Cards.

A clear-minded person like him would definitely want to thoroughly understand how to combat such dirty magic!

Just thinking of instances when people might use these magic spells against him gave him an unpleasant feeling.

And in case. Just in case.

He found himself in an unavoidable situation where he had to use these effective magic spells.

He would also need to find a way to bypass their defenses.

As the saying goes, "Know thyself, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories!"