
Don't call me master, call me master

After reincarnation in the cultivation world Abesh has cultivated for years none stop and reached great height in cultivation. Now that I have reached great height in cultivation. Now only few can threaten as I'm a powerhouse. I will do whatever I want and live like I want. " I accept you not as my disciple but as my slave, you have to do whatever I want you to do " " yes, master this slave is yours to command " " come to worm my bed tonight " " yes, master as you command " (A/n : this novel is not promoting any kinds of indecency or inappropriate. Please keep that in mind that everything in this novel is just for amusement and can not do in real life. Thank you, bye)

Elven_king · ตะวันออก
4 Chs

Chapter 1

In a closed cave a man in his late twenties meditating. as faint ray of light coming out of his body.

After who knows how much time passed he keep on mediating. Suddenly big waves light burst out of his body at once in that explosion the cave or the mountain got destroyed. The man slowly opened his eyes.

" I finally did it. I've reached the Saint realm.

MY years of hardship has paid off. Now I'm also a big shot power house. "

Inhale, inhale

" ahhh I rick of sweat, let's go and wash up "

After bathing at a nearby river I got dressed up in black hang fu.

" time to go to the heavenly alliance headquarters" abesh vanished and reappear in the sky then started flying in north.

As abesh was flying he enjoyed the weightless clouds on his body as he passed cloud after cloud. Not to mention the scenery below beautiful mountains, deep and thick forest, sun reflecting rivers and villages and cities.

It took him a month and a half of constant flying to reached the heavenly alliance headquarters.

After all this is the cultivation world it's obviously thousand times bigger than earth.

The heavenly alliance headquarter was on islands that is flying in the sky. This headquarter was built by the last god realm cultivater.

It was divided into five islands. The main island was in middle and other four was around it and big chains keeps them together.

Abesh Landed on the ground and a guard greeted him. " greetings senior, may I ask you way your here "

" oh yes, I want to open a private sect so I have came here to get help in some aspects"

" senior then you have to talk to the alliance elders about it. Please fallow me I will lead you to them"

The guard guided abesh in a big room with luxurious decorations and in middle was a big table and a old man in white milky clothes going through papers .

The guard spoke " greetings to the elder , this man came here to get help from the alliance to open a sect " and left the room.

The old man looked at abesh and told him to sit with his hands.

Abesh got closer and sit on a pillow Infront of the table.

" saint realm impressive, my I ask your name" the old man said

" this one's name is abesh. But don't you think you should introduce yourself before you ask others"

" where are my manners , this old man's name is gu Lang . So abesh you don't seem to be from this place, may you fulfil the curiosity of this old one. "

" I'm from the far south I have come here traveling for hundreds of years. Through seats and deserts, through forest and mountains. "

" what , you are from the far south "

" then this requires the presence of the alliance leader the heavenly emperor "

Then the old man took abesh to the throne room where the heavenly emperor is.

Upon entering the room everyone's eyes were on them .

After getting close to the throne the old man said " greetings heavenly emperor, this man here wants to open "

Heavenly emperor the one of few who's in Saint Venerate spoke " the problem is that he is form the far south and he wants to open a isolated sect "

" you say your are from the far south do you have any proof of that."

Abesh took out a book and said " this book has many paintings and explanation of how the south is " and gave the book to the elder.

" that Seattles It elder see if he needs any help " and then the elder showed him the exit of the room.

" actually I have come here to offer few deals" abesh said as he looked at the heavenly emperor.

The heavenly emperor respond " what kind of deal you wish to offer. "

"MY first deal the heavenly alliance will take care of building the sect in exchange for four 8 rank low grade pill." Abesh said and took out too pills.

Seeing four 8 rank pills the elders in the room was suspicious and said " how do you have those pills do you have any explanation for that.

" yes. I'm an alchemist I make all kinds of pills for my cultivation. If you don't have any other questions then my second deals is that the heavenly alliance will give my sect all kinds of techniques in exchange for three 8 rank low grade pills." Abesh replied And took out three more pills.

The heavenly emperor says" okay you have my word " and took the pills with his spiritual ability. " do you have any other deals" and asked.

" yes, actually this deal has to conditions. One: if ever any attack happens on my sect the heavenly alliance has to protect it. Second: the heavenly alliance will not interfere with the sect's affair's and for that my sect will give the heavenly alliance five 8rank every year "

The heavenly emperor thought for a second and then answered " okay we accept your deal . The sect will be ready in two months. Until then you can stay here "

" thank you, your Grace but I have have some work to finish. Oh and your Grace please make the sect on an flying island like this " abesh said and heavenly emperor nodded, And leaves.

After getting out of the throne room abesh leaving the alliance headquarter

' first part is finished now I have to get to the second part for that I have to get an airship . Many places but which one is closest '

I approached The counter women asked "can you tell me the closest place where I can buy an airship "

She bowed and said " yes my lord, the closest place where you can buy airship is ye empire it's on the western side from here, I also heard that they will be put an luxurious airship in auction. "

(A/n: thank you for reading , I will work on this project if it gets good views. And do remind me if there is any mistakes that I've made)

( for curious readers: the 18+ stuff will start form 3-5 chapter,

For the main plot: the MC will make his sect his own isolated world where he fucks girls whenever he wants)