
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · สมัยใหม่
283 Chs

Strange man

When I was 12 I went to an all girl summer camp in a farmland out in Utah. We took a trip to a Walmart one day to buy things we needed, such as flashlights or sunscreen. My counselor asked me to go out to the parking lot to find our camp van, where the head counselor was waiting. I can't remember why she needed me to, but I obeyed.

When I left the building, I scanned the lot for the van, but there must have been at least 50 that looked just like it. I had no idea where to look. Suddenly, a red sports car pulled up at the curb right near the entrance. A bald man in a black suit with dark sunglasses stepped out of the passenger door, and another man with the same appearance remained in the driver's seat.

I watched them for a few seconds, as they really stood out. I was standing about 20 feet from the entrance at this point, so I realized quickly that the man who stepped out was walking directly towards me instead of the entrance.

I immediately panicked and ran back inside. I hid behind a statue at the entrance and watched other people pass by. When I didn't see the strange man again, I went and found my counselor and tried to tell her what happened, but she didn't seem to care. She was mad that I didn't find the van, and told me to go look for it again.

I cautiously went back outside, and saw that the sports car was still at the curb with the gas running. The man in the car was drumming his fingers on the wheel. As I stared, he looked over at me and we made eye contact. He lifted what looked like a walkie talkie and started speaking into it discretely, all the while not taking his eyes off me.

At that point I noped out of the lot and went back to my counselor, refusing to leave them again. I don't know what their deal was, but those guys really gave me the creeps. I wonder to this day if I narrowly avoided getting kidnapped.

Not getting a good yelp review

So this happened back in high school. I was on a class trip with the band and the last stop was in the deep south. Not realizing the long drive there, we spent all day on the buses. We were cooped up and exhausted from the travel.

At check in, many of us noted the atmosphere was sketchy. There was no lobby, just a glorified alley. The pool was empty and filled with tarps and cinderblocks. Seeing all of this in the daytime may not have been as bad. Under the cover of darkness and the squint of sleepy-eyes, it almost made us concerned.

Trying to be a good guy, I walked a friend and her roommates to their room a few floors above mine. We chatted and did goodnight hugs before they entered the keycard in the lock.

The door to their room abruptly opened. There was a boy a few years younger than us answering the door.

My friend sheepishly said, "I'm sorry. I thought this was our room." (It actually was) The young boy looks at her, mutters a disappointing oh, and collapses on the floor.

One of the roommates and I immediately take off. The lone elevator was clogged with fellow students going to their assigned rooms so we jump down the 5 flights of stairs past others too impatient to wait on the lift. We reach the ground floor and run across the lobby. Our teacher/band instructor and some chaperones are present as we say a kid passed out in the hotel room. Front Desk says they'll send someone up.

With my adrenaline pumping, the roommate and I ascend those same flights of stairs to tell everyone to wait for help. We stood waiting by a room we thought had a fresh corpse.

Turns out the young kid was a runaway who broke in for a place to sleep. He was diabetic and just suffered the effects of drinking too much Pepsi.

We were zombies the next morning thanks to fear keeping us awake all night. It was a long ride home.

Tl;dr class trip included finding someone already in the hotel room at check in.