
The Fall Of Lucifer

Arc Angel Uriel: what have you done brother!!!

👻Lucinda: where am I…who is that???

Arc Angel Uriel: why couldn't you just stick to what I said brother…

☀️Arc Angel Samael: what you said brother was nothing to me, besides it doesn't help my case does it brother…

Arc Angel Amenadiel: Brother Samael, father is ready to see you now…

👻Lucinda: what is going on here…

As Samael walk's into The Great Hall Of The Divine, straight into the presence of God almighty in pure divine attire which can only be described as The True Embodiment of God.

As he walks through the great hall filled with countless divine angels with which Samael could only bear to look at as he is disgraceful called into the presence of his father in Heaven. Arc Angel Remi or Ramiel stares intensely at Samael as he walks past her, Remi is the Angel of Human Revitalizing Skin (meaning he helps you revitalize or rejuvenate your old skin making it brand new again), wait hold up reader I know I know it doesn't make any sense for now but just stay with me here alright, good, moving on, Arc Angel Nabil who is the Angel of Responsibility in the Kingdom stares ever so slightly at Samael but quickly glances away from him, Arc Angel Amenadiel who is also the Angel of Change flaps on down to accompany Samael to the foresight of God. He gets down there to Samael but Samael shrugs him off and continues walking to the throne room which is separate from the actual Hall Dormain, after heavy breath's and sharp eye contacts with other Angels Samael finally makes it to the presence of his Father and this is what he had to say…

☀️Arc Angel Samael: I do not know, what I have done wrong but what I do know is this, you can all go fuck yourselves…

Arc Angel Amenadiel: ….(total shock!!!)

Arc Angel Remi: (complete shock!!!)

Arc Angel Apollyon: (frown shock face!!)

💫God: is that all you want to say for yourself son

☀️Arc Angel Samael: like to hell with dad…

✨MoM: (😭sobbing uncontrollably) son, you can't say that in front of your father, apologize right this instant…

☀️Arc Angel Samael: now why would I apologize for something I clearly know I didn't do hah…

Everyone in the room in total disbelief at this point…

💫God: you held a rebellion and lost…

☀️Arc Angel Samael: yeah and, your style of leadership is beyond me father, it's repulsive and annoying that's why there was a rebellion against you…

✨MoM: Son!!! (She screams)

💫God: I have heard quite enough of things…

☀️Arc Angel Samael: it's about time…

💫God: ...(completely pissed off with divine right)

💫God: I hear by judge you and sentence you to…

☀️Arc Angel Lucifer: while your at it might as well pass on judgment on your other law breaking children hah…

Arc Angel Mazakine: would you shut up Samael

☀️Arc Angel Samael: hey, am trying am I not…

Arc Angel Mazakine: what ever Sam…

💫God: you are all hereby…

Arc Angel Light Sander: Errr am sorry to interrupt Father but we have a new soul in heaven and is heavenly requesting an audience with you Almighty Father…

💫God: what!! I am very busy at the moment as you can see…

Arc Angel Light Sander: yes Father but…

💫God: No but's!!!!…leave!!!!

The random soul just walks in unannounced…

👻Jaime: where are all the Angels of this so called great place…

💫God: young man what is that you want…

👻Jaime: oh you must be God am so sorry for my attitude your great…

💫God: yes whatever my child could you possibly leave us…

👻Jaime: yeah your great anything for you but I just have one tiny problem yeah, you see, my girlfriend couldn't get accepted into Heaven nor Hell because of reason unknown to me and I wanted to know why your great…

💫God: was she by any chance a very chaotic soul while on earth…

☀️Arc Angel Samael: was she introduced into the den of Pregnant Chaotic Souls…

👻Jaime: um I don't quite remember but I think so…

💫God: was she pregnant…

👻Jaime: um No…

☀️Arc Angel Samael: ugh she was fucking enough

👻Jaime: am sorry what…

💫God: you have no case please leave infidel…

☀️Arc Angel Samael: yeah try fucking Michelle Obama alright…

Arc Angel Light Sander: okay your out…

God: now, I cast thee out for the sins of sinners

Arc Angel Beelzebub: what no!!!!

Arc Angel Mazakine: please!!!

Arc Angel Mafisto: to hell with you!!!!!

Angel Hazazel: No!!!!

Angel Lavitan: No!!! No please!!!!

Angel: Goliathan: beast…

Angel Azarat: come on you!!!

Arc Angel Kalisto: hell falls upon you dear God


And it was done…

Arc Angels along side normal Angels who were first in line for a promotion as Arc Angels were all banned from heaven and never to be seen or heard from again as I recall it…

☀️Arc Angel Samael: we'll then let who is without sin cast the first light…I'll see you when I see you…

✨MoM: No!!!!!!!!!!!

Arc Angel Remiel: No brother!!!

Arc Angel Amenadiel:..,(sheds a tear drop) I must remain strong and not weak Amenadiel…

And just like that, the once bright and powerful Angel was cast out of The Mightiest Place in the World…

Lucinda: No your lying, Lucifer is not Samael and there is no such thing as Angels or devils and this is just a very cleaver way to manipulate me into hating Lucifer because you don't like him Noah, great visual effects by the way very convincing…

👾Mazalith: hah!!! (Slaps Lucinda)

Lucinda: ugh!!! What you do that for Mazakine

🔥Noah Supreme: get your head in the game dear Lucinda, the fun is almost beginning…

Lucinda: just let me go I don't want any part of this whatever it is…

👾Mazalith: oh but you would want to be apart of this, after we're done here, you will wish you hadn't been made….Hahahaha!!!

To be continued….