
The beginning

Ryan, a 17 year old boy, was in his home studying for his O-levels. If you were him, you would be stressful and that is how Ryan feels. His mother wants him to have a good job like any other parent.

Then, Ryan's mother came in with Ryan's grandfather. He was on a wheelchair. Ryan's mother has two sons, Ryan and Jonah. Ryan's grandfather has a terminal illness so you know what is going to happen to Grandfather later on in the story. Ryan was in Jonah's room.

"We're home. The hospital these days... take so Long just to discharge. And then the queue at the cashier... Pa, you will be staying in Jonah's room ok? Jonah is staying in the university hostel. So the room will be yours." said Mother. Ryan's mother the saw that the door was open.

"Why is the door open? Ryan, did you go into Joe's room?" questioned Mother

The son said, "The Wi-Fi reception is better here."

"You have Internet connection on your own computer."

"That's my desktop. But my iPad needs Wi-Fi. And the router's in Joe's room." said Ryan

"Pa, come... you need to get some rest. There's TV in the room.. with a set-top box. Later I'll call and subscribe to all your channels ok?" Mother said to Grandfather

Grandfather said "I can call."

Mother confronted him, "You rest, The doctor said you have to get plenty of rest."

Grandfather told her, "You don't know my channels."

Mother looked at Ryan and said, "Ryan, can you get a pen and a piece of paper? Write down all the channel numbers and I will call later"

Son came up to her and said whether he can do it. Mother told him to do his studies as he is taking his O-levels this year. Son told him it was just a phone call.

Mother questioned him if he had finished all of his homework. Ryan nodded. However when she said if he did Mother Tongue, he did not reply.

Mother turned back to Grandfather, "Pa, how many pillows do you want? There's one pillow and one bolster in Jonah's room."

Ryan replied, "His bolster stinks."

Mother told Grandfather, " I'll give you two pillows okay Pa?"

Grandfather said okay.

Mother asked Grandfather if he needs anything else when suddenly she realises that the plastic bag she was carrying is empty. It had Grandfather's medicine in it. " Did I leave it in the car? It's not there. I have to go back."

Grandfather who was showing the plastic bag, "I have it. It fell. In the car."

"Thank goodness, I thought I left it at the hospital. I have to get back to work. Pa, you just rest ok?"

Then, Mother and Ryan walk away from Grandfather

"I want you to stay away from Gonggong. He needs peace and quiet. Don't aggravate him." said Mother

Ryan questioned, "Why don't we get a maid."

Mother replied to him that they don't need a maid as this is temporary.

"Yah, but look at him. He needs to wear a diaper! Who's going to take care of him?" Ryan complained

"I am. I've asked my boss to let me work part-time. I'll be home in the morning, and when you get back from school, I'll go to the office for a few hours." Mother replied

"I don't know how to take care of him." Ryan said

Mother leaves. Pause.

Grandfather and Son look at each other. Pause.