
Domination: Limitless Growth

After an unexpected demise due to a spicy food mishap, Kasper finds himself standing before the divine presence of God. In a twist of fate, he's granted the extraordinary gift of wishes, opening the door to an exhilarating journey across the boundless realms of the multiverse. With his imagination as his compass and no limits to hold him back, Kasper sets out to explore worlds teeming with untold treasures and oceans, realms plagued by sinister demons, lands inhabited by skilled ninjas, and countless other extraordinary dimensions. Kasper's wildest dreams come to life, and the rules are nothing but figments of imagination! First Arc: Wishes and One Piece (currently) *WARNING: THE WORLDS EXPLORED WILL SEVERELY DEVIATE FROM CANON AND THERE IS WISH FULFILLMENT. THERE WILL BE CHANGES TO PERSONALITIES, POWERS AND CANON-EVENTS. IF YOU DISLIKE THIS, PLEASE, DONT READ, OR COME INTO THE COMMENTS COMPLAINING AFTER THIS WARNING.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your feedback is invaluable to the growth of the story. Please consider leaving a review, as understanding your likes and dislikes helps shape the narrative. If you've enjoyed your time reading, a power stone or review would be appreciated! Thank you for your support! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All rights to the characters and worlds, excluding the main character, belong to their respective owners. Any concerns regarding intellectual property rights should be directed to me for resolution. Cover Artist: NeuroPieCats @ DeviantArt

itsDhi · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs

Dancing in the Moonlight

(A/N: I've started collecting rocks.. how about you donate me some?

2.7k words this chapter, I hope you enjoy!)


Kasper and Robin stood mesmerized, hand-in-hand, at the edge of the water. Fish-Man Island stretched out before them like a colorful patchwork quilt, unlike anything they'd ever seen. Glowing buildings, bustling streets filled with strange creatures–it was a whole new world!

"Wow, this is amazing," Robin whispered, her eyes wide with wonder.

Kasper squeezed her hand, a silent way of sharing her awe. "Definitely worth the crazy journey to get here," he agreed, feeling a surge of pride for their accomplishment.

Their trip to this underwater paradise hadn't been easy. Kasper had spent a lot of time fighting off giant sea monsters to protect their ship, and he felt like he'd mastered this powerful ability called Conqueror's Haki. But a nagging feeling lingered–there had to be more to it than he knew.

Suddenly, Robin's hand slipped from his grasp. She was practically skipping towards a brightly lit building across the street. "Come on, slowpoke!" she called back playfully, pointing to a shop with a sign that read "Treasures of the Deep." A bookstore, Kasper realized with a smile. It seemed Robin hadn't lost her childhood curiosity.

Inside the store, Robin's excitement dimmed a bit. It wasn't quite the treasure trove she'd imagined, but there were dusty books filled with Fish-Man Island's history and beautiful pictures of the underwater world. Meanwhile, Kasper drifted to the window, watching the people below.

The fish-people and merfolk moved with a carefree grace, their laughter echoing through the coral streets. It felt peaceful and detached from the world above, a stark contrast to what Kasper knew. A powerful pirate named Whitebeard seemed to keep things safe here. Anyone who caused trouble wouldn't last long.

Kasper watched the scene with a mix of feelings. While he enjoyed the peace, a darker thought crept in. He craved little in this new world, except maybe a good fight. But there was one thing he wouldn't mind changing–the fate of this powerful pirate, Whitebeard.

Kasper knew Whitebeard was fiercely loyal to his crew, maybe even to a fault. 'That stubborn oaf,' he thought. 'He only sees the good in his people, even the bad ones.' Kasper knew this loyalty could lead to Whitebeard's downfall. He deserved a better end than a violent death.

This world, once a story, was now real. And with that reality came the chance to change things, to nudge fate in a different direction. He wouldn't take away the glory from Luffy, the supposed hero. Real life wasn't like a story with a clear good guy. No, his goal was subtler, a small push in the right direction, a tiny change that could have a big impact.

Suddenly, Robin burst out of the bookstore, holding three overflowing bags! It looked like she'd bought half the store. Kasper laughed as he took the bags from her. "Wow, Robin, did you buy everything?" he teased.

Robin grinned. "Maybe a little," she admitted. "The books were just so fascinating!"

As they continued exploring the island, something caught Kasper's eye. 'Oh no!' he thought. 'I completely forgot about that!' But then a grin spread across his face. 'This will be a perfect surprise for Robin,' he decided. He made a mental note to come back to whatever it was later, after they'd finished checking out the rest of the island.

Evening painted the sky in hues of orange and purple as Kasper and Robin found themselves in search of a place to rest. The bustling streets of Fish-Man Island had worn them thin, and the thought of returning to their ship held little appeal. They opted for a modest hotel, its unassuming exterior offering a haven from the day's adventure.

At Robin's request, they secured a single room. She confided in him that his presence brought her a sense of security in this unfamiliar world. Kasper, secretly harboring a growing fondness for her, readily agreed. As twilight deepened, they settled into their room, a comfortable silence hanging between them.

The bathroom door creaked open, and Robin emerged. A simple black sleepwear clung to her figure, its hem brushing just above her knees. Kasper's breath hitched in his throat. His mind, usually sharp and alert, short-circuited for a moment, overwhelmed by the unexpected sight. Robin, seemingly oblivious to the effect she had on him, hurried towards the bed. With a blush coloring her cheeks, she burrowed under the covers, her voice barely a whisper.

"It's getting cold," she mumbled, a hint of shyness tinging her words. "Can we cuddle?"


A warmth blossomed in Kasper's chest as he pulled Robin close, the gentle rise and fall of her breath a calming rhythm against his ear. The faint scent of her perfume, a mix of ocean air and something undeniably Robin, filled his senses. Sleep, however, remained elusive. Just as he was about to speak, a subtle shift in the air caught his attention. His body tensed, the honed edge of his Observation Haki tingling. Someone–and they were skilled–was attempting entry.

His eyes snapped open, a jolt of adrenaline coursing through him. Robin slept soundly, blissfully unaware of the silent intrusion. With a silent curse, Kasper untangled himself from her embrace, careful not to disturb her slumber.

Moving with the quiet efficiency of a predator, he crept towards the door. The faintest creak sent him into action. He bolted forward, a blur of controlled movement, slamming into the intruder the moment the door cracked open.

A hand shot out, an iron grip finding the intruder's throat. Ignoring the surprised gasp, Kasper propelled himself backward, hurling them both through the open window. He landed hard on the cobblestone street below, rolling with the impact to absorb the blow. The intruder, however, wasn't so lucky. A choked gurgle escaped their lips as Kasper's grip tightened, cutting off their air supply. They thrashed wildly, desperate to break free, but Kasper held firm.

He wasn't about to interrogate them here, in the open and with Robin likely waking up soon. With a swift jerk, he dragged the gasping figure into the nearest dark alley; the night swallowing them whole.

Recognition slammed into Kasper like a tidal wave. Moonlight filtering through the alley illuminated the intruder's face–Zeo, the gaunt fish-man with bioluminescent stripes and the number "02" tattooed on his chest. Kasper's grip tightened instinctively. This wasn't some random thug, but an officer from the very pirate crew that had nearly plunged Fish-Man Island into chaos. Fury surged through him, hot and unwelcome.

"Zeo," Kasper growled, the name a low rumble in his throat. "What brings an officer of the New Fish-Man Pirates to our humble hotel room?" 

Zeo's struggle for air painted a grotesque picture in the dimly lit alley. The words he sputtered out were mangled and wet, choked gasps more than coherent speech. Kasper eased his grip a fraction, just enough for the Fish-man officer to gasp in a ragged breath.

"Who ordered you?" Kasper demanded, his voice a low growl that vibrated in the confined space.

Finally, Zeo managed a string of comprehensible words, laced with a deep-seated loathing. "I... I was ordered to bring you both to my Captain. Humans... slaves..." His voice trailed off, replaced by a ragged cough.

Kasper's jaw clenched tight. This wasn't some misunderstanding, some petty thief. This was a deliberate act, a targeted intrusion fueled by prejudice. Anger flared in his gut, a white-hot ember threatening to consume him. New Fish-Man Pirates–were still clinging to their warped ideals. It seemed their leader needed to have learned his lesson.

Kasper spat, his voice laced with venom, "It seems your captain needs to find out he fucked with the wrong person." he paused, a dangerous glint flickering in his eyes. He grasped Zeo's neck tighter, and a light snap was heard before his eyes turned lifeless and his body went limp.

With a surge of adrenaline, Kasper threw Zeo over his shoulder in a firefighter's carry. "This ends now," he growled, the words laced with icy fury. He wouldn't stoop to their level, but stopping them–permanently–was a different story.

He bolted from the alley, weaving through the backstreets towards the forest's edge. He didn't need Robin involved in this. He'd handle it, using the future knowledge he possessed like a weapon. Tonight, these slavers wouldn't find docile prey. They'd find a storm they never saw coming.

Kasper navigated the dense forest with the silent tread of a predator. Moonlight filtered through the canopy, casting an eerie glow on the tangled undergrowth. The air hung heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves. In the distance, a flickering golden glow cut through the darkness–their campfire. The sound of raucous laughter drifted through the trees, laced with a cruelty that twisted Kasper's gut.

He tightened his grip on Zeo's body. A mischievous glint sparked in his eyes. He wouldn't give them a fight, not the glorious brawl they might crave, but a massacre. With a silent chuckle, Kasper used his Conqueror's Haki. A subtle tremor vibrated through the forest, a tremor that mimicked the thundering approach of a colossal creature.

The laughter around the campfire died instantly, replaced by a tense silence. Kasper could practically feel the prickle of unease radiating from the pirates. He inched closer; the tremor intensifying with each step. Then, with a final, earth-shaking pulse, the tremor abruptly ceased.

Silence. Kasper held his breath, waiting. Then, a voice, shaky and laced with fear, rose from the camp.

"W-what was that?"

Another voice, gruff and uncertain, replied, "I... I don't know. A sea king?"


Kasper unleashed the torrent of his Haki he'd been holding in check, a force like a collapsing star crushing down on the unsuspecting pirates. The sheer, bone-crushing dread that slammed into their bodies was instantaneous. It wasn't a physical blow, but a psychic hammer that shattered their defiance.

Thousands of pirates, a teeming mass moments ago, were now a tableau of horrifying stillness. Some crumpled like discarded puppets, their screams cut short in a choked gurgle. Others convulsed, limbs snapping at unnatural angles as their bodies rebelled against the invisible pressure. Blood spurted from ears and noses, a crimson rain amidst the flickering firelight.

The stench of ozone filled the air, a metallic tang mingling with the earthy musk of the forest floor. Kasper, his face a mask of cold fury, wasn't done. He focused his Haki again, a searing beam that lanced through the remaining, petrified figures. One by one, they toppled, unconscious shells crumpling to the forest floor.

Silence, thick and heavy, descended upon the scene. The only sounds were the crackling fire. He tossed Zeo's body towards the building at the back of the encampment. The limp form became a human projectile, smashing through the topmost floor in a sickening explosion of splintered wood and shattered glass. A plume of dust and debris erupted into the night sky, a stark monument to Kasper's wrath.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" a dark and violent voice yelled out from inside.

The last echo of the explosion faded, leaving an unnatural quiet draped over the night. From the smoldering wreckage of the building stumbled Hody Jones, captain of the New Fish-Man Pirates. A great white shark of a man, his belly strained under a shirt emblazoned with their Jolly Roger. A jagged scar, white against his tanned skin, ran down his left side, a testament to some past brawl. His arms and legs, thick with muscle, looked out of place beneath the tattered remains of his uniform.

But it was his eyes that sent a shiver down the spine. Bloodshot red, they scanned the carnage before him. His crew, his supposed army, lay scattered across the campground. Most were unconscious, sprawled like discarded dolls. Others weren't so lucky. A cold dread filled Hody as he spotted the telltale stillness of death.

Then he saw him. A lone figure swaggered towards Hody, a sneer twisting his features into something monstrous. It was a human, yes, but in that distorted grin, Hody saw a vision of pure malice. It was as if the grim reaper himself had donned human skin just to deliver this personal brand of destruction.

"Human?" Hody growled, the word laced with venom. Before the full blast of light illuminated Kasper's face, a horrible realization dawned on the Fish-Man captain. This was the very human he'd dispatched his officer to capture, along with his companion. A glance at the mangled form of his officer sprawled on the floor near the destroyed building confirmed his dread. He'd screwed up, big time. Yet, the deep-seated hatred for humans, a primal arrogance bubbling within him, refused to allow even a hint of retreat.

"You butchered my crew, you scum!" Hody roared, his voice thick with fury. "I'll make sure you regret the day you were born! You'll be crippled, a whimpering shell of a man, begging for mercy I'll never give! And that woman you brought with you? She'll be sold into the most wretched slavery I can find!" A cruel sneer twisted his features.

Bracing himself for the fight, Hody coiled his powerful body, muscles rippling beneath his tattered uniform. But as his gaze locked onto Kasper, the human's movement came to a sudden halt. Confusion contorted Hody's face. Had his threats actually struck fear? Before the Fish-Man could bellow another challenge, the world around him seemed to shatter.

Malice, raw and potent, slammed into him with the force of a tidal wave. It was Conqueror's Haki, unleashed by Kasper with controlled fury. The blast was powerful enough to leave Hody reeling, the edges of his consciousness threatening to slip, yet contained enough to keep him from complete oblivion.

Hody's body trembled uncontrollably. The primal fear he'd always held for humans, a fear he'd buried under layers of arrogance, now bubbled to the surface. Kasper, the sneer still plastered on his face, launched himself forward like a phantom. One moment he was a few feet away, the next he was right in front of Hody, his body blurring in the blink of an eye. With inhuman speed, Kasper grabbed Hody's arm, his grip like a vise tightening with sickening finality. Then, with a sickening tear, the arm ripped from the Fish-Man's body.

Hody stood frozen, his body still registering the impact of Kasper's attack rather than the pain. It was only when a searing agony lanced through him before he reacted. A guttural scream ripped from his throat as Kasper, a whirlwind of violence, snatched his other arm with the same terrifying ease. The second limb met the same fate as the first, torn free and tossed aside. Armless and howling in a primal mix of shock and agony, Hody crumpled to his knees, the world a blur of crimson pain.

Kasper let out a cold chuckle as Hody crumpled to his knees. "Superior, were you?" he sneered. "How's that superiority feeling now?"

But a glint of defiance flickered in Hody's lone visible eye. Kasper knew this wasn't over. This Fishman wouldn't be broken, not even disarmed.

In a blink, Kasper spun. His leg lashed out in a brutal reverse roundhouse kick, a blur of motion. His heel connected with a sickening crunch against Hody's temple. A wet gurgle escaped the Fishman's lips as his head snapped back. The lifeless body slumped to the floor, a crimson stain blossoming where his head had met the impact. The scene was a horrifying tableau, a stark contrast to the casual amusement that had twisted Kasper's lips moments before.

The deposed captain lay crumpled at his feet, a fittingly pathetic end. Kasper surveyed the unconscious pirates scattered around the clearing, his gaze lingering on the officers and particularly vicious squad members. A cruel smile twisted his lips.

He drew his sword; the metal whispering a promise of pain as he slid it from its sheath. This wasn't about a quick death. This was about vengeance savored, a message etched in flesh and bone. He moved among the pirates with chilling efficiency, a whirlwind of steel that left a trail of screams that died into whimpers. No life was taken, but futures were severed. Limbs were lopped off, leaving behind a grotesque scene of twitching bodies and crimson blooms staining the forest floor.

When his grim task was complete, Kasper turned his back on the scene of carnage. The dark forest swallowed him whole, the rustling leaves the only witnesses to the night's brutality.