
Chapter 4

After 5 days in isolation I came to a sad conclusion. I think I may have made a mistake. Maybe telling the Foundation that I wanted to 'play' with more of their SCPs after I clearly used one to gain power was a bad decision.


Though the isolation did help me in realizing a couple of things. For example, the fact that changes made to me by the concept of domination also affected my personality.

It should have been clear after I back talked to the Foundation without shitting my pants, but I guess I can be forgiven for not realizing I was different so soon after clearing the tranquilizer from my body. Something about my thought process changed. I no longer cared for a lot of things I think I cared for before meeting 738. My rationality had been affected in a way it would have worried me before, but didn't care enough about now.

Also, I'm pretty sure anyone else would have been affected by being in a completely white room, with no human contact, with no entertainment, for 5 days. To me it felt like I was just in a bank waiting for a teller to call my number.

Maybe that had to do with the fact that my powers kept me entertained?

I didn't try to break out of the room though. Really, I just wanted to see in how many ways I could exert domination, being out of the cell would not change that. So while the Foundation preoccupied themselves with whatever they did, I practiced dominating myself.

I still haven't found a way to 'reinforce' myself but controlling my body was easy before. I had read somewhere that Superman had some kind of extreme muscle control, I guess I had something similar, just that my control extended to all body. Being able to look right and left at the same time was fun.

I wasn't limited to muscle control though. I could pretty much control my flesh in ways I was pretty sure were gross to look at. I'm not really sure how normal people would react to this; I had not made myself grow eyes or more teeth, but to someone observing me using my powers to open my skin to get a look at my muscles must have looked pretty ugly.

Was I some type of discount Browbeat? Maybe I could also use it on other people, so discount Panacea?

The Foundation was making me wait way longer than what I thought they would. Maybe they were already testing me, the lack of food was telling. I did get hungry, but I never felt an uncomfortable level of hunger. How did that work? As far as I can tell, I still have a body, and that means I have needs.

I was now trying to somehow dominate the wall and be an earth-bender expy. I felt like the walls were resisting me. Maybe this was because the wall was connected to some concepts like resistance. Or perhaps it was built with anomalous materials and was just naturally resistant to reality bending effects. I didn't want to believe this was because I was bad at using domination.

Granted, I've had it for around 5 days, how did I know it was 5 days?, but something in me screamed at the idea of me not being able to dominate domination. Was I so prideful I couldn't admit I couldn't control my own power yet? Shit, I have to look out for that now too? With all the SCPs running around the universe I could not let some damn pride get me killed. Pride cometh before the fall and all that.

The speaker finally turned on, I was thankful that they were at least going to talk to me. I was very bored at the moment.

"SCP-12725, we would like to ask additional questions. Do you mind?" I did not mind at all. This was breaking the monotony of just using my powers.

"I don't mind, ask away. Oh, you can also just call me Gabriel, SCP-12725 is just a mouthful."

"SCP-12725, we would like it if you could extrapolate what you meant by us not minding you 'playing' with other SCPs." Shesh, why the harsh treatment, I hadn't even tried to punch the door or the walls to see how durable my hand was. Why were they so ungrateful?

"Well, you obviously have d-class personnel, whatever that means, interact with magical items. I want to keep doing that, at least for a while."

"We do not interact with magical items-" "The thaumaturgy branch does sometimes." "Shut up Carl."

… What? Magic existed in the SCP universe? Holy shit I did not know that. Also, I'm pretty sure I was not supposed to hear those whispers.

"- as I was saying, we do not go around letting d-class just interact with SCPs. Why would we even let you do that? Last time you did, you were supposed to just make a simple deal with 738 and tell us about it. Instead you disappeared for nearly 15 minutes, made a deal, and caused us a bunch of new issues."

"I did? Sorry for that, but I did tell you about the SCP and the deal did I not?"

"You were vague, did not tell what the price was, and now we need to do additional experiments on 738 because apparently it can give out powers." Ungrateful bastards. I did exactly what they asked of me and I haven't caused any issues… aside from the additional experiments they have to do on 738.

"Hey now, don't get angry at me, I have been compliant with y'all ever since I woke up in the big cell with the other d-class guys. I could have easily tried to escape on the second day of isolation you guys had me in. Do the fellas in d-class not have rights anyway? Why am I still locked up here?"

My only answer was more silence. This mother fucker… were testing my patience? Wait, did they want to know how patient I was? I knew that if I wanted to be considered a safe SCP I'd have to compromise a lot of things. I did not think my level of patience was going to be put to the test.

I sighed, they were clearly done questioning me, I thought there would be more questions though.

With nothing else to do, this time I tried to dominate the air around me. All I felt was a connection being made between the air and me, but no air-bending yet; it did feel like I would sooner or later manage to control this one element though. Hurray?

Pov - Site Director: Dr. Jean Karlyle Aktus

Reading the report of SCP-12725 was rapidly becoming headache inducing. It was like dealing with SCP-074 for the first time all over again. Fucking reality benders.

How did no one thought about SCP-738 being capable of creating new SCPs? It was obvious if you thought about it.

Now we have a crazy red-head meditating in a room and we only know it is some type of close range reality bender, and we have to come up with a better containment plan for 738.

Reading over the highlighted questions of the interviews made my eyebrows rise. It wanted to help in more SCP research. In the camera recordings before he entered 738's room it looked spooked to hell and back.

Why was it confident all of a sudden about interacting with other SCPs? Many anomalies that used to be human are either unresponsive, extremely aggressive, or scared of other anomalies. What was up with 12725?

We didn't even have containment procedures for it and it already wanted to get out of its cell. Its comment about escaping on the second day was a bit concerning. Did it really believe it had enough power to escape if it wanted? Maybe it thought it was in a normal prison.

An initial psych evaluation theorizes it is not happy nor sad about being in the cell; it mostly appears to be indifferent to its current situation, almost bored. So maybe it hadn't done anything to escape not because it couldn't but because it didn't care.

The scientists that did the psychological evaluation weren't really sure about their findings though. If 12725 was a reality bender like what we suspected it to be, it either should be on phase 1 or still at phase 0. Why was it already at phase 2? It just skipped the other 2 stages immediately.

"Director," Dr. Hollister Cox called from the door. "What should we do about 12725, more interviews?" I just sighed and leaned back on my chair.

"What else can we do for now?"


So! I hope this clears some questions many people had about why he was being so open to the Foundation. He is no longer human, he no longer thinks like one. Why should he care if the Foundation knows what he can do? He will slowly become an embodiment of domination and the only thing the Foundation could do about it is to kill him before he does. Unfortunately for the Foundation, they have this little tradition of not killing SCPs, so… yeah.