
Dominating the beauties and the world.

Avel is a reincarnated guy with no system or cheat. With his Medicore wind magic affinity and previous life knowledge, he got a job as a gardener in the Duchess's mansion. His normal life is boring and hard, and he can only experience pleasure at night using his own hand. though it all changes when he turns 18, an adult. On the night when he turned 18, he suddenly heard "Ding." " activating" "The system is active." " Welcome host on your journey to dominate beauties and the world." " System is here to help you in your journey." Avel with a smirk welcomed his journey filled with debauchery and adventure. follow Avel as he conquers the beauties and gets stronger. As he dominates stronger beauties, he himself gets much stronger. " Whether it be duchess, queen, or empress, I will get them all." this novel contains- R18, BDSM, domination play, maledom,oyakodon, yandere, milf, elf and many other fantasies. No Yuri, no NTR. Note: As the plot progresses, Mc will become more cunning and manipulative. R18* = erotic content. R18** = Seggs. *As it's my first novel, Writing quality in the first 3-5 chapters is not that great, though I do consider it to be decent.

Random_Bully · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

ch 2 anticipation of the night.


Avel woke up. He turned his head towards the window and saw the rising sun. After getting the job in the mansion, waking up early became a habit for him.

He got out of bed with a smile and started to freshen up. After the sun had fully risen, he was ready in his work attire, a brownish medieval-style t-shirt and black pants.

As he went out of his quarter, he smelled the fresh air, which was also filled with mana making inspiring pleasurable and energetic. As he exhaled the air, his lips formed a perverted smirk

" Today will be the day my life changes," he exclaimed with a loud voice.

" Why are you shouting early in the morning, and what will change in your life?" said a middle-aged man, shocked Avel turned back and saw a man with black hair with a little white mixed in it and a black beard in butler's suit, the man again said with a curious expression," Are you gonna stand there silently, or are you gonna answer?".

" A-ah, I just felt excited after taking a deep breath," said Avel while smiling with an embarrassed expression.

" But what about your life changing? Didn't you say it will change today?" said the man with a teasing look on his face.

Avel, looking for some excuse, said while panicking a little with a smile, " i-im looking to get promoted, so I thought from today on I will work hard."

" Hahaha, that's the spirit, young man. Continue working hard, and one day, you will be promoted to my position, " said the man, after which he turned back and went away.

Avel sighed and then looked in the direction of the man, Avel said with a hushed voice and smirk. " I will be promoted, old man, but your position is too low of an aim,"

After saying this, he went to do his morning work, which included checking the lawn and his bushes. Then he started to carve some other bushes in a new shape using his wind mana.

Noon, Avel sat on the ground filled with grass with an exhausted look, sweat pouring down from his head. After carving the bushes for hours, his man mana core got empty.

" damn I really need to increase my mana," said Avel.

Then he heard some footsteps. Looking back, he saw Isolde walking towards him.

He immediately got up and said, " Greetings, Lady Isolde," with a slight bow.

" Greetings," she said back with an indifferent expression on her face.

Then she looked at the bushes he carved, and a slight smile formed on her lips. " Good work," she said to Avel with a smile.

"t-thank you, my lady," he said back nervously.

Isolde then walked towards the bushes, touching and enjoying them. Seeing this, Avel felt proud of the art he created.

" They calm me down," said Isolde

"Y-yes," Avel stammered.

" These bushes, seeing the green and fresh looking lawn along with these art forms on it, calms my heart,"

"It's my honour to be of your help, my lady," Avel said with a nervous and proud expression.

Isolde then starts going back but a part of her dress gets stuck in a little branch of a bush, Avel immediately moves to help her. " Wait, my lady, let me help," but whether it was pure coincidence or someone manipulating (system-kun) his actions, he stumbles on a little rock just as he was about to reach Isolde.

He falls towards her. Given her superior physical stats, she immediately dodges and catches him in her arms.

" t-th-thank u, my lady," he said nervously.

"Be careful next time," said Isolde.

" I will be," he replied.

Then his eyes darted a little lower, and he gasped with his eyes showing a surprised expression and his face becoming red." Ding"

She notices his face and looks down, her cheeks immediately get red, her dress is torn from below the waist, and her beautiful legs, along with her silky red underwear, are completely exposed.

She immediately releases him and runs inside the mansion.

He stood there, his face still red , a little bulge formed on his pants

"ah fuck , I can't wait to touch those thighs," he thought ".

After his work in the garden was done he started doing other tasks like other servants, while he was one of the Gardners it didn't mean he only had to take care of the garden.

While feeding horses, a thought arises in his mind

" By the way, system, why did you appear at night out of nowhere?"

The system replied, " Host at midnight you became 18 years old, today is your birthday."

" OH, I totally forgot Well, not like I ever celebrated my birthdays, so system, I guess you are age-restricted huh"

The system replied, " You can say that host."

Then, the system said, " Host, you should check your reward."

Avel said, " For what?" With a curious and greedy look.

system replied, " For seeing her exposed panties :) "

" OH, show me," he said excitedly.

" ding"

[ reward:- Host gets 500 coins]

" 500 huh, it seems high for just seeing her panties."

" Host the reward is high because it's the first time, every time you do a sexual act for the first time the reward will be higher than normal, also The fact that Isolde is not an average woman the rewards are also high, after this you will only get 50 coins each time you see her panties exposed, if it was a normal woman you would have only gotten 5 coins ".

" Hmm, what if I saw the exposed panties of the duchess?" asked Avel.

" Host, you will get 5000 coins."

" Holy shit, hehe, duchess wait for me after your daughter I'm coming for you," said Avel with an evil grin.

Night," 1 more hour, and it will be 9 pm," Avel said as his eyes were constantly on the clock.

"Oh yeah, let's use the coins.

System buy erotic fingers. "


[ erotic fingers:- increases the pleasure of touch by 3×] 1× in inventory.

"fuck I forgot, I have to find a way to conceal my presence, what do I do now?" he said while panicking

" Host, you can buy stealth potion from the system shop"

" OH, show me the potion,"


[ stealth potion:- makes you invisible for 12 hours, anyone below S rank can't detect you] cost:- 350 coins.

" Huh, all my coins will be gone after buying it, sigh Fine, I will recollect all the coins from Isolde."

" Host your expressions are getting more and more perverted,"

" Shut up. What do you know about the anticipation building in my heart"

" But still, the duchess can detect me. I have to make sure I don't run into her.

"Let's go now," Avel said as he took the potion out from the inventory and drank it.

He then moves towards the mansion, As he passes by some servants who are still awake no one even looks towards him almost like he doesn't exist.

" fuck this potion is really awesome and overpowered"

As he did other work along with gardening he was familiar with the insides of the mansion, he got up the stairs and slowly went towards Isolde's room, it was also his luck that the duchess room was not near Isolde's room.

He stood in front of her room and peeked inside through the little keyhole.

The room was empty, and there was a sound of water coming from the bathroom.

"Looks like she's bathing. Well, my original plan was to peek from outside, but don't mind if I enter"

Avel entered the room , and it was luxurious just as he expected, then he saw a big wardrobe. He immediately hid inside it, awaiting the show he would get to watch and record.

After some time, Isolda got out of the bathroom , her body and hair covered in towels, showing her beautiful curves.

" fuck, her figure is So hot"

she immediately moves toward the wardrobe.

" fuck,no don't come here". She reached the wardrobe and opened it, just before she opened it Avel moved to the side, as she was searching for something her figure which was close to Avel's eyes was bursting various hormones in his brain, his little brother was completely hard, he was finding it hard to control himself, but the fear of dying if she finds out kept him at bay.

after she took out what looked like red colour clamps used to hang clothes, she closed the wardrobe, Avel intervened and prevented the door from closing fully, a small slit between the door still allowed him to see the outside.

as his anticipation builds up, she finally puts the clamps on the table adjacent to the bed and takes off her bathrobe.

Finally, her enchanting figure came into his view.

He immediately told the system in his mind with excitement

" System, start recording."

" Ding camera On, the host can also take pictures while the camera is recording the video."

" Let's go," he shouted in his mind,

the night show just started.