
Dominating the Apocalypse

Dying in the conflict between two factions of the Universe, our protagonists find themselves at the start of their apocalypse. Author's note Hi all, this is my first novel. Please let me know of any criticisms or complaints you have. They will be greatly appreciated. I am only writing this as a hobby and have no plans to contract this. Also, I cannot promise a regular update since I am only writing as a hobby and have my day jobs also to take care of. Thank you all.

AkashSrivastava · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Prologue Part 2

After looking at Edmund leaving, the man looked towards the fluctuations in space in front of him which were increasing in intensity. He then started to walk forward. He did not stop his steps when reaching the water's surface and he was able to walk on the surface of the water like it was no different from land. He stopped in the middle of the lake and then looked up.

At this moment, a hole in space was torn open, revealing a massive ship travelling through the void. Six hundred and sixty-six kilometres long, thirteen kilometres wide. Ancient rusting metal, paint peeling and blistering like a bad sun burn, the ship resembled an immense black serpent, sleeping in the midst of the waves. In front of the parallelogram which constituted the body of the galley, was a golden skeleton with a golden sword in right hand pointing to the front while the other hand held a black shield pointing downwards. The skeleton was decorated with a garland made of real skulls of almost all types of species in it. The ship seemed to have been designed to induce terror into whoever looked at it.

The ship came out from the wormhole and then turned port side so that the starboard was facing the man standing on the ground. One could see 5 people standing on the edge of the starboard of the ship.

One of them had long ears just like Edmund, but he had fair-skin. He was looking at the man below with an arrogant smirk on his face, as if the one standing below was meat on chopping block. He had a longbow and a quiver on his back. The quiver contained green arrows that seemed to have been born naturally in nature.

Another One had curved horns on his head that covered his head almost like a crown. He had red eyes and was looking below with an excited expression. One could feel that he was eager for battle. He had a large axe on his back and was dressed in black armor and had a face painted with colors that only seemed to enhance his ferocious appearance.

One of them had covered her head in a hood, so it was difficult to make out her facial features. She wore a long cloak, yet her hourglass figure was evident. One could see a golden eye glowing from under the hood. She was looking at the man with hatred. Her eye flashed as if she wanted to burn the man on the spot. She was carrying a golden mage staff in her hands with an assortment of crystals on top.

The fourth was a handsome human. He had golden hair and beautiful green eyes. He was dressed in black armor with flowing runic patterns which glowed silver. In his hands, he held a small hammer. If any earthling saw him, they would immediately scream, Thor. Of course he was not actually Thor, just dressed as him.

The last one, had an octopus for his head. However, unlike a normal octopus, his head was entirely made of black sticky-looking gel covered by white skeleton armor. The man wore a similar skeleton armor on his body. He held no weapon and was looking below with two with blood-red eyes. He had no pupil and no iris in his eyes which made it look like he had two pools of blood for his eyes. Strangely enough, his face was expressing happiness when looking at the man below.

Behind the five, one could make out many different people of the many species standing still. They were looking below with both fear and anticipation.

Both sides, one in the air and one on the ground, observed each other for about a minute. Then the elf on the ship started to speak,"I must say, you are hard to find. You did not inform anyone about where you are going. Just a message stating that you need time to be alone. If it was not for a stroke of luck for me I would never have been able to find you.".

The man snorted at him and said,"You are still so dumb Furm, if I had informed anyone, I would not be alone. After all, both of us have our spies in each others camps. It is easy to find out information like this, even if I tell it to only specific people. Its not like you guys would not prepare an ambush if you knew where I was going. I would have done the same to you.".

As Furm was about to respond, the woman among them said angrily," What does it matter how we found you. Today, you will die. We have moved over 70 percent of our forces just to kill you. Don't think you will be able to leave. Nobody will be able to save you.". She then raised her staff and struck the ship using its base. Immediately, the array formation carved on the ship started to activate, lighting the ship in various colors. She looked at this and said smugly,"We created this array especially for you and your wife. It has only one function, to block any and all communication and movement from the outside. As for trying to break it, for someone at you and your wife's level, it may be easy to break it given enough time, but that's why we are here".

The man looked at the array formation in the air and said," Oh! So this is the reason I was not able to contact Arya at that time. Thank you for solving this mystery.".

The female mage then said,"Magnificent isn't it? Are you feeling terrified yet?? No one is coming to help you. You will die alone, just like we killed your wife.".

"Ha ha ha ha ha". Suddenly the man started laughing loudly while pointing at them. He looked at them as if they were idiots.

All of them were surprised that the man was laughing when faced with his death. Looking at him laughing like that Furm was not able to contain to his anger,"What are you laughing at insect".

"Ha ha ha, oh boy, I haven't laughed so hard in quite a long time. Let me clear a few things for you.", said the man standing on the lake. "First, you seem to be under the impression that you had a stroke of luck in finding me. Not knowing that I had deliberately left a trail for you to follow. Let me guess, someone gave you that idea to look into my past movements and that is how you were able find me. Also, strangely enough, that someone seems to have simply vanished from your forces. Isn't that right, Furm??".

There was an ugly expression on Furm's face as if he had swallowed a fly.

The man continued,"So since you guys did not find me by accident, what do you think it means for you and your little ship. This blockade that you have created, do you really think it is going to help you??".

All five on the boat instantly thought,'Ambush!'. Although they could not see anyone around they decided to not take the risk. The female mage instantly started to power down the arrays and sent orders to prepare to leave.

Seeing the array formations power down, the man sneered and said," It is no use Glehenna. The moment your ship entered the atmosphere of this planet you guys were doomed. Look carefully around you. I have prepared a parting gift for you guys.".

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed. The skies darkened and the water below started to glow red. It looked as if it was not water, but a lake of fresh boiling blood. The birds and insects vanished and in their place you could see a number of runic chains. These chains were spread all across the sky itself. Edmund, crying in a spaceship far from the planet looked down and what he saw only confirmed that his master was going to be successful. The entire planet was bound in Runic Chains creating a cage of Arrays. These chains were spreading out from the planet and connecting to the planets surrounding the previously blue planet in the form of a Star with the planet in the exact center. With a planet above and below the Runic Star, it formed a double sided pyramid with a Star as the base. A massive Array formation created with 8 planets. After this final look, Edmund once more bowed in the direction of his master and then left on his mission.

Down on the surface, the faces of all the people became ugly looking at this massive monstrosity. This was not an array that can be broken or overpowered. Looking at those chains everyone could see that this array will run only for a short time. However, while it will run for a short time, the effect it will have on anyone finding himself/herself trapped under it will make the person cry tears of blood. Especially if the person was about to face The Emperor himself. The lower level goons on the ship were already feeling despair.

The array was not only stopping all space and physical travel, but it was also increasing the gravity of the planet itself. With each passing moment the planet's gravity was increasing at a tremendous speed. If that was all, they would not think much of it. But the array was also, slowly and surely squeezing out all the magical Mana from the atmosphere and also creating restrictions on the use of magic itself.

The Emperor looked at their expressions of despair and said," This is a special cage I created for all of you. Inside this everyone is same as weak ants. No Elf magic, no demonic magic, no dragon magic, no rune magic and no chaos magic. You will also not be able to use any physical skills in here. Also, I specially used my blood and bones to carve the bloodline suppressing arrays. Unless, anyone of you has a bloodline that surpasses mine you cannot use any bloodline abilities. The only thing you can use is your body to fight.".

The ship was made with spatial expansion magic, making the inside of the ship as large as a planet. It contained at this moment 13 billion soldiers and they had all been brought to fight against The Emperor and any of his allied forces if they showed up. But now everyone inside the spatial space was trapped. Since the spatial space was created with Spatial magic it too was affected by the array's magic limiting feature. The space inside did not collapse, but now nobody could enter nor could anybody exit. All 13 billion could only hope for the rescue from the ones already out.

Everyone out on the boat looked at him and the cage he had created and then all of them roared and ran down towards the man standing on the surface. They could not wait for the time to pass just to try to outlast the array's life. Since it was guaranteed that there were traps that will be activated at that time. But they also did not know if The Emperor will trigger the traps earlier. Thus, at this moment it was important to kill him and then use the rest of the time to analyse the array and save as many as possible.

The Emperor looked at the oncoming thousands of people, led by the five in front and then started to walk towards them slowly increasing his speed and reminisced," 300 years of preparations, all for this moment in time. Hold on a little longer Arya, I, Vyom Srivastava, will be joining you soon.".