
Dominating the Apocalypse

Dying in the conflict between two factions of the Universe, our protagonists find themselves at the start of their apocalypse. Author's note Hi all, this is my first novel. Please let me know of any criticisms or complaints you have. They will be greatly appreciated. I am only writing this as a hobby and have no plans to contract this. Also, I cannot promise a regular update since I am only writing as a hobby and have my day jobs also to take care of. Thank you all.

AkashSrivastava · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Prologue Part 1

On a beautiful looking blue planet, near a lake surrounded by mountains and a waterfall a man was sitting on a rock. He was looking ahead, seemingly admiring the view in front. He had been there for some time now. Not making a sound, not moving, as if not willing to disturb the beautiful and peaceful atmosphere around him.

At this time, the rays from the rising sun indicated the arrival of morning. The sun rose like a golden immortal and started splashing the dark raven sky with colors of red and splashed the clouds with endless rays of pink. The bright looking milky clouds, now colored pink by the sun got up from sleep and started travelling around the sky visiting the wonderful environment. The brown mountains standing tall were covered by snow which glowed like a golden blanket under the morning sun. Originating from the mountains, there was a waterfall with ivory white water splashing down to the river as if someone was spilling a glass of milk. As the rays of morning sun shone down on them they seemed to have tuned into liquid fire. The lake was as silver as diamond flame and the atmosphere was convent quiet. Even the depths were vodka clear. It was extremely soothing. The rising sun caused a division of armed flies to swarm into the air. The damp grass smelled Utopian. The water from the lake, looked like it would taste like a sweet medicine, a potion for the spirit.

The heavenly scene was finally interrupted when the man let out a sigh filled with sadness. Even being surrounded by this beautiful nature was unable to make him happy. His silver hair was cut in a military style. He was not overly muscular and had a clean shaven square jaw. His facial feature did not make him very handsome, though his black eyes came close. From them comes an intensity, an honesty, a gentleness. Taller than an average man, he did not look much over twenty - almost nerdy but strong.

At this moment a dark shadow rose up from the ground. From it emerged an old man. He was dark skinned and purple eyed and had long flowing white beard and hair. However, his most eye-catching feature were his long upright ears. The old man ,a dark-elf, radiated wisdom and strength that comes with having experienced many things over a long life.

No sound was heard when the man arrived. He looked at the man in front of him, who seemed to be oblivious to the dark-elf's arrival, with feelings of sadness, loss and respect. He then knelt on the ground and said,"My lord, the preparations have been completed.".

The man sitting on the rock did not reply immediately, as if not having heard what the dark-elf said. He continued looking in front while the dark-elf continued to kneel. Not daring, nor willing to rise. Finally after some time, the man sighed and said softly," Thank you uncle Edmund. You should leave now. Also, take this. It should be of some help. You can distribute the books as you wish. The rest is for you.". The man threw a spatial ring at Edmund. Edmund received the ring and continued to kneel and shouted,"Is it necessary to do this?? Master, you have done so much for us, for all of us. Do you have to sacrifice yourself?? It is not like we are at a disadvantage against them. Although neither of our sides has been able to gain an advantage, who's to say that we will not be able to defeat them after some time. After all, we have some very promising children. They will grow up to become even more powerful and will be able to increase the strength of our side. It is not necessary for you to go all out by sacrificing yourself to bring our enemies down.".

The man finally looked at the old dark-elf, his face finally expressing a slight smile. Ever since Edmund had accepted the role of being the butler for his house, he could count on one hand the times where he had raised his voice. At most he would only say a few sentences in a simple plain bored tone. The man was not surprised at Edmund shouting at him since he understood that the old butler was worried and unwilling to leave him. Edmund cared deeply for him and his family and the man was all that was left of the family.

He stood up from the rock and walked towards Edmund. Placing his hands on Edmund's shoulders he pulled him up from the ground and gave him a hug. Now, it was Edmund's turn to be surprised. His master, who was feared by his enemies and friends alike, who is simply called The Emperor , who was said to have scared the people, old and young alike, across the galaxies with a mere mention of his name, was now hugging him with a warm smile on his face. As far as Edmund could remember, his master had never hugged him. "M-Master??", Edmund uttered in his surprise.

The man released him but kept smiling at him. He then said,"Uncle, you are the last remaining part of my family. Although we are not related by blood, the bond and trust we have shared for so long is proof of us being a part of a family.". He then sighed and gestured at the scenery around them,"Uncle look around us. How do you find the surrounding environment??". Edmund looked around them and said,"Very beautiful Master". However, his master sighed and said,"I do not find anything beautiful in this world anymore, Uncle. Not since Arya died.".

Hearing his mistress' name, Edmund's eyes filled with tears. Arya Wistera, aka The Empress, Edmund's original master and the wife of the man in front of him. She had been killed in combat by their enemies more than 300 years ago. He finally knew why his Master insisted on this course of action. It was for his revenge.

The man's face was contorted in pain and sadness and looked around as if looking at a memory and said,"Arya was the most important person in my life Uncle. I had loved her with my everything, yet she died because of me. They could not kill me. So they killed her, hoping that her death would deal a severe blow to me and I would make a stupid mistake in anger and sadness. What they did not expect however, was that Arya had managed to send me a delayed message which activated after her death. In it, she told me not to do anything stupid like trying to rush to save her since she was already dead and that they had prepared a trap for me.". Suddenly the man started to emit an imposing presence. "I did not taken any action against them all these years because once I took any action against any one of them the others will just hide in their lairs. This is perhaps the only opportunity that I will get to have all of them come together. I have nothing left to live for Uncle. At my level, I would be able to stay alive for more than ten thousand years easily. But I am unwilling to live without Arya. I would much rather embrace death hoping to re-unite with her in my next life than go on living uselessly for so long. But before I die, I will make sure to kill every single one of them and destroy everything that they stood for. I will make them pay the price for what they have done".

Edmund, who was now crying openly, said,"Then let me accompany you in this fight master. Although I am not much powerful than them, these old bones can still put up a decent fight.". His master looked at him and smiled ferociously,"No, Uncle. This fight is mine and mine alone. I need you to inform others to take action. The lairs of the Chaos faction need to be destroyed. They have already severely scattered their forces to concentrate on me. This is right time to strike them. The others should have no problems bulldozing the lairs. Also, I have given you mine and Arya's possessions. They contain our knowledge. Books written by us explaining the various powers and techniques we had learned and created and experimented with. Spread them across the universe.".

Edmund was surprised again, however this time it was accompanied with shock. His master had given him The Grimoire. It must be known that each technique/skill/magic/bloodline learned/acquired, will produce corresponding changes in a person's body. Thus, each one prepares the body for how it evolves. When a number of abilities that complement each other have been learned, it triggers a huge leap in the person's body and soul, pushing towards a better life form. Such changes also prolong a person's life to a large degree and then the cycle continues. Theoretically, in this way a person can keep on living eternally. However, higher level abilities are not only difficult to create, it is even more difficult to complement them with similar level abilities. A single ability in any stage is not enough to trigger the evolution process and the process just keeps getting harder and harder. Thus evolution maps were created. The new generation would follow in the footsteps of the old ones thus having an easier path. However, the maps are the jealously guarded secrets of every major power and are usually only passed by way of master to disciple or as a member of clan or mercenary groups.

His masters had never taken in any disciple. Thus, the evolution map they had used had never seen the light. However, it was known that they had learned an impossibly large number of techniques from various branches. Physical Techniques, Magical Ablilities, Runes and Arrays, Technological Skills, Life Skills, Theory of Space Time, Rituals, Sacrificial Rites, Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting and much more. They had even dabbled in Soul Magic, the most esoteric and unknown branch of all magics and they had managed to create a Soul Bond between them. It was hard to find a topic they had not learned about or experimented on.

Naturally, such an immense treasure trove of knowledge was coveted by many. Many had even tried to get it somehow. Naturally, this resulted in many conflicts and massacres that were done by them. In fact, some of the races are now considered extinct or endangered as a result of their conflicts. All of this and they had never created a Sect or Academy or Guild or Family. Only those two did all of this.

Thus they were given the nickname of The Emperor and The Empress. The knowledge they had hoarded was collectively called The Grimoire. And it was known that together The Emperor and The Empress were invincible. This was also the reason that to kill Arya, the Chaos faction had ambushed her when she was alone.

This was the source of shock of Edmund. This was perhaps the most precious knowledge in all of the universe. Countless beings would kill to obtain even just a fragment of it. And now just like that, his master had passed such an important treasure over to him.

While Edmund was shocked, his master continued to say,"Now go uncle Edmund. They have arrived. Go and tell the others to take action.".

Edmund then looked towards their front. The surrounding space started to fluctuate like the surface of a liquid. He saw that his master had resolved himself and will not change his mind. He sighed while crying and knelt again and said,"I hope you kill all of them master. I hope that you will meet mistress again in your next life. I will faithfully complete the missions that you have given me. I will spread this knowledge to all corners of the universe.". He was then enveloped in his shadow. One would be able to see spatial fluctuations surrounding the shadow.

Please let me know of any mistakes or any criticisms that you may have. This is my first novel and thus I am definitely going to make mistakes. I hope to learn as I go about this.

AkashSrivastavacreators' thoughts