
Dominated Battlefield: Volume 5- The Aftermath

A Series Taken From Different POVs Of Powerful Leaders Of Their Respected Factions. See How They Interact And Develop As Characters. Explosions, Gore, Cool Ass Battles And Hot Women What More Could You Want In A Series. Age Rating: 16+ Type: Ecchi, Action, Thriller

TheUnknown_goat · สงคราม
5 Chs

Chapter 4- Invitation:

As He Entered The Room With The Flatscreen TV Connected With A Computer, Corner Followed Him In, "Damn That Shit Out There Was Shocking" Corben Stated. "Yeah Well At least We Have This, It Will Possibly Give Us More Info" He Replied.

As He Plugged In The USB A Long Bar Appeared Stating "Loading" That Bar Became Coloured In Blue Stating "Complete".

Then The Video Showed Up, It Was Oliver S, " Typical Would've Guessed" Matthews Joked, "If You're Seeing This I Bet You've Received My Gift, It Was A Joint Project" He Laughed, "Fucking Bastard, That Soldier Better Be Ok" His Fist Poised To Strike.

"Anyway, You're Probably Wondering Why, But It's Simple You're Invited To A Battle Royale" He Yelled, "Battle Royale? " Matthews And Corben Said In Synchronization.

"Yes, A Battle Royale To Finally Prove Who Is The Strongest Emperor Ever, Every Emperor's Invited, Of Course It's Not Compulsory But You'll Look A Spineless Wimp If You Don't So I'll Suggest Taking My Offer, You Have 10 Days To Prepare You're Skills, Remember Abilities, No Weapons, Oliver Out! " He Said Ending The Feed.

"Interesting" Matthews Scratched His Chin, "A Battle Royale Huh, Sounds Suspicious To Me As Fuck, We Sure We Wanna Trust Him?" Corben Argued. "I Mean It's Better To Look Powerful Than Weak Right" Matthews Chuckled.

"Anyway I'm Off I'll Need Someone To Analyse The Footage To See If We Can Pick Out Any Secrets He's Hid Behind The Scenes" Matthews Waved, "Right I'll Get To That Right Way" He Said Waving Back To Him.

Meanwhile At A Hospital In Lowstriders, Matthews Entered Everyone Shocked By A Presence Of An Emperor. As He Walked Through He Went To The Reception.

"So Where's The Soldier Who Was Injured? " He Questioned. "Oh Erm Sir I Think You're Too Late, She's Just Died Right Now Sorry" She Replied. "What?" Matthews Said Angrily Punching The Desk Cracking It In Half.

He Teleported To Her Room, He Looked At Her Lifeless Eyes, As She Was Now Gone Forever, He Grabbed Her Hand And Clutched It With Tight Grip, "Don't Worry I'll Avenge You" He Said, "I'd Cry A River But Emperors Never Cry We Can't Really" He Joked.

"You Know What I'll Visit You're Grave Every Single Monday" He Smiled Letting Go Of Her Hand. He Knew He'd Never Forget An Honourable Soldier Like That.

He Teleported Back To His Castle To Meet Up With Corben, Meanwhile Corben Found Useful Secrets In The Video.

"Found Anything? " He Questioned, "Actually Some Scary Stuff Hehe" The Latter Responded In Fear. "What Did You Find? " Matthews Said Fully Interested.

"Him, Lincoln, The One Who Perished At The Hands Of Erasure" He Replied Shivering, "What, Actually To Be Honest I Knew He Was Alive To Begin With, So He Didn't Get Erased When Becoming A Quilopth Eater" He Scratched His Chin. Corben Handed Him A Photo Of The Feed But Brightened Up.

"Hmm This Is Identical, But Why Would He Team Up, With.... " Matthews Paused And Looked At Corben Who Gave A Suspicious Smile. "Well Do You Remember When I Specifically Went On An Apparent Special Mission Well I Wasn't Joking, This Mission Included Him" He Stated.

"You Need Some Explaining To Do" Matthews Commanded. "Well What Happened Was My Job Was To Assassinate Him But I Guess Falling Into A Volcano With Heat That Off 10,000°c Wasn't Enough For Him Huh" Corben Replied.

"Maybe That's Why He's Joined DRAGON And Oliver S Maybe Because He Gave Him Cybernetic Enhancements, Just Like With The Pterodactyl" Matthews Scratched His Head.

"That's Not All Though I Found An Unnamed Female Emperor In His Feed Too, Issue Is There Is No Matching Face" He Announced, "Damn Interesting Stuff" Matthews Congratulated.

"How Did It Go With The Soldier? " Corben Questioned "She's Somewhere Where She Can Be Happy" He Smiled Nervously.

He Teleported Away Back To His Room, Thinking About His Next Move.

Back At DRAGON....

Oliver S Was Examining A Crystal That Of The Quilopth, "It's So Small Yet So Powerful But You Can't Use It On An Inexperienced Person, We Need A Bit Of Human Experimentation" He Smiled Eerily.

"So What's Next Move, We Kill Them Right After The Battle Royale? " Lincoln Questioned His Voice Glitchy. "No No It's Not That Simple, We'll Release To The Public A Final Solution To Finally Neutralize Matthews Using This Blueprint Explaining How To Kill Him" He Waved Around A Blue Long Rolled Up Blueprint.

"I'll Send Him To The Fucking Slaughterhouse And His Wives To The Graves" Lincoln Curled Up His Fist, "But First I'll Kill That Bastard Angel For What He Destroyed" He Grumbled.

"Don't Worry I Have It All Under Control, This Plan Will Not Fail" He Smiled As He Walked Away To Meet His Soldiers.

"So My Fellow Soldiers And Scientists Alike How Is The Simulation Coming Along? " He Questioned. "Sir, It Shall Be Ready In 5 Days" One Scientist Answered. "We're Just Tweaking Any Errors And Glitches" He Stated.

"Remember I Don't Like Late Presents" He Joked.

Meanwhile At Lowstriders...

Matthews Was In Thought Planning His Next Move, "Maybe This Will Be Chance To Finally Uncover The Secrets Of DRAGON But I Need To Get Close Enough" He Stated, Hanako Was Hiding Under The Covers Waiting For Matthews To Find Her.

"Hanako I Know You're There I Just Can't Be Asked To Play Hide And Seek With You Right Now" Matthews Sighed, "Aww No Fair You Can See Through Objects" She Cried, "I Can See More Than You Could Ever Imagine" He Laughed.

Hanako Flew Out The Covers And Started Asking Matthews Questions, "So What's Wrong, You Seem A bit Tired? " She Questioned, "Oh It's Nothing And No I'm Not Tired I'm Always Active Actually" He Answered Angrily.

"Don't Be Angry, I'll Always Cheer You Up" She Pouted, She Proceeded To Hug His Chest, Matthews Merely Blushed At The Sight And Feeling Of This. "Don't Worry Hanako I Can Look After Myself" He Chuckled.

"Hey Why Don't We Have Pool Party, Cause I Think We Need A Little More Head Clearing" Matthews Suggested.

Meanwhile At DRAGON...

Oliver S Looked At The Results Of His Invitations, "Hmm It's Appears Kobe, Ryan Have Returned Their Answers With A Yes It Seems Matthews And Charlie Though Are Skeptical Which Comes To No Surprise" He Joked, As He Waved Around The Letters.

"So When Will I Get To Do Something? " Lincoln Asked With An Angry Expression, "Oh Calm Down I Have Something Already, There's A Convoy Moving In The Lowstriders Area, Must Be Matthews Convoy Deal With It And Destroy Everything Maybe Then It Will Change His Mind" He Replied.

"After The Accident At Brightshade We Need Some Payback And With Your New Mechanized Upgrades Your Going To Slaughter Them" He Laughed. Lincoln Turned And Leaped Away To Destroy His Targets.

The Convoy Was Still On Its Way Through The Desert, On The There Way To Deliver Some Valuable Items To The Lowstriders, Unknown To Them Death Was Going To Appear Very Soon.

"We're Nearly There Girls, Just 20 Miles Away" Captain Min Announced, The Convoy Consisted Of 3 Military SUVS And 4 Military Trucks. The Soldiers Were Tired And Couldn't Wait To Get Home.

"Hey What's That In The Sky? " One Soldier Said Pointing To The Sky As A Dark Figure Leaped Into View. As He Landed He Cracked The Ground Causing The Vehicles To Stop, "What The Hell? " Min Asked In Confusion.

The Figure Stood Up His Body Covered In Metal Except For His Head Which Was The Only Human Feature. Clutching Two Pincer Blades And A Motorcycle Mask Covering His Head. "Sir You're Blocking The Road Could You Move" One Soldier Commanded As They Pulled Out A Megaphone.

"Awww Cmon You Could Be A Bit More Meaner Than That Maybe Start Shooting" He Antagonized Them. "Shoot The Bastard Maybe That Will Make Him Happy" Min Commanded. They Started Firing Rapidly, Bullets Flew Flying Like Rocks.

He Blocked Every Shot With His Pincer Blades But Every Shot That Did Land Just Bounced Off. "Let's Get This Over With! " He Laughed As He Slammed His Pincer Blades Slammed Into The Ground, He Created A Shockwave Sending The Vehicles Flying Along With The Soldiers.

The Soldiers Tried To Get Up But Were Torn Up Into Shreds Faster Than Light, Captain Min Couldn't Even See That He Was Moving. Blood Covered The Ground, "Damn That Was Quick" He Stared At Their Corpses. "What Have You Done! " The Captain Fell To The Ground On Her Knees Crying, Tears Pouring Down Her Face.

"You Know I Had Fun, You Could Work For Us But You Support That Shitty Emperor So Death is Your Reward" He Ridiculed Her.

"Just Shut The Fuck Up And Kill Me" She Wept, As The Blade Slit Her Throat Blood Pouring Out A She Fell In Her Own Blood As well As Others. "You Didn't Even Stand A Chance Pathetic".