
Dominated Battlefield: Volume 5- The Aftermath

A Series Taken From Different POVs Of Powerful Leaders Of Their Respected Factions. See How They Interact And Develop As Characters. Explosions, Gore, Cool Ass Battles And Hot Women What More Could You Want In A Series. Age Rating: 16+ Type: Ecchi, Action, Thriller

TheUnknown_goat · สงคราม
5 Chs

Chapter 3- Assassination Attempt:

"Sir You're Back Finally" Corben Laughed, "And Where Have You Been? " Matthews Scratched His Chin. Corben Grew A Nervous Smile, "Erm Just Helping Locals Out And That's It Really" He Scratched His Head. "Hmm Next Time Tell Me Cause All I Know You Could Be Doing Bounties Or Some Other Shit" He Exhaled.

"Sir My I Remind You Tomorrow You Have A Speech To Ready For You're Win Against The Two Opposing Powers" He Announced. "Oh Ah I Already Have Speech Prepared, Since Preparation Is My Strong Point" He Smiled. "Now Corben Go Get Some Rest You Were A Key Asset In That War So You Deserve Some Rest" He Patted Him On The Shoulder.

"Oh And Corben My Speech Is Surely Amazing" He Yelled Waving At Him Down The Hallway. As He Walked Past The Beautiful, Silver Ridden Walls He Entered His Room, "Hmm Surprised There's No Girls Dressed As Fucking Rabbits" He Joked.

As He Layed In The Bed Staring At The Ceiling, He Thought Of The Quilopth Eater Transformation He Underwent Thinking If He Can Control When He Needs To Use It Again And What Are The Limits Of This Power. "Maybe This Was Blessing Or A Sign Of Zmija" He Questioned As He Closed His Eyes.

6 Hours Later....

It Was Morning, Sunlight Flew Inside The Room And Windows Reflected Off Creating A Beautiful Sparkling Effect. Birds Chirped Announcing Everyones Awakening.

"Ehhh, Damn That Was A Good 6 Hour Rest, What's That Smell?" He Questioned Finding A Piece Of Cake On His Forehead, "Right Who Ever Thought This Was A Great Joke Is Going To Be Murdered And Then Burnt Alive" He Sighed Angrily.

"Morning, Emperor San, It's Me Hanako I Gave You A Wake Up Gift" She Smiles Sitting On Matthews Stomach, "Could You Not Call Me That, Also Get Off Me" He Commanded.

"Oh Erm Sorry, Emperor San" She Chuckled Hovering Off Matthews. "What Did I Just Say" He Face palmed.

Two Soldiers Entered His Room, Ready To Defend Him As Today Was His Speech, "Right Guys I Don't Need Protecting I'm Fine One My Own" He Stated, "Sir, It Is A Duty To Protect You" One Soldier Stated.

"Sure Then" He Agreed Reluctantly, The Two Guards Followed Him Down The Hallway, The Floor Covered In Long Carpet As It Was Tradition To Do This When A Victory Speech Is Held.

Corben Reappeared "Good Luck Out There" He Reassured Him, As He Floated Next To Matthews. As The Gates Opened The Sun Came In Brighter Than Ever. Matthews Breathed In The Beautiful Natural Air.

Stage Was Already Prepared And Stand Was Ready To Be Claimed, As The Soldiers Stood Behind The Stand, Associates Such As Corben And Matthews Wife's Sat On Blue Conference Chairs. Matthews Walked Up The Stand Poised To Speak.

"Morning My Beautiful People, It's Been A Long Time, Since We've Spoke, But Today I Make My Mark, My Statement On Yesterday's Battle" He Announced, Everyone Clapping, "Now I Believe The Real Heroes Were The Army, Strong Powerful Females On Standby When Ever I Need Them, But Of Course Yesterday Was Different Since I Needed My Beautiful Soldiers To Rest" He Said Holding Up His Fist.

"Remember To Overcome War We Need A Strong Army Not Just An Army With Guns But An Army With Passion And Hardworking Personality" He Ended His Speech, What Followed Was A Round Of Claps And Cheering.

Then A Shadowy Figure Appeared In The Sky That Of A Prehistoric Kind, One Person Looked Up And Screamed Running Out The Way, The Other's Were Too Late As It Crashed Down Flattening Most Of Them. Others Were Thrown To The Side It Created A Shockwave When Landing, People Tried To Runaway In Panic.

Matthews Noticed It In Shock, One Soldier Started Firing At It Standing In Matthews To Protect Him, The Bullets Merely Bounced Off, The Pterodactyl Like Steampunk Machine Opened Its Mouth Revealing A Shotgun Like Weapon. It Then Released Simultaneously Shooting The Soldier Through Chest Sending Her Flying.

The Creature Scanned The Area Detecting Matthews As The Primary Target It's Eyes Flashing Red, Matthews Quickly Blitzed Before It Could Make A Move Slicing It's Body In Half. Oil Splashed On The Ground Like Blood.

A Stain Of Oil Layed On Matthews Cheek, "Pathetic" He Whispered, As He Turned To The Soldier "Get Some Medical Support On Her! " He Yelled As Another Soldier Agreed Getting Support.

Matthews Then Saw A USB Stick Pointing Out Of It's Back, He Quickly Ripped It Out, It Reading "PTR-001" Potentially The USB Name. Then A Note On Back Saying "Watch This It's An Emergency".

" A Fucking Assassination Attempt, Some People Are Desperate " He Said Angrily Looking At The Broken Machine, He Walked Away Back To The Castle, Ready To Watch The Video Or Whatever Was On That USB.