
Dodens Porter

Heidy is a beautiful and energetic girl. Her curiousity is beyond normal. One day, on a road trip to her father's hometown in Indonesia, she accidentally enters a gate to a foreign world in the year 1600. There, she meets a man named Axton, a pure descendant of the Vikings, who lives in a village called Midnight Sun Village. The village is an area that has been targeted by a cruel man, the ruler of Dodens Porter named Christopher Van Diederick, to expand his territory. Heidy helps Axton to protect the village from any monster attacks sent by Van Diederick. She does not know if in fact, she has much more important mission by being there, that is to bring her mother back. The mother she thought was dead, as her father always said, is still alive and under the influence of Van Diederick's magic.

Anne_Malila27 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

The Truth Revealed

Patra stops his activities. He seems to be much more interested in Heidy's story than in editing the video. "Padma? Is it the same Padma?" he mutters. For a moment, the tan-skinned youth is silent and thoughtful. A few moments later, he speaks again, "Did uncle Bayu ever remarry while in Oslo? I mean ..."

"No. My father doesn't seem interested in getting married again. He takes care of his two daughters alone until we are adults. My sister is even now married," Heidy explains, making Patra look even more interesting. The young man furrows his brows while he is thinking about something.

"That means… Aunt Padma is the last wife of Uncle Bayu, and you are the youngest daughter. So… do you think it's the same Padma?" Patra seems to be riddled with himself.

Heidy also thinks about something at the moment. "When will uncle Bayu come back from Kalimantan?" asks Patra suddenly startling Heidy's thoughts.

"My dad goes there for two days. That means he'll be home tomorrow," Heidy explains.

"Then how about we head out today?" Patra tries to bargain.

"He won't let me out. Aunt Astri will complain to him if she finds out that I left the house," says Heidy.

"Shall we go alone or...just me alone..." Patra moves his eyebrows up and down, making Heidy frown. But, Heidy leaves him with no answers. "I'm hungry," her words seem to be in doubt.

After lunch, Heidy chooses to return to her room, while Astri is busy watching television in the living room. She has no idea what the two young people are planning at her house.

Heidy has just finished tying her hair when she hears a knock on her door. She has guessed that it must be Patra who come. She immediately opens the bedroom door wide. However, the girl mistook it, because it is Astri who come there. "I thought you were taking a nap," she says.

Heidi smiles. "I'm going to take a nap now," the girl says.

"Okay. Auntie just wants to make sure you're doing well," says Astri again, gently touching Heidy's cheek, and returning a smile from Heidy. After that, the woman with the perfunctory bun leaves Heidy's room. She could only exhale slowly after Astri left.

Heidy is about to close the door to her room when suddenly there is a foot holding the door open. Patra clears his throat softly, making Heidy immediately open it again.

For a moment, Heidy looks strangely at the young man. He was carrying a rope commonly used by rock climbers. However, in the end, the girl can understand the meaning of her cousin when Patra passes near the bedroom window. He opens the window wide and looks out. He looks around the yard to make sure the situation is safe. "Are you ready?" he asks as he turns to Heidy who is still transfixed.

"For what? You want me to freefall from the second floor?" the girl protests indirectly.

"Come on, Dy. It's only four and a half meters. You're brave, I'm sure of that," Patra reassures Heidy.

Heidy thinks for a moment. The sweet girl then approaches Patra and stares out the window. Yes, it's not very high. She gasps and asks herself whether she is brave enough or not to give it a try. Heidy has never done anything like this before. "Is this rope safe?" Heidy touches the rope that has dangled down from her bedroom window.

"It's completely safe. I often use it when climbing cliffs," explains Patra confidently. "Come on, come down," says the brown-skinned youth. He is ready to help Heidy down to the courtyard.

Heidy takes a deep breath. She has to muster up all her courage. The long-haired girl climbs up to the window and begins to descend using a rope. She has to be very good at keeping her balance while she is hanging from it. "Don't look down!" Patra gives instructions quite firmly but slowly. Heidy nods and continues to move her body down. Slowly but surely, she is finally able to set foot on the grass in the side yard of the house. After that, she immediately presses her body against the wall and makes sure that no one sees her action with Patra.

Meanwhile, Patra immediately pulls back and smooths the rope. He closes the window of Heidy's room tightly. Calmly, the young man steps out of the room and down to the first floor. There, he sees Astri who is still watching her favorite television program seriously. "Mom, I'm going out for a while. Today I have an appointment with a friend," he says.

Astri only responds by holding up the television remote. She is too engrossed to not care. However, just as Patra intends to continue, the woman suddenly calls out to him. Patra is stunned and turns around. "When you get home, don't forget to buy me and Heidy meatballs from our regular shop," she orders. "I don't know if there are meatballs as good as it in Norway or not," Astri continues as if to herself.

"Oh, alright. I'll buy it later," Patra smiles warmly. After that, he continues his steps toward the exit. Arriving there, the young man immediately takes his motorbike out of the garage. He gives a helmet to Heidy who has been waiting outside. Without lingering, the two of them rush out of the fairly large courtyard.

On the way, Heidy keeps remembering the path she took to get to the castle they are going to because Patra only knows the area of ​​the pine forest. As time goes on, the motorbike that Patra rides increasingly enters a path that seems to have never been passed by a vehicle again. It's all because of the absence of street lights or anything that should be on the normal path as usual.

The whole road is filled with only small rocks, and there are gaping holes everywhere. Patra must be smart in choosing the path he will take. "Are you sure this is the direction?" asks the young man. He stops his motorbike for a moment.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure," Heidy replies. She decides to get off the bike and look around. It is very quiet there as if it is just the two of them. However, Heidy's gaze is instantly locked on the fleeting image of a black cat she has seen before. Heidy immediately takes off the helmet she is wearing. "Follow me, Patra," the girl pleads as she steps forward carefully.

Patra then turns off the engine that is still running. He also takes off his helmet and gets off. In a hurry, the young man follows Heidy who has walked first. He doesn't know where she takes him. One thing is certain, his footsteps are now glued to a truly amazing look.

The castle exists and is real, even though its condition does look very scary. However, Patra's curiosity is piqued. He could not bear to explore what is inside the magnificent building. "Come on. I'm curious what's inside," says Patra to Heidy, who is still freezing at where she stands.

"This... this isn't a dream, is it?" instead of following Patra's footsteps, Heidy continues to stare at the castle. She only realizes this when Patra grabs her wrist and led her inside, passing the weeds that filled the front yard of the place.

"Wow, this is amazing," Patra's admiration is immeasurable when they enter the front porch of the building. Impatient, he half drags Heidy to walk faster to enter the interior of the castle. Incidentally, the door to the building is wide open.

"This is exactly like what I always see in my dreams," says Heidy, making Patra pause for a moment. He turns to the beautiful girl. "For some reason, Dad always opposes everything I see. He will get angry if I talk about ...." Heidy doesn't continue her words. Half running, she enters a large room where she saw a painting of a woman in red. Heidy stops again in front of the painting of the beautiful woman.

While Patra, who has just arrived there, is immediately surprised. He stands next to Heidy in disbelief. "Aunt Padma?" he mutters, making Heidy immediately turn to the young man.