
Chapter Two

They fortunately didn't met with any longer

extraordinary occasions over the course of their time

in the air. However, that man whoever he was, his

words had pierced her heart and mix some

exceptionally terrible recollections inside her. She remained

quiet for rest existing apart from everything else out of nowhere this

trip felt so miserable for reasons unknown. All her

companions can detect her misery however they didn't

understood how to encourage her. Be that as it may, they all

knew the explanation for her trouble, that man

who ever he was is answerable for this.

The air lady reported that they ought to

lock in and that they are going to land.

Pia was still a lot of quiet actually thinking

about all that had occurred in her

life. Once more she didn't have the foggiest idea why all the

old recollections she had covered inside had once more

reemerged, and she couldn't say whether she was

Sufficiently valiant to manage her devils just

however. She didn't knew whether she can at any point be bold


When the arrangement landed, they all got out, however as

they were crossing the runway, they saw the

same individual who had offended their companion.

Pia was viewing at this back as he strolled

towards an over the top expensive vehicle. For some

reason he halted. She didn't have any idea why as

he was only couple of feet from his ride. While

Pia was the final remaining one to get off the plane. She

was all the while standing grasping the railing harder

than planned to. The metal felt cold underneath

her touch.

He pivoted. His different hued

eyes met her looking with a similar virus

look as in the past. He was remaining there, not

moving toward his vehicle, simply remaining there

also, checking Pia out. After some time, she

deflected her look taking a gander at anyplace yet at

an attractive, Youthful and self-important rich man.

"Pia..." Disha called her. The man halted

seeing her and afterward turned around got into

his vehicle and afterward it drove off.

"what was genuinely going on with that?" Pia thought yet

however common as secretive that man seemed to be, his

activities were a secret to her. He wanted that sne never meets this man ever in her life

once more. For he can mix some extremely, distinctive and similarly terrible recollections she is concealing in her heart. She would have rather not gone through those bad dreams once more, which she had contended energetically to contain, exceptionally difficult to neglect.

"Come on, don't ponder this alright? You realize it is possible that he was simply having a terrible day, or he may very well awakened on some unacceptable side of the bed. Other than it isn't like you will meet that man at any point in the future. One of every million opportunities for that to happen Pia." Mia attempted to encourage Pia as they generally boarded the taxi towards Mia's dad's condo. That will be their modest home for not many days before they return to Mumbai.

"Indeed, he wasn't so much as an Indian, recollect? You shouldn't think about him any longer and ruin your state of mind Pia, contemplate the what might be on the horizon, the future that will be yours and the future that you will have will be brilliant nobody will at any point hold its up. You have overcome much for that." Pia took a gander at them and grinned.

"You are correct, I simply could have done without the manner in which he made a decision about me without knowing me from the outset. To that end it had harmed a tad. However, as you said, it is one of every million opportunity that I meet him once more. In this way, I will search for my subsequent stage.

Next Morning, they had meeting with the

Visa office. Thus, Pia got up as early as possible

also, tackled her errands including her morning

supplications. In the wake of offering her appreciation to her

divine beings she chose to awaken her companions who

were up celebrating toward the end of last night. She thumped

at their room. Seeing the off-kilter positions,

they were snoozing. A grin broke on her

face. A family away from her own. It is such a

interesting thing to find.

"Eat up" Pia yelled. And all of

them abruptly was up and encompassing her.

"Kya banaya?"

"what is for breakfast?"

"Damn I am starving"

She giggled at their responses. They are

continuously will be a foodie. Be that as it may, she adores them

"Gobble up young ladies, my unique treat for

you" Pia said putting their plates before

them. "You are a generally excellent cook Pia, thank

you for this. How you rested the previous evening? Any

bad dreams?" Disha asked and every one of them

seen her face knowing whether something

triggers her recollections, she generally gets these

awful bad dreams she can't adapt up to.

"Like a child, shockingly there weren't any

bad dreams." They generally loose.

"We were concerned when you wouldn't go out

the previous evening, we realized you were vexed Pia," Reva

told her as she pulled Pia close to her seat and set a plate for her as well. "Here eat up, you really want

to keep your solidarity up." Pia wasn't very

hungry. Her brain was still on that individual who

she had met yesterday. "Gobble up then we will

leave for the visa office."

After the morning meal they generally left for the Visa

office together. In any case, karma had it that Pia drew

the more limited straw and her meeting was last

on the block that also was after mid-day break

was finished. "Pia... are you going to come or are

you going to remain? It will require investment... and..."

"All of you ought to proceed to appreciate I will go along with you

thereafter." Reva shook her head. "You don't really

know anything around here. We can't simply

leave you here and leave." She grinned. "I

will be fine. I know the way to the loft."

She consoled them.

"Simply call us in the event that you want anything." Pia

gestured. Also, they left. "I don't feel

great about leaving her everything without anyone else" Disha

told others. "Neither do I" Mia said. "How

about this, first we purchase somethings for her

and afterward one of them set them up for her

birthday while another profits back and

take her to the loft?" Reva recommended.

"That ought to get it done. She wants a break later

all that happened to her at any rate." Every one of them


The Mid-day break was finished however she wasn't

brought in yet. Pia's temperament hoses and she

felt somewhat drained and miserable for some

reason. It resembles that she won't be

brought in all things considered. Perhaps she could make it happen

tomorrow. She will simply a call to her mom.

She was going to move up and leave. Be that as it may

she heard her name bring in.

She took every one of her reports and checked

them once more. She strolled in and she was

told to sit down next to the man of his word

plunking down there. She plunked down not looking

anyplace yet the unfilled seat before her.

The man came in and sat down in front

of them. "Miss Beam is it?" She gestured. The

man next to her grunted, she can see he was

irritated for reasons unknown. "You haven't addressed

my concern yet and you had called her in for

the meeting do you know nothing about

need?" The man asked furiously.

Pia froze at his voice she had known him

all things considered, as a matter of fact she had known him excessively

well. A similar individual had offended

her yesterday. "We are attempting Mr...." "Don't you

dare, I have been staying here for past one

hour regardless you haven't tracked down any arrangement."

He told the authorities. "we have been working

difficult to revise what is happening. Miss Beam, can

you hang on for not many simple minutes? You

can see we are confronting a little trouble here"

Pia gestured and the authority left conversing with


The man at long last checked her out. "You once more?

Why it happens that assuming I get into some sort

of difficulty in this country, you are available

some way or another." "Look Sir, whatever your concern

is you cannot..." He cut her off in the center.

"I can't fault you? How could I not? First you


I my Armani, next it is my visa get

confined for god understands what reason, and all in view of not many of you juvenile individual,

who don't have the foggiest idea how to deal with gear nor

do they have any idea how to keep an administration

framework." He expressed especially to nobody.

"Since you got confined that doesn't

imply that it is shortcoming in our framework, perhaps

you neglected to do something you expected to. It

can happen..." "You assume you are better compared to

I'm woman? I oversee individuals like you day and

night, fail to remember something? I neglect to do what?"

"Sir, you have neglected to refresh the legitimacy


you Visa, it's okay we have taken care

of that..." He took a gander at Pia furiously. "Lamentable

individuals, I never need to see your face of all time

once more... Simply juvenile, awkward individuals,

have no information about anything." He

murmured softly.

"Miss your Visa had been supported." Pia

gestured after the meeting had finished up. In any case

her psyche was on the words he said. Take her

back to her past over and over. Some place

she had become lost. The road was obscure

also, she didn't have the foggiest idea where to go, she chose

to find a payphone and call her companions. She

might have the option to return in those days. Some way or another,

she wound up encompassed by some very

terrible individuals. They start to encompass her and

call out to her. They even attempted to contact

her and she some way or another figured out how to get away

harming her simultaneously.

She began to run. Without looking where she

was strolling to, she nearly crashed into the

vehicle. The man escaped the vehicle and checked out

her. "You once more?" She nearly reviled her karma running into him third time straight wasn't

exceptionally useful. He saw her and he halted

talking. She saw him getting to her. "What

occurred?" his tone turned somewhat milder. Yet

there was a resentment actually binding his words.

He didn't sat tight for her response. He held her

hand and she panted. He release his hold

also, got her into his vehicle. "Where are you..."

"Quiet down you are simply making my headache

more regrettable." He told her and she shut up. He laid

her to his suite. "Wait I really want to check

assuming you are okay." He took off something,

she perceived as stethoscope. "You are a

specialist?" she inquired. "indeed, you got issue

with that as well?" "N...No" She covered gravely.

For reasons unknown she simply feels so terrified of


He cleaned her cut, and afterward wrapped it. "No

significant wounds, fortunately. Presently it isn't my

spot to ask you yet care to tell me for what valid reason you

were running like your life subject to it?"

He inquired. "N...Nothing c...can I c...call m...my

companions?" She asked still especially shaken,

still a lot of shuddering. He realized she was

not particularly okay.