
Title : Tina and Lucus

Near the forest there lived a beautiful girl name Tina with her Grandma. She used to collect fruit and vegetables from the forest and her Grandma used to sell in the market .It was a normal day as Tina went to forest to collect some fruits. so,Tina made her way through the woods.

Jumping over the falling trees and through bushes. She went on till she reach a part of a forest with berries all over. so, she collect some blueberries. After collecting she continue into forest in search of more fruits until she saw raspberry bushes every where. she pick some raspberry in basket . Tina hold a basket and made her way home. The sun was beginning to

set.The air was filled with the humming and whizzing of fairies, spirits, and other mysterious creatures flying around. she walked and walked but she lost her way. She had never been so far before. The shadow of the trees were long and bird flying back to their home. But Tina continue walking . After some hours she felt tired and rest for a while under the tree and by using stones she light the fire ,eat some berries and she fell asleep.When she found herself in a big Palace. she said to herself "Am I dreaming " . she waits and look around to see someone to come in but after long wait no one come to the place. She asked," Is someone there in the Palace? Hellooo... ". Suddenly someone called from behind "Hello" She turned around and was surprised to see a young man who is wearing mask. He asked, "How are you feeling now".

She replied," I am fine".

He said," I'm sorry I take you here. I saw you in jungle you were shivering and you had a fever

She said ,"Thank you Prince Lucus for helping me. I am Tina. I live near the dark forest of next village. Yesterday when I was searching fruits in jungle and I was sitting under the tree and fell asleep. Now I need to go".

By seeing her beautiful face and listening her soft voice price fell in love with Tina.

Lucus gave her a horse and said "Have a safe journey Bye"

She sat in horse and continue her journey. Soon she reached home . Her Grandma was crying and waiting for her. Grandma scold her," You naughty girl, you scared me .where you went?, You silly girl".

Tina said all things happened with her in the forest then Grandma said her to sell vegetables and fruits in market from tomorrow.

The next day

Her Grandma went to forest to collect some fruits and vegetables and Tina went to market to sell it . One day Prince came to her home and ask a marriage proposal. Tina ask him to took off the mask. Lucus," I can't do so.

Tina asked , "why?"

Lucus replied, "one day I was galloping through the forest I encountered a sleeping ugly giant the loud neighing of my horse disturbed the sleeping ugly giant and he was furious .

The ugly giant,"How dare you disturb my sleep?, I will devour this horse".

I said," Before that you have to fight with me". He laughed. I said, "I will not surrender before putting up a fight !, you think of harming my horse, you will have to go through me.

The Ugly gaint," You know what ... My sleep is incomplete .I'd rather go back to sleep I will fight you but since you have dared me to a challenge,I will teach you a lesson!" and he cast a spell upon me and unshaped my face.

Tina,"I am so sorry, Lucus!. Is there no way that this spell can be broken?

Lucus,"Yes,the only way is to get a clay soil and make my shape in clay form without mistake

or In West himalayas,Inside a huge rock there is My outer face layer,if I get any of them there My face will be in original shape".

Tina," I will go to West himalayas and get it back to you.After that we will marry"

Lucus," why would you take all the trouble for me?

Tina," because I love you "

Lucus," Thank you Tina"

Saying that she shart her journey to West himalayas and as she came to the wood she saw a lion crying in pain.He had a thorn stuck on his paw .Tina fearlessly helped the lion.

By saying thank you lion turned into a fairy god mother and gave her a stone wish and said," A gift for your kindness" and disappeared.

A little ahead, She meet the old lady.

The old lady ," I am very thirsty". Tina quickly wished for a pot of water from her stone and help old lady drink it .

The old lady ," Thank you, kind girl " and gave her a elephant. The elephant help Tina get to the rock where Lucus outer face was kept. and she look around the huge rock and saw a shovel near the rock . she started digging with shovel and stone moved a little..little and finally fall from top . she took Lucus face mask and returned . Suddenly The ugly gaint stopped her way and said," Give that mask to me otherwise I will make you a pig ". She said," you can't fight without magic. You are here because of your magic but I am here because I believe in myself that I can defeat you.

The ugly gaint," Ha ha ha... You! You want to fight me ." and they start fighting. Tina jumped over his head , hit his head with big stone and he fall down. and she run as fast as she can. she returned home she went to Palace and gave that mask to the Prince. He wear that mask and changed into a handsome young man.After that Lucus became king of his Palace.

Tina and Lucus marry each other and live happily ever after.