
Chapter 19: Upgrades for days, and a galaxy far far away.

As my vision started to return and I was coming fully online I noticed I was no longer in the giant wasteland when I shut down. Taking a quick scan revealed that I was now under a shit load of rock and dirt. Not wanting to bother phasing, I charge up an Ion beam from my eyes, and look up towards the surface.

As I was cutting my way up with some low powered beams, I took note of the UI notification flashing.


— Evolution checklist —

100/100 ZPM's

Absorbed an Asuran

Transformed your soul

Became a singular existence

— Ready to evolve! —


Thinking about the evolution, the UI shifted, and changed to reveal several options.


— Congratulations! —

Please pick the evolution you would like. Please note that this is a permanent choice, and will affect all further evolution options.

[Nanomorph] [Magi-Tech] [Abyss-Tech]


I had some interesting looking choices, and I think I already know which one I am going with, but I'll just check them all to be safe.



Loosely based on the Asuran. You will become a collection of nanomachines forming a single entity. Will gain several of the pro's and con's of such an entity. As long as one nanite exists, you shall be able to eventually remake yourself without problem.

A few examples of pro's are: Extremely hard to damage/fully destroy. Can "infect' technology and Organics with your nanites. Can replicate to make Avatars of yourself; one mind, legion of bodies.

A few examples of con's are: Susceptible to magic like most technology based lifeforms. May never use magic, but can learn to counter it to a degree. May lose access to internal power supply if enough of you is dispersed.


'Whelp, [Nanomorph] was pretty much what I was expecting. Never being able to use magic is the big turn off though. If I want the most power available, I need access to the perfect mix of magic and technology.'



Able to eventually incorporate magic and other supernatural phenomena.

Few examples of pro's are: Affinity to nearly every magic type if you can absorb Magi-Tech that produces said magic. Not limited to only Magic, most forms of technology are still open to you.

Few examples of con's are: Single body, easier to destroy. Can never have a nanitebody, for they can not support the complexity of magic. No access to Abyss magic or better.


'[Magi-Tech] was sounding really good so far. I don't care about only having a single body, or nanites. Become strong enough, and one body is enough. Having access to most forms of magic as long as I get the tech for it is great.'



This is your current evolution path, with the ultimate goal of becoming Null-Tech. It functions much like [Magi-Tech] but with some twists.

Few examples of pro's are: Access to Abyss magic, second deadliest magic to exist. Strongest resistance to most forms of magic.

Few examples of con's are: Everything about you is "Corrupted" by the Abyss. Weakness to Creation magic, and limited access to other forms of magic. Can not hide this corruption from the supernaturally inclined, while also giving off an aura of "Wrongness/Emptiness" to everything else.


'Ah, I get it now. That unknown radiation I have on my stuff, is the Abyss corruption. And while I do not know what Null-Tech is, I can tell it is something beyond powerful. I am also a huge fan of what little Abyss magic I've been using passively. If my [Atomic Breath] is anything to go by, the claim of second deadliest magic is not smoke.

I am guessing I was originally going to be [Magi-Tech] but Lilith turned me to Abyss.'

I finally broke to the surface of the planet, and I was impressed by what I saw. It is a very lush forest now instead of a dead empty wasteland. Scanning the entire planet, revealed that life was flourishing now on the planet, but nothing intelligent yet.

Shaking my head, and walking away from the hole I bore through the earth, I start to think about my evolution again.

'I think I will stick with the same path, and aim to become a Null-Tech automaton. I have never heard of Null before my change, and it sounds more interesting than being a basic Magi-tech automaton. Besides, I like the sound of having access to the deadliest magic possible.'

With that thought, I select [Abyss-Tech].


[Abyss-Tech] are you sure?

Reminder: This is a permanent choice.


Nova: "Anticipation: I am sure."


— [Abyss-Tech] selected! —

Please note that this evolution will take a very long time, and you will be offline. Getting your affairs in order before starting is highly recommended.


I just shrugged my shoulders and started the process, I have nothing to get in order after all.

'Perk to having all your shit erased from the timeline rewrites, heh.'

Soon enough, I saw a huge gush of Morphium rush from me, and encased me in a ball or cocoon. Not long after I shut down.

— Unknown amount of time later —

As I started to boot back up, I mentally noted that shutting down is very much like dreamless sleep. Once fully online, I tried to scan my surroundings, but noticed I couldn't bypass my shell of Morphium. Shrugging my shoulders I just stayed inside for now as I went over the number of alerts I have on my UI.


— Evolution complete! —

Congratulations on becoming a full Abyss-Tech Automaton! Displaying new status. Noticeable changes are coloured in green for ease of access, but are not the only changes.

~~ Status~~

Name: Nova

Model: O-0001-A: Omega Class First Generation Abyss Variant

Race: Automaton

Soul Level: 2

Material used: Morphium - 100%

Health: 100%

Status: Idle

Power source: A-0001-U Abyss-space Power Generator 1st Generation - Upgradable

Racial Skills: [Accelerated learning] [Tireless] [Semi-Immortal] [Upgradable] [High Speed Thought] [Parallel Processing] [Limited Control: Technology]

Skills: [Supernatural Combat: Unarmed-EX/ Sniper-EX]

Passives: [Made of Morphium- EX] [Last Stand-EX] [Gamer Body- EX] [Sangraal] [Morphium Domain Control] [Explosion Suppression System] [Extreme Speed Nanite Regeneration] [Extreme Speed Nanite Construction] [Perfect Nanite Mimicry] [Abyss Immunity] [Null-Cloak]

Permanent Debuffs: [Slow Combat training- EX] [Muted emotions- EX] [Forced Logical Thinking] [Creation Weakness] [Abyss Corruption]

Common skills: [Anti-Gravity: Very High] [Goa'uld Ma'Tok staff blast] [Zat'nik'tel Energy Shot] [Asgard Transport] [Space Flight] [Subspace Communications: High] [Energy Shield] [Kinetic Energy Wave] [Harmful Neural Link] [Tok'ra Crystal Tunnel Creation] [Phase shift] [Healing Light] [Gravity Collapse] [Pain Energy Discharge] [Atomic Breath] [Universe shift] [Energy to Matter Fabrication] [Ion Cannon Blast] [Life Support Systems] [Temporal Domain] [Plasma beam] [Anquietas Hologram] [Cryogenic Burst] [Reckoning Pulse] [Gravity Shield] [Energy Field] [Wormhole Jump] [Butterfly Shift]


'Not much, but at the same time, a huge amount of changes. My model change was to be expected, but the change to my power generator was not. Let's take a look at it and the others.'


[A-0001-U Abyss-space Power Generator 1st Generation - Upgradable]

Generates an unlimited amount of power from drawing on the Abyss, but at a limited output of 30 ZPM's from the Stargate universe. Power output is upgradable.


'Wow, that is a marked increase from 15 to 30. And drawing from the Abyss for power, huh? Since I don't have "mana" I guess this will also power my spells whenever I get them.'


[Limited Control: Technology]

As an Omega Class Automaton you have limited control over 'lesser' technology. Like computers without sufficiently advanced AI, and tablets or smartphones. You may wirelessly connect to any technology within 1000 kilometres of yourself. While connected, you may interact with it as if you were physically there. Anti-Hack measures mean nothing to you. The range, level of control, number of connections and level of technology you may interact with/control will increase as you upgrade yourself.


If the corruption of the Abyss is in the technology, you will have an easier time taking control of said technology. Number of connections that can be held are 10.


I was slightly stunned at the change to this ability. The range increase, and the number of connections at once was a very nice upgrade and I was very happy with it. The addition to Abyss corruption was also a nice thing, and I could take advantage of this some how I am sure.


[Morphium Domain Control]

Able to control all Morphium constructs you create in a 1 kilometre radius around you seemingly with telekinesis. Upgrade yourself to improve the range.


'Solid range increase, going from measly metres to a kilometre is great.'


[Abyss Immunity]

Immune to all harmful effects related to the Abyss, including magic.


'My power generator gave a hint, but this just confirms it for me. The Abyss is much more than just a school of magic. I wonder if it is the same for Creation then. Speaking of.'


[Creation Weakness]

As an entity of the Abyss, you are naturally weak to Creation magic. Will take a vastly increased measure of damage from Creation magic attacks.


'Ominous. I will have to be very cautious of Creation magic from this point on. But, I have no idea what that exactly entails. Life magic? Nature? Will have to see, I guess.'


[Abyssal Corruption]

As an entity of the Abyss, everything about you is "corrupted" by it. You will also very slowly "corrupt" your surroundings if you stay in one play often. Not blessed enough to corrupt sentient entities or souls.


'Pretty standard it seems. I guess I totally fucked the area around my evolution though, heh. But not "blessed" enough huh. Must mean further evolutions and such. Oh well, thoughts for later. Now my last ability of note!'


[Universe shift] -Incomplete-

Can shift into another Universe. However, this ability is imperfect, and has risks.


Can not target specific Universes, each use will be random. Due to the crude way you shift into a Universe, you must wait an extended amount of time before you can shift again. This will vary from Universe to Universe.


My reward for killing off the rest of the failures from Lilith. I was glad I no longer have to worry about something immediately crushing me when I shift in. They may still notice me arriving, but they'll have no idea where.

'Now for the one purple ability.'



A gift from Lilith. Will prevent higher entities from comprehending anything about you, and detecting you directly until they personally meet you.


'Well, this is great. Thank you very much Lilith!'



You're welcome, little Nova~. Also note that you no longer have the little "forget me" aura I gave you at the start to keep you safe from fate, since it would only be a pain for you now as it is mostly redundant.


'Good to know. Now, I think it's time to break out, and move on from here.'

I focused on the little egg thing I was in, and absorbed it. In a matter of seconds, I was finished, and floating slightly above the ground. Taking a look around me, I was honestly shocked at what I was seeing.

'So this is Abyss corruption, eh?'

All around me were warped looking plant life, stained in black. The once normal looking trees from before my evolution are now bent in slightly odd ways. Looking at the ground below me, it was a grey colour. Almost like colour just didn't exist for it.

I scanned the planet fully, and I could detect intelligent life. Surprisingly, they looked mostly human. And they were in the mediaeval age if the giant castles and walls were a hint to anything.

Shaking my head, I bring up my UI display of myself. I want to see if anything has changed. And looking at the mini me, I have slightly.

I now have white hair, and 5 white tails. My hair and tails both have pink highlights to them, while the last ten or so centimetres of my tails and ears were a royal purple.

The normal blue pulse I have, is now pink. And after entering simulated Combat Mode on my UI, I glowed red with a purple outline.

'I like these changes, and this outfit based on Rory Mercury's has grown a great deal on me, so I won't change it just yet.'

While I was looking over myself in the UI, I suddenly sensed someone watching me. I looked up at the area that was giving off radiation, aka magic. I guessed someone was spying on me after they somehow detected the change in the area.

'Classic fantasy world maybe? Low tech, but high magic competency? How long was I offline for?'



From the moment you went offline to advance your soul, until now it has been several billion years.


'Oh damn. I guess this universe has massively changed then, huh? Oh well, don't care. Time to [Universe Shift].'

Ignoring the peeper, I looked back down in front of me, and raised my left hand and used the ability. A shatter in reality a little bigger than myself appeared in front of me, with "shards" of reality flying into the hole when it opened.

'Well, doesn't that look ominous. I love it.'

With that thought, I floated into the shatter and was surrounded by nothingness. I suddenly felt like I was being pulled through several layers of water when I saw another hole open up, and I shot out of it like a comet.

I was too busy being stunned by what I was feeling from the trip and my UI update to stop myself from slamming into the ground.


— [Null-Cloak] has been triggered! —


'So, something knows that "something" has come to its universe, but has no idea what huh? Thank you again Lilith.'

Shaking my head, as I pulled myself out of the ground I started to scan the planet. There were intelligent lifeforms all over the planet. Seems I ended up in the classical forest outside of most civilization.

Spreading my sensors out onto a galactic scale, I saw there was a huge amount of life in this galaxy. But none of the spaceships looked terribly advanced, to my disappointment.

'Looks like some kind of war is also going on. I am detecting skirmishes all over the place.'

Bringing my sensors back to this planet alone, I could sense some fighting going on as well.

'No way. Is that…?'

Sensing something that immediately caught my attention, I phased out, shattered into several butterflies and teleported near the battlefield. Looking on to what I was seeing, I smiled slightly inwardly.

'Those are fucking Lightsabers. So, I am in the Star Wars universe. I wonder what era though? Those don't look like clones, and a big give away is that there are several Sith fighting the Jedi.'

On the battlefield there were several Jedi and Sith killing each other, along with an army of several races. But my sensors confirmed none of them were clones. These were all individuals. Floating back into a recliner-like position I started to think about what I should do.

'There isn't much, or any tech that I could get from this universe. Maybe if it was stained by the light or dark side it would change something? It's worth a try at least. Well, first thing is first, time to connect to the holo-net and download all their languages. And… done. Fuck, there are a lot haha.'

After downloading what I wanted, and being pleased about the marked increase in speed I was able to do it at, I started making my way to the battlefield. I covered myself with another layer of shielding, but turned it into a cloak and then phased back to normal.

Walking towards my first prize, a dead Jedi, I made sure to dodge what blaster fire I had too. After all, it would be noticeable when all of a sudden a few shots hit nothing in the area but acted like they had. Arriving at my destination, I bent down and grabbed the fallen Jedi's lightsaber, while covering it in my shield to also make it invisible.

With my prize in hand, I leaned back up and looked around for a Sith corpse to loot. Naturally it didn't take too long, and I headed towards it. While walking and dodging the blaster fire, I walked past a Sith warrior who was deflecting some bolts back. When I did however, she turned her eyes toward the space I was in and looked confused.

'Interesting, the Force can sense me slightly even if I am a machine? Ahh, must be the Abyss now that I think about it.'

Ignoring her, I continued on my way. I noticed she also started to slowly follow me while deflecting shots at her. Paying no mind to her, I reached the corpse, and bent down for the other lightsaber I wanted to try and absorb. As I was picking it up, the Sith spoke while she was still deflecting blaster bolts.

???: "I know someone is there, though I don't know what you are or what you are doing, I suggest you reveal yourself before I attack you."

Ignoring her, I floated up and above her and the battlefield and made my way back to the forest.

???: "Tch."

She clicked her tongue at not being able to do anything about me. I smirked internally at her.

Landing a little ways into the forest, I drop my cloak and absorb both the Lightsabers. I had gained nothing from them. While I wasn't expecting anything from the technological side, I was hoping I could make a connection with the Force. But remembering what Lilith had said, and I facepalmed.

'Right. I can't connect to the Force. It probably has no idea how to connect to a True Machine Soul. Ah well.'

With that small bit of disappointment out of the way, I started to think about what I wanted to do here.

'Ah, right. How long is my [Universe Shift] on cooldown?'



[Universe Shift] Cooldown: 10 years.


'Well, that's not too bad. So, I don't think any of the technology in this universe has anything for me, so why don't I have a bit of fun. Joining this war as a third party sounds like it could be fun. I wonder if the Force will pick up on something bad coming and warn all the Jedi and Sith…?"

I started to scan planets in the "unknown regions" of space, looking for one that was far out, and mostly dead with little life. Finding one, I flew up to space while I plotted a course. After I finished the course, and was in space proper, I opened a hyperspace window, and I was off.

'Now, is the rise of the… the… Shit, I need to think of a name.'