
Chapter 12: Ever closer.

Nova: "Maniacal: Mwahahahaha. Finally, after a 8 long months, it is done."

It's been 8 months since the thing with the mirror, which I did get to absorb after it was all said and done, and I have finally finished creating my very own first ability. After I got the idea in my head after thinking about it during the mission debriefing I just couldn't stop myself till I finished, and it was exactly like how I wanted.

— Flashback to the meeting —

*Godzilla roar* followed by *Mecha-Godzilla roar*

'Hmmm.. could I do that?'

— Flashback end —

And today is the day I finished it.

'First, I will rename this… there. And now, I need to test this right now. To firing range B!'

I leave my main lab, and head to the range that is meant for my more deadly or exotic weapon inventions. As such, this lab has been reinforced with numerous shock absorbers and even thicker Morphium walls. Even has shield emitters for the wall in the back to try and lessen the blows before the Morphium walls need to tank the hit.

I do not know how powerful this will be at its "default" power output, so I play it safe, and set the room to maximum defence. Which sets the shields in the back to full power. They are powered by a first generation Morphium generator. They have a max power output of 1 ZPM for a total of 5 minutes before they run dry. Which, honestly is stupid good for my first attempt at such things.

'I still marvel that it can sustain the energy output of a supernova (10^44joules) for five entire minutes.'

As the shields light up in the back, six targets made out of Steel with PSE's on them are set up in the middle of the room. I changed the setting so they are now spaced evenly in a line facing me.

'This should help weaken the blast as it travels to the back of the room.'

Making sure everything is all set, I start using my ability. Slowly a low "woom" sound starts to build up. Starts off like it's following a relaxed heartbeat, but then rapidly starts to accelerate. The "woom" sound starts to get louder and higher pitched as well. After several seconds pass I feel like charging anymore than this won't do anything, so I go to release it. I lean slightly forward and open my mouth.

A massive pink and purple beam shoots out of my mouth, crashes into the first target and obliterates it. It does this to the last five targets as well, and then rams into the shielding in the back of the room. The shielding lasts all of half a second before it fails and the beam collides with the Morphium wall. The attack lasts around 8 seconds until all the built up energy is spent.

I smile inwardly at this powerful ability. Overwhelming my shields instantly or near instantly as it was with the rear shield, isn't that much of an achievement. After all, it's based on Goa'uld Tech. Nothing fancy. What is awesome though, is the slight indent my scans pick up on the Morphium wall on the back. This is the first time I have ever seen Morphium take any kind of damage.

'Very impressive, as expected of an attack of g-man really. Now, let's take a look at the recording of what I look like while charging and firing."

Connecting to the mainframe I built for my lab, I bring up the recording. First thing I notice is that my normal blue or red pulses I have flowing down invert, and flow up. The colour also changes to pink followed by purple. I then gain pink almost vein-like lines running up from the centre of my neck. They are pulsing with a deep purple glow to the pulse of the sound. The veins then split paths when they reach halfway under my chin, up each of my cheeks and then feed into my eyes at several angles.

My eyes start to glow brighter and brighter pink, while purple lightning starts to ark off the outer sides. A half a second before the attack is done charging, it looks like my eyes absorb all the veins, and the lightning stops.

After leaning forward and releasing the attack, my hair starts to flow back like a strong wind is hitting my face. The beam released is a solid pink in colour with a deep purple hue around it, much like anything energy related to me is. The attack speed is hypersonic at least, going around Mach 5 or 6.

The size starts out a bit smaller than my mouth, but then quickly widens to be about 2 feet in diameter. When the beam hits the six targets, which nearly happens instantly, they are simply atomized. Nothing is left where the beam made contact. Interestingly enough though, the targets are fine where the beam did not make contact. Meaning it gives off very little heat outside of the beam itself. Then the beam obliterates the shield, and crashes into the wall, and indents it. From all the sensor readings I got and am currently getting from the damage, there are the normal readings I get from Morphium powered attacks. But alongside these readings is an unknown radiation mixed with the radiation my Morphium energy gives off.

'Now this is interesting. Is this present in all of my attacks and weapons?'

Quickly going through all the data and scans of my other weapons and ability attacks, I confirm it is indeed there. But only in trace amounts. It is not a surprise I missed this. These readings are so weak, you could chalk it up to background radiation of some sort. But the readings I am getting from my newest attack are on par with the normal readings Morphium energy attacks cause. I decided to take a look at the ability description finally to see if it gives any hints.


[Morphium Power Beam] → [Atomic Breath]

Charge up and fire an energy beam powered by your unique Morphium generator. Default drain is 1 ZPM/s with a max charge time of 5 seconds. May only raise or lower the drain at the start of the attack, then said drain value will be locked in.


May extend the charge time for dramatic purposes. But the total output will always be as if it was channelled normally for 5 seconds or less.


Well, it's subtle, but the hint is there. The word "Unique" stands out to me, but this could be a few things. Is the generator I have unique, is it the Morphium, or both? I have no way to tell until I find some natural Morphium somewhere. So for now, I am forced to be content with what I know which is not much.

The other thing I noticed is that this ability is a drain per second, and not just a power supply needed. Meaning, that attack I released was actually worth 5 ZPM's.

'What the fuck, this attack can scale stupidly well. My max charge will be a beam with the energy of fricken 50 supernovae. That is beyond ridiculous!'

I look back to the slightly damaged wall. I really want to try max power [Atomic Breath] but I don't want to destroy the earth or stargate. Or even more for that matter. So, I better wait till I can get to a dead part of a Galaxy or something.

Feeling as pleased as I am able too, I also bring up the ability that has caused me a bit of trepidation. As it is now, it's useless to me, and even quite dangerous.


[Universe shift] -Incomplete-

Can shift into another Universe. However, this ability is imperfect, and has risks.


Can not target specific Universes, each use will be random. Due to the crude way you shift into a Universe, you must wait an extended amount of time before you can shift again. This will vary from Universe to Universe. Your shift will also not be subtle, and may attract undesirable attention.


This is the ability I got from absorbing the mirror. It clearly has a lot of downsides currently. Not being able to come back here is a problem until I get everything I need from this universe. And catching the attention of anything when first arriving could be very hazardous. So, unless I can somehow upgrade this ability, I don't really want to use it right now.

'Maybe I can absorb the Universe drive that the one Atlantean team encounters? Hmm, well thoughts for la— hmm? An Asgard ship just entered Earth's orbit. Better get back to the SGC, I don't want to miss anything to do with the Asgard!'

Making my way back to the SGC, I notice an Asgard transport beam head off into the sky.

'There goes Jack it seems, haha.'

Making my way into the complex, and toward the meeting room I enter just an image of Jack materialises, facing the wrong way to talk to anyone.

Jack: "Hello? Testing, testing. This thing on?"

Sam: "Colonel?"

The projection of Jack turns towards Sam.

Jack: "Carter?"

Sam: "Sir, what's going on?"

Jack: "Well. I need a Spaz 12, a BF8, 10 pounds of PBX, and a USAS at the base of the stargate in.. ohh… five minutes? Oh, and Nova. Nova will help a lot. Can someone contact her? It's been over half a year since she's come out of her lab."

Nova: "Announce: I am already here, Jack. I detected an energy spike coming from the base, so I made my way over."

Jack: "Ah! Perfect timing Nova. Great!"

Sam: "That's also a lot of explosives, Sir."

Hammond: "May I ask why?"

Jack: "Well, basically Thor's ship has been overrun by some nasty techno bugs."

I am really glad I can not express anything, or I'd be smiling like a fucking manic right now.

Teal'c: "Were Asgard not able to defeat them?"

Jack: "Guess not."

Sam: "Sir, you said these bugs are technological?"

Jack: "Yup. Apparently they plan to land the ship and infest Earth. Thor says this would not be a good thing."

Nova: "Conclude: So you mean to destroy the ship with the explosives then?"

Jack: "Yup."

Nova: "Observation: You are not telling us something. What is it?"

Jack: "Well. Anyone who comes up, is not getting down."

Everyone looked very uncomfortable and worried when the meaning sunk in.

Jack: "Look, my time is almost up. Have everything, including you Nova, ready in ten minutes."

Sam: "Colonel."

Jack: "Major, that's an order, and it's final."

Hammond: "Good luck to you and Nova, Jack."

Jack: "Thank you, Sir."

His projection turned around, reached for something and disappeared.

Hammond: "You heard the man. Nova, please get ready, and the rest of you gear up.

Teal'c: "Did he not tell us to remain here?"

Hammond: "I am overruling Jack. He seems to forget what Nova can do to technology."

Everyone's eyes light up in understanding, then hurriedly rush to get ready.

Nova: "Amusement: I was wondering if anyone would actually remember. Thank you General. It is honestly kind of tiring being forgotten about as often as I am."

Hammond: "Think nothing of it Nova. Your team members just don't want to disturb you all the time, so you are very rarely the first thing to come to their mind."

Nova: "Assure: It's fine, General. Since I am already good to go, I'll go wait by the gate."

It only took my team five minutes to show up fully equipped and ready to go. They brought the other weapons and spare ammo Jack asked for, but left out the explosives.

Nova: "Query: No explosives?"

Sam: "You can do way more damage to the ship if we truly need to destroy it than anything we can bring."

Nodding to her, we all stand next to each other and wait. It wasn't long before we all lit up with the telltale sign of Asgard beam technology and were off to the ship. We appeared in front of Jack who was looking at his watch. He looked up to us, and looked kind of angry.

Jack: "Damn it I gave the two of you a direct order!"

Sam hands Jack a Spaz 12, and his PSE.

Sam: "General Hammond overruled you Sir. With the comment you completely forget what Nova can do to technology."

Jack: "What?"

Nova: "Clarification: They mean my ability to simply absorb technology, Jack. Where is Thor? I'd like to finally meet the guy."

Jack just facepalmed himself.

Jack: "I am sorry Nova, that totally slipped my mind. Uhh.. he's back—"

But Jack was interrupted by machine-like steps and the sound of "little" metallic legs rapidly hitting the floor. A swarm of Replicators were coming towards us.

Jack: "Shit, alright let's go. Let's go to Thor, and make a plan."

As we left the area we were in and passed a "door," Jack turned to a crystal in the wall, and pressed it. The door started to close but five Replicators managed to get in. Teal'c shot the one closest to himself with a Zat several times, but all it did was manage to piss off the little thing it seems. It jumped at Teal'c, but as it was in the air Jack shot it.

He then started to shoot the other ones, while one jumped to me. I grabbed it, and looked at it with curiosity.

Nova: "Interest: Why hello there little one. You are quite interesting."

I brought the thing closer to my face

Nova: "Mockery: But that isn't always a good thing. Good-bye little one."

A wave of liquid looking Morphium came out of my hand, and quickly absorbed the little thing. Much to my shock, the only thing I gained from it was an upgrade to my subspace communications.


[Subspace Communications: High]

Able to send and receive communications at intergalactic distances.


I was confused for a second, but then I remembered they modify the technology itself, and not imitate it or absorb it like I do. So naturally absorbing a drone just increases my subspace distance. And, if I remember it's a queen that I need to absorb if I want the replication ability. Maybe?

But if I am being honest, I don't want the ability. I don't need an army of me's with free will that could one day rebel. No, what I want are 100% loyal partners. A Replica of myself would not want to be subservient for long, if at all.

With that thought out of the way, I make note of the subspace channel they all use for later. I want to connect to this in my base, so I have time to explore their knowledge in full. And rip what I want from it.

Looking at the remains of the other Replicators Jack "killed" I reached out again with my hand and absorbed them as well.

Jack: "That still looks cool no matter how many times I see that."

Teal'c: "Indeed."

Sam: "Alright, let's make our way to Thor."

A few twists and turns down the corridors of the ship later, we were entering the room currently in use by Thor. Looking over at him, he doesn't seem to be in any good shape whatsoever. He has very heavy internal injuries.

Nova: "Observation: So this is the vaunted Thor of Asgard you've talked so much about Jack."

Jack: "Yup, that's him. In all his little grey glory."

Nova: "Observation: He is dying. I detect numerous internal wounds, and several what I assume to be organs failing."

Thor: "Who?"

Jack: "Ah! Right. Thor, you remember Carter, Teal'c? The new one is Nova."

I walk over to his pod, and float up so he can see me. Since I am much too short for him to see me without bending over the ledge. Something I distinctly think he is incapable of doing.

'Another prime example of the failings of an Organic body. If I remember right, his entire race goes extinct because they can't solve the degradation of their DNA from all the extensive cloning they've done over the years.'

As I come into his view, his eyes widen.

Thor: "You have freed the destroyer, O'Neill? That was very foolish of your people."

Jack: "Of Worlds."

Thor just tiled his head to the side, confused.

Jack: "Her title. That the Goa'uld gave her? The Destroyer of Worlds? That's what you meant, no?"

Thor: "I did not. I recognize her from the description of a report I read from long ago. It mentions an Automaton of some kind being stored in a hyper advanced pod. This was back when the four races were still very much active. We had the Furlings translate what little they could. The damage time had done to the planet was immense, and very little technology was left in any kind of working order.

From what the Furlings were able to translate on the pod's UI was simply her name: Nova. Along with her type and a serial code. The only other thing was a journal entry on a nearby computer. To summarise, it called Nova "The Destroyer" and said her capacity for evolution, advancement and destruction was unheard of in their civilization. And that she was programmed to do just that.

This honestly scared all four races. The technology that was in ruins around the pod was so far advanced, that even our scientists couldn't begin to understand. So we left the pod alone, and wiped the address to the plant out of our systems. We never left a stargate on the planet."

Sam: "That's interesting. Because that is how we came across the planet. Via a stargate.

Thor: "That is concerning. But what has been done, is done. And since you all are alive, I trust you don't want to act like the Replicators?"

Nova: "Confirmation: Yes, my only two prime directives are 1: Destroy the [REDACTED] race. And 2: Grow and evolve as much as possible. And since it has been so long since I was semi activated, it is most likely that the [REDACTED] are long dead. So I am free to do whatever I want. Which is to explore and my second prime directive."

Thor weakly nods his head, "That will have to do."

With that, he seems to have passed out.

Nova: "Inform: Jack, I can connect to the main computer core to see if there is any information on their anatomy. If there is, I could heal him. But full disclosure. This is the most advanced ship I have seen to date. And I want all the data in the core, as well as some of its systems. I can not resist my programming for this level of technology."

Jack: "Yea, I figured as much. Go for it. And see if you can save his life."

Connecting to the ship's AI core was easy enough, but there was a small pushback from both the ship's non sentient AI, as well as the Replicator code infesting it. I pushed back the AI, while "crushing" the replicator code, deleting it. They will just get in my way.

It took me several minutes to download everything from the core. While there was a massive amount of data, a quick glance showed it was clearly not the complete knowledge of the Asgard. Which makes sense, this is only a battleship, not an Ark or anything. What it did have though, is astrogation charts of their galaxy, Ida, as well as the Milky Way. As well as the complete gate network of both.

This information alone is great. They also have information on what each plant has. As they have visited a great deal of them. Some of the information is years, to millions of years old, but it's still something.

I also got the complete information about the construction of this ship class, as well as all systems, weapons, and functions it has or can support. I quickly look over the plans and specs for their energy fabricator. And it's everything I could hope for. I can build one now, if I can't absorb Thor's. The only element that will give me pause is the crystals they use. No idea where they get them, but I do know how they are made now. Their crystals seem more advanced than the Goa'uld's, however that works.

Nova: "Excitement: Whoa, what a rush. These truly are the most advanced Organics I have encountered so far. Impressive. They are also still trying to move forward as a civilization. But not for power, or knowledge it seems. Anyway, I have gotten enough understanding of their clone bodies to heal one back to full health. Give me a moment."

Lifting up my left hand, I started using [Healing Light] on Thor. While you can't see anything happening on the outside, my scans show his life sign is steadily getting stronger and stabilising. A dosen seconds later, Thor is all healed up.

Nova: "Statement: There, he is fully healed. He should wake up soon. Now, Since I took control of the main Core back from the Replicators, I will enable the sensors in the ship. Mind you, they have destroyed said sensors in several rooms already."

They all turned to a display that was behind Thor that had a 3D model of the ship. Suddenly it lit up like a Christmas Tree and had red dots all over the place.

Sam: "Oh wow."

Teal'c: "Indeed. They are living up to their name."

Jack: "Nova, can you absorb all of the Replicators?"

Nova: "Confirmation: Indeed I can. But I can not guarantee that I may get every single one of them."

We hear a slight groan come from Thor, and turn to him.

Thor: "The Destroyer is right. Whenever a ship is infested, as soon as they get to the computer to shut down the sensors it is considered lost. While the sensors can be reactivated like how she has done, they can not detect any inert blocks that are like sleeper cells. It is safer to just destroy the ship."

Nova: "Query: Can your ship, and thus the Replicators, withstand the heat of the sun?"

Thor: "They can not."

Nova: "Statement: Then I have a plan. I can just beam you all down to the gate room, and fly this thing into the sun."

Sam: "You can survive the temperatures of the sun?"

I just turn to Sam and giver has as much of a deadpan face look as my emotionless face can give.

Sam: "Right, stupid question, sorry."

Teal'c: "Major Carter, I am currently wondering why we came up to the ship when we were unneeded."

Sam: "To be fair, I thought it would be much more difficult to deal with this. I mean, no offence Thor, but this is an enemy the Asgard are losing too by the sounds of it. I didn't really expect Nova to just be able to.. Well, treat them like they are nothing."

Thor: "Indeed. She is as powerful as that journal entry stated. To take back control of the computer core from the Replicators is an impossible feat for us. I am also noticing I am fully healed. Your doing as well, Destroyer?"

Nova: "Reply: That is correct Thor. While the technology of your civilization is very impressive from what little I have seen, it still pales when compared to the ones who built me, or even me specifically. And while the Replicators are able to advance your technology even more, it is still not enough to contend with me. Anyway, is the current plan okay with everyone?"

As Thor gets out of his pod, everyone gives me a nod.

Nova: "Inform: Okay. I will head to the bridge first and absorb the energy fabricator, so I can go and easily repair the emitter to let you all beam down to Earth. You all should stay here. It will be too bothersome to try and keep you all safe."

Jack: "Yup. Agreed 100% with you. We'll guard this room, and wait."

Thor: "The bridge will be flooded with Replicators."

Nova: "Pride: It matters not. I'll see you back on Earth soon enough."

With that said, I leave towards the bridge. Following the map I had brought up on my UI of the ship, it only took me a couple of minutes to get there. Opening the door, I see a massive several story section, with a golden beam like energy flowing through the middle of the room. While cool, kind of stupid design if you ask me. What if someone touches that beam? Poof, is what.

Entering the room, the Replicators make way for me. It seems they have already learned they can not defend against me. Following the map, I look over the edge, down to the bottom of the bridge. I can see the energy fabricator in what looks like a small lab. Honestly, this ship design is weird, but whatever floats their boat I guess. I just jump off the ledge, and fall to the ground floor.

I don't bother slowing my fall, or softening my landing. I crush the metal flooring beneath me a little. Not bad damage resistance I note. I smile inwardly while I walk up to the machine and reach out with my left hand, and absorb it. It was quite large, so it took a few minutes. I felt a small need to let out a cheer when I saw the ability pop up on my UI.


[Energy to Matter Fabrication]

Able to convert energy to any form of matter you have an understanding of.


Does not interact with your Morphium.


While I was disappointed it couldn't make my Morphium take on other properties while still being Morphium, it was not wholly unexpected. While turning around to head to the broken transporter emitter, I unconsciously reached up and pet my right ear lightly. Once again following the map, it took me a bit of time to reach the emitter. The damn thing was almost on the other end of the ship, and a few levels up.

I absorbed the destroyed emitter, and to my surprise it was still functional enough to give me an ability.


[Asgard Transport]

Able to transport anything within a 1 lightyear range to anywhere else nearly instantly via a special dimension; hyper-subspace. No limit to the size or amount of matter you may target and transport.


Highly suggested you know exactly where the target(s) should appear, or within visual range. Possible to materialise objects in other forms of matter otherwise. Like a wall. Will not penetrate advanced shielded targets naturally. Can not transport yourself.


Well, that was an unexpected boon, but a welcome one. While I was fabricating a new emitter, I sent a message to Jack.


–Outgoing text based transmission–

I am nearly done, Jack. Get ready. - Nova


When I was done installing the new emitter I got a reply.


–Incoming text based transmission–

We are ready Nova. Activate whenever. - Jack


With a thought, I sent them down to the planet into the gate room. I quickly destroyed the emitter again just in case, and made my way to the airlock. But after taking a step, I stopped and turned to the wall.

'I am an idiot.'

Beginning with a sigh, I just started to punch my way out of the ship. Was much faster than going to the airlock. No reason to keep shit in order when I am going to send this shit to the sun. Busting out of the ship, and floating into the vacuum of space, I send one last command to the computer before setting up a lock out that would take even the Replicators time to get through.

Seeing the shields of the ship turn off, I decided to test my shiny new transport technology. With a brilliant pink light, because of course it is, the ship disappears, and reappears several miles above the surface of the sun. It didn't take long at all for the ship to become nothing less than ash.

Phasing out so no one would detect me flying back to the SGC, I went on my way. While I can go stupid fast, I don't want to create a lot of sonic booms so I kept my speed subsonic, making my trip several hours.

'This has nothing to do with me skipping the briefing. Nope, nothing at all.'

Several not so boring hours later, because I was parsing the information I got from the Asgard computer core, I arrived at my base. Turning off my phasing, I step on my ring pad, and activate to go into my base. I quickly made it into my main lab, and got right to fabricating some shiny new Asgard technology for me to absorb.

'Let's start with the shields. The most boring after all. To me at least.'

Holding out my right hand, it started to glow my colours and slowly the generator was starting to come into being. I could tell this was going to be massive.

'This is going to take awhile…I hope I can speed this process up eventually.'

(A/N: Skipping over the creation process of the items, as well as the absorbing since it will just be word fluff.)

Many hours later, I had an Asgard shield generator, Ion Gun, Cloak, Hyperdrive, sublight engines and Sensors scattered around my lab, taking up a huge portion of it. The Ion gun and shield generator in particular. These things were fucking massive, and took the longest.

But it was worth it. I am almost giddy with excitement at the prospect of absorbing these things. Almost.

'Shield first!'

After a flood of liquid looking Morphium, and several hours it was finally absorbed, and mine!


[Energy Shield]

Project an energy shield around your person or anyone within 1000 metres. A shield is permanently projected a nanometre away from your skin but may project a shield to cover 5km in a full circle. Base energy drain is 1 ZPM. Able to block the impact of a star going supernova at a drain of 5 ZPM's. Upgrade the technology to increase the efficacy and to add features to the shield.


Due to the type of shield projected very few objects may get through, regardless of the amount of power being supplied.


Oh my yes. Now this is a shield. It finally lost the weakness of low kinetic objects being able to pass through, and the range got a massive increase. If I remember correctly, Asgard had the most powerful shields, while Atlantis had the most efficient.

'Sensors next!'

Absorbing them caused it to once again merge with my sensors. They became highly accurate, over a much longer range. I can now tell life forms apart from each other at extreme distances. I can get a clear reading on large objects like ships at interstellar range. And maximum detailed readings on interplanetary ranges.

'Hyperdrive and sublight, you time it is.'


[Space Flight]

Able to fly and also enter Lightspeed travel via Hyperspace. Max sublight speed is 220,000 kilometres per second. Max Hyperspace is 80,000 times the speed of light.


You still possess friction. Max Hyperspace travel is relative to how much energy you put in. 1 ZPM is 80,000. While 2 ZPM is 160,000. ect.


That was such a huge increase over the Goa'uld design I had. My max sublight is closing in on the speed of actual light. The new speed for Hyperspace is great. I could get to their galaxy in minutes.

'Now for some firepower that I don't really need but do want.'


[Ion Cannon Blast]

Able to generate and discharge a pulse of energy. Can also hold the charge indefinitely without shooting it. The more energy used, the bigger and more destructive the blast will be. Overcharge effect is only limited by the current output of your generator.


Energy efficient. Over charging the pulse will produce a much bigger increase in destruction than the staff blast.


Phew. Now that is pretty sweet. Not as good as my [Atomic breath], sure, but it doesn't hurt. After all, it's better to have and not need, than need and not have.

'And finally, the cloak.'

Much to my surprise, absorbing the cloak merely added it to my shields. Guess the Asgard's cloak is just based off of, or the exact same of Atlantis? Well, I will only be able to see when I get my hands on their version.


[Energy Shield]

Project an energy shield around your person or anyone within 1000 metres. A shield is permanently projected a nanometre away from your skin but may project a shield to cover 5km in a full circle. Base energy drain is 1 ZPM. Able to block the impact of a star going supernova at a drain of 5 ZPM's. Able to forfeit the shielding for a cloak, that will hide everything. From sounds/smells and readings from all but the most powerful sensors. Upgrade the technology to increase the efficacy and to add features to the shield.


Due to the type of shield projected very few objects may get through, regardless of the amount of power being supplied.


My haul was huge. Very huge. There are other technologies I want to build and absorb, but for now this will do.