
Chapter 10: It’s never peaceful when treaties are to be signed for peace, is it?

It has been almost a week since I have dug out my base and what an interesting week it has been for the humans. Several days ago, a new ship appeared above Earth as we were all attending a reward ceremony for SG-1.

Sam got promoted to Major. But as Jack was walking up to the podium to make a speech, I detected a ship appear above Earth. From the light passive scans, because I didn't want to tip them off they were detected by something, I could guess this was an Asgard ship. It was the single most advanced ship I've scanned before. I wanted to do a deep scan, but I can wait till I am aboard it one day. But really, not bad for some Organics. But then again, for how long they've been around maybe not? Eh.

Anyway, soon after just as Jack was starting he was teleported away via the Asgard beam. Yet another technology I want to get my hands on. So much more sophisticated than the Ring system I am limited too right now. Before they could all panic, I informed them who took Jack. Sometime later, he returned with some bad news for Earth.

Seems because they killed Hathor, the system lords are taking them seriously now, and are planning a massive attack on Earth. And Thor suggests that they should join the treaty Asgard has with the Goa'uld as a protected planet. While they agreed I could fend off the attack coming, I won't always be around to save them. So they wanted to see where this would go.

It seems three system lords will arrive on Earth for the meeting between Earth, Asgard and the Goa'uld. But one of the requirements is that there can not be any weapons on the base. And considering who, and more importantly what I am, we all agreed that I should be in my base instead of at the SGC for the meeting. Just in case they wanted to pull technicalities.

So, here I am in my base, replacing all the bedrock around it with 6 metres of solid Morphium. Despite that it is only a solid slab of Morphium, it is taking forever to do it. My base is rather large after all. While doing this however, I suddenly got a request for help on my UI sent from Jack.


--Incoming text based transmission–

Nova, we have a problem. Could you come to the medical wing? - Jack


'If I remember right, this is where I can get some stealth technology maybe?'


--Reply sent–

I understand, I am on my way. Be there shortly. - Nova


After sending off my reply, I finished up the section I was on and then made my way to my rings.

Nearly ten minutes later I was arriving in the medical room as the female Goa'uld, Nirrti if I remember right, was handing back the Goa'uld healing device.

Nirrti: "His injuries are too severe. The only way to save him is with a sarcophagus."

Nova: "Accuse: You lie. My scans show the damage done to this Organic is not enough to overwhelm the healing that that device is capable of."

Startling everyone in the room, they all turn to me. Yu looks on with confusion and interest, while Nirrti looks on with anger.

Nirrti: "How dare you accuse me of such! And who are you? You are clearly not human."

Nova: "Reply: I care not enough to inform you of who or what I am. Watch, I will prove that you lie."

I take the healing device from Daniel, and hold it over the injured Goa'uld, Cronus. While I do not have any Naquadah in my blood, or even have blood, I don't need it. I am more than capable of supplying power to their technology with a touch. The device activates and it starts to rapidly heal Cronus.

As Cronus came around Nirrti started to act a bit, let's say sketchy. When he was fully healed and opened his eyes, he was understandably confused and enraged.

Cronus: "What happened?! What did you all do to me? Last thing I remember, I was talking with Teal'c when we were assaulted."

Nova: "Query: Teal'c was also hurt?"

I asked, looking towards Daniel. He gave a nod in confirmation.

Nova: "Query: What exactly happened?"

After several minutes of being apprised of the situation it was rather clear what happened.

Nova: "Statement: It's clear what happened. Because Teal'c was also hurt severely along with this one here, someone tried to sabotage this treaty. And clearly the humans do not want that, so it has to be one of you three. And I highly doubt that Cronus would go so far as to knock on death's door for a plot like this."

Cronus nodded his head and said, "Yes, I don't need to play in the shadows like this against the humans. And I stand to gain from this treaty."

Nova: "Acknowledgement: And from what history of Yu I have read over, you are an above average Goa'uld when it comes to honour. This is below someone of your station."

Yu nodded his head in agreement.

Nova: "Conclusion: That leaves the snake in the grass, as it were. You, Nirrti. And, from what Cronus has said, as well as the other evidence, there was no one attacking them. Suggesting the technology to go invisible. Or, should I say to phase like the Reetou. Because mere invisibility wouldn't prevent sound. But Reetou phase shifting would. And I detect an unknown technology coming from your necklace."

When I was finished speaking, both Cronus and Yu looked furious.

Yu: "You did not share this technology with the system lords?!"

Nirrti: "They are lying!"

Yu: "You DARE attack Cronus and defile our meeting with the Asgard!"

Nirrti: "It's not true!"

Cronus: "You have long coveted my territory! You were the one who originally opposed this treaty!"

She then responds with an insult in Goa'uld, and Yu yells at her and starts choking her. She quickly presses a button on her necklace, and phases out of his hands, and starts to make a run for it towards the door. I simply lift her up with anti-grav. I am still able to see her because I snuck in an anti-Reetou gun for a snack when the Tok'ra left some for the SGC.

Nova: "Mockery: And where do you think you are going little one? You may be out of phase for everyone else, but you are still affected by gravity. And gravity? Can be quite the bitch. I suggest you deactivate your phasing, before I crush you to death, and let them scoop up the puddle you'll be with a mop."

She was raving and screaming for a while before I started to crush her slightly with gravity.

Nova: "Threaten: This is your final warning."

After several seconds she stopped raving, and turned off her phasing. Still floating gently in near the door, she gave me her best attempt at a menacing glare.

Seeing her floating like that, all of a sudden Yu gasped, and turned to look at me with horror.

Yu: "It's you! Now I remember where your looks remind me of. You match the description of the 'Destroyer of Worlds'!"

Everyone was confused, while looking at me. Slowly the face of Cronus started to pale greatly.

Cronus: "You are right, Yu. I was too caught up in the situation to notice before. What are you doing here Destroyer?"

Nova: "Query: Oh? You know of me? I guess the Tok'ra anti-spy network really is as garbage as I assumed it was. My original and still current main alliance is with Tau'ri. I was merely doing a job for the Tok'ra, hunting down a target for them for something in return. What do you want to ask, Jack?"

Jack coughs a bit, and clears his throat, "Destroyer of Worlds, Nova?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Reply: When I finally finished the cat and mouse game with the Goa'uld the Tok'ra wanted me to kill, I didn't feel like making my way through his forces. I scanned the planet he was on and found he was the only occupant. And the planet was in a pretty dead part of the galaxy. So I just destroyed the world, and was done with it."

Sam: "Uh.. if you don't mind me asking? How?"

Yu: "Yes, I would also like to know this."

Nova: "Smug: Sure. It's not like it is a secret. You know the kinetic wave your Kara kesh is able to send out? Well, all I did was that, but with the energy of an exploding star backing it. Was quite the spectacle if I am being honest. The planet ripped apart as if some sort of celestial being sneezed on it."

Everyone was just bugged eyed at my declaration. Some, who really understood what I had done, more than others.

Nova: "Order: Now, Cronus. For saving your life, I will be taking Nirtti's necklace for my own. And I will give her over to both you and Yu to deal with as you see fit for nearly bringing ruin to you from both the Asgard and possibly even myself. I ask you to heavily consider giving the Tau'ri some better terms for this treaty you three are forming. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to heal Teal'c."

With that said, I walk over to Nirrti, and smash her (not) lightly to the floor face up. I snatch her necklace while she is struggling to even move under the increased gravity. I have a massive smile, inwardly that is, on my face right now. Getting my hand on technology that can stealth me is massive!

When I left the room, I quickly absorbed the necklace while I was in the hallway.


[Phase shift]

Shift 180 degrees out of phase with most matter causing you to effectively become invisible. The sound you personally make will also vanish to those outside of your new phase. Can expend extra energy to phase through most solid matter in the normal phase.


Will automatically phase dangers when shifted. Can not affect others.


'Oh, how much fun I will have with this.'

While being as giddy as I can be really, I turn and enter the room with Teal'c in it. Seems he has come too, but he is still badly damaged.

Nova: "Greetings: Hello Teal'c. Took a bit of a beating did you?"

Teal'c: "Indeed. It was not pleasant. Did Jack call you back because of this?"

Nova: "Reply: Correct. It's already settled though. Nirrti was the one who had the gall to attack you. Don't worry, I doubt she's going to enjoy what the other two will do to her. Now hold still for a second."

Nodding at me, Teal'c relaxes as I hover my hand over him, and use my [Healing Light]. Thinking about the ability, it's actually quite bullshit how powerful it is.


[Healing Light]

Able to heal any injury in an Organic you have understanding of as long as the brain remains intact. Able to revive the dead as long as there is some biomass left to start the process.


Generally, after 10 minutes the brain will die in an Organic after the body dies. While you can heal them, their memories are another matter. Can also heal brain damage, but again, memories will be affected.


'Honestly, if I could even heal memories this would just be resurrection magic. Oh, and needing biomass. Okay, Resurrection magic with limits. Whatever.'

Teal'c was good to go in a few seconds. He sat up, and thanked me.

Nova: "Reply: You are welcome Teal'c. There is some good news though, that came out of this. Jack and his people will get better terms for the treaty. And I got a new ability from Nirrit's necklace. Check it out."

Showing Teal'c I could now phase, he raised an eyebrow and smiled.

Teal'c: "This technology in your hands will truly be fearsome, Nova. It pleases me greatly that in their failed treachery, the Goa'uld have furnished you with such an ability."

After talking with Teal'c for a few minutes, Daniel came to get us.

Daniel: "Hey you two, the Goa'uld are getting ready to leave, General Hammond wants all of us in the gate room to see them off."

Nodding, both Teal'c and I started to follow him back to the gate room. When we arrived it was already opened and the System lords were heading up the ramp. Cronus soon stopped and turned around and talked to Jack.

Cronus: "We will not attack your world. But. If you continue to use your Stargate? Be warned: Anyone who is caught by the system lords will be shown no mercy. They will suffer. Greatly."

Jack: "Well, that certainly makes life more interesting."

He nodded, and then looked at me and said, "I look forward to crushing you Destroyer. We will have our revenge."

Nova: "Amusement: And I look forward to your feeble attempts. Come, I say. Come and amuse me. And, how do you Goa'uld say it? Oh yea. Revel in the futility of your resistance as I crush everything precious to you."

He just sneers at me, and turns back to the gate portal. Walking up to Nirrti he grabs her by the hair.

Cronus: "I will enjoy taking out my aggression on you."

Yu nods his head in agreement and all three step through the portal.

As we leave the gate room, Daniel says with a smirk, "Boy, is she going to get it."

Jack responds sarcastically, "My heart bleeds."

That causes Teal'c to turn to Jack with a worried look on his face.

Teal'c: "Should you not seek immediate medical help Colonel O'Neill?"

Jack: "I am fine, Teal'c. It's a saying. Means I don't really care what happens to her at all in this context."

Teal'c: "I see."

Soon after, I can sense the Asgard ship leaving orbit and entering hyperspace. I lament a little, but I can be patient. Since if I recall, the first time the whole team goes on the ship, it's because of the Replicators. And I really want to get my hands on them.

'Oh well. One day. I got eternity after all, so there is no rush.'

Several days later, it was back to business as usual as we were already on another planet heading down some tunnels the M.A.L.P. saw near the gate.

Jack: "Daniel? Any ideas about this place?"

Daniel: "It looks like it was built by a pretty advanced culture, then stripped and deserted."

Nova: "Agreement: I am with Daniel on that. This metal is more advanced than the steel you use. But not nearly like the stuff Goa'uld currently use, but still decent all things considered. I also do not detect any life signs anywhere on this planet."

We shortly came up to what looked like a more high quality vault door from the game Fallout, with a red gem embedded into the wall near it.

Jack: "Teal'c, what do you think?"

Teal'c: "It is an ancient Goa'uld design."

He reached out and touched the gem. Causing the door to open exactly like the Fallout doors. Looking inside the room, you could see the typical Goa'uld hieroglyphics on the walls. Along with some braziers for lighting purposes. The room was pitch black though, the fires have long gone out.

As we made our way into the room, everyone's faces scrunched up.

Jack: "Now that is not a good smell."

Teal'c: "Indeed."

Nova: "Smug: Wouldn't know what you're talking about."

Daniel chuckled a little at my quip, and continued looking around. And nearly tripping over something. Turning his flashlight to see what it was, revealed it was a corpse. Quite decayed too.

Jack: "Alright, Level A"

The three humans started taking out some full head gas masks and biohazard gloves. While Teal'c and I just continued to look around.

Teal'c: "Several more bodies over here."

Nova: "Observation: I count nine bodies in total."

When Sam finished putting on her limited biohazard gear, she looked over one of the bodies and saw a scar on the back of its neck.

Sam: "These are not quite human. They are Goa'uld."

Nova: "Sarcasm: Oh wow, what a shocker. Goa'uld in a room behind a Goa'uld vault door."

Sam: "Yeah, yeah."

Teal'c walked over to the control crystal for the door inside the vault. It looked melted and badly damaged.

Teal'c: "This looks damaged from a ribbon device."

Sam: "Maybe they tried to contain whatever did this?"

Daniel: "Teal'c, come here for a second. Do you recognize this symbol?"

Teal'c: "Indeed I do. It is the crest of the Linvris. A rival league of lesser Goa'uld who challenge the system lords."

Jack: "A minor league?"

Teal'c: "Yes. There are nine."

Nova: "Statement: Exactly how many I counted in this room. Safe to assume this minor league struck out."

While we were talking, Daniel found a Goa'uld tablet device, and brought it to our attention.

Sam: "Can you translate it?"

Daniel: "Part of it, it looks like battle plans of sorts. I need the hand device that makes the screen go to the next page."

Jack leans down and looks under the table, and notices it near Daniel's foot. It was mostly covered by cloth, so I can see how Daniel missed it at first.

Jack: "That thing?"

Looking where Jack was pointing, Daniel bent down and got the hand device. He passed the thing over the tablet twice but nothing happened. I, however, did pick up something. I was able, and can still see, the little bugger that was released from the hand device as it made its way up Daniels arm and into his brain.

Daniel reacted and snapped his back, looking at Jack.

Jack: What?"

Nova: "Warning: Daniel has been infected by a being that is slightly out of phase. It has made its way up his body from the hand device, and is now resting in his brain."

Daniel: "What?! You serious, Nova?"

Nova: "Reply: I am, Daniel."

Jack: "Shit, okay. Okay, we need to get back to Earth and get the Doctor to look at him."

Nova: "Observation: I doubt she will be able to do anything. The creature is still slightly out of phase, and is releasing some kind of radiation that is not directly harming Daniel. Yet at least. I very much doubt your technology will be able to detect this being."

Sam: "You are most likely right Nova, but we still need to try."

With that, we started making our way back to the gate, and dialled Earth. Inputting our code, we waited for confirmation before stepping through. Once we got it, we were gone.

Stepping back in the gate room of Earth, Jack immediately ran to the phone on the wall and signaled for a containment team, and medical team to the gate room. Hammond was in the observation room, and asked us what happened.

Nova: "Inform: Daniel has been infested with some sort of creature that came from a Goa'uld hand device meant for their tablets. The creature is slightly out of phase, and is releasing some kind of radiation. It doesn't seem to–"

Daniel: "Whoa?! What the hell!"

Sam: "Daniel?"

Daniel: "I am starting to see things guys. I just saw one of the Linvris corpses walk past me. And I am not feeling so hot."

He started to fall forward, and Teal'c reached forward to try and stop him from hitting the ground. He caught Daniel before he fell too far forward, but doing so caused the creature to leave Daniel and enter Teal'c's arm.

Daniel: "Teal'c! Shit!"

Teal'c raised his eyebrow and asked, "What is wrong, Dr. Jackson?"

Nova: "Inform: The creature has left Daniel, and is now infesting you. Currently in the same spot as it was with Daniel."

Daniel: "Yea, what she said!"

Teal'c: "That is not good."

Jack: "Agreed, does it–"

Daniel: "Ma'chello?"

They looked at him confused.

Sam: "What about him, Daniel?"

Daniel: "I just heard his voice speak to me…?"

Before we could continue this, Teal'c all of a sudden collapsed to the floor, looking like he was in pain. Not long after the containment team, and medical showed up.

Fraiser: "What's the situation?"

Daniel: "Teal'c was just infested with a creature that was originally in me. And I think it's a Goa'uld killing weapon of Ma'chello."

Jack: "That's a bit of a leap, don't you think Daniel?"

Daniel: "Not really, no. We found the hand device in a room full of dead Goa'uld. I heard his voice when the thing left me, for Teal'c, who has a Goa'uld in him."

Fraiser: "Okay, we'll try and stabilise Teal'c as best we can."

Sam: "We should check our catalogue of everything we got from Ma'chello."

Nova: "Inform: I have already done that. Ma'chello had made 13 of those hand devices."

Sam: "Perfect. I'll get Area 51 to send over one of them, and we'll have it in a few hours to test with."

Nodding, we all went our separate ways. I made my way up towards General Hammond to inquire about my order. It was rather large, so I don't expect it to arrive anytime soon. I also fully expect the humans to try something with my order. Either with it , or to it.

Nova: "Query: General, I take it you heard everything just fine?"

Hammond: "I did Nova. But I take it that is not the only thing you came up to ask me?"

Nova: "Reply: Correct. I was wondering if there is an ETA on my order yet. It has been nearly a week since I placed it."

Hammond: "Heh. I still can't believe where you got the money from. Anyway, no word. But I assume several weeks. Some of the things you want are not cheap, and others are only made to order."

Nova: "Smug: What? I did say I had some money. I didn't say it was MY money though. Anyway, several weeks then? Okay, thank you General."

Giving him a small nod, went back down to the meeting room above the gate observation room. With nothing to do for several hours, and not wanting to start something to just get interrupted, I just surfed the web. Looking at some meme's and cat videos.

Sometime later, Daniel's voice rang out along with an alarm, "General Hammond to B-hazmat three observation right away!"

He came out of his office and looked at me. I just shrugged my shoulders and got up to follow him.

Nova: "Statement: They must have started to experiment or something with the PTD's."

Hammond: "Right. Let's go."

Several minutes later we reached the observation room with Jack, Sam, and Fraiser looking rather panicked.

Daniel: "We have a breach."

Nova: "Reprimand: Well of course you idiots do. What part of 'slightly out of phase creatures' did you all fail to understand."

I shake my head at their rash and frankly stupid action.

Hammond: "Is there any chance of further contamination to the base?"

Fraiser: "Judging by what happened to Daniel, Sir, as long as we don't go near anyone, or leave this room the base is probably secure."

The General started to make some calls over the PA system.

Jack: "I'd like to apologise in advance for anything that I may say, or do that could be construed as offensive. As I slowly go NUTS!!"

Fraiser: "Likewise, Colonel."

Nova: "Observation: Sam, you look normal panicked, and not slowly losing your mind panicked like the other two."

Sam: "Yea, there's nothing wrong with me despite me having four of those creatures in me."

Jack: "You're not seeing or hearing any of this stuff?"

Jack asked as both he and Fraiser slumped to the ground.

Sam: "No sir, I feel completely normal. Somehow I must be immune."

Then some doctor joined as, and was asking about the situation.

Sam: "Ugh! I think I spoke too soon. Something is happening."

She then held her forehead with her left hand and tilted it to the left. Shortly after, several blue, slightly glowing creatures started to ooze out of her right ear, and onto the floor. They all started to lose their glow, and quickly stopped moving.

After collecting herself, Sam knelt down and poked one of the creatures gently. Standing back up she looked at us.

Sam: "I think they're dead. Daniel… I could have sworn I heard–"

Daniel: "Ma'chello?"

Sam: "Yes! He said, my Goa'uld captor is dead. But I don't have a Goa'uld."

Daniel: "You did."

Sam: "That has to be it! Janet said that when a Goa'uld dies in its host, it leaves behind a unique protein marker."

Daniel: "So these Goa'uld killing inventions died because they detected the protein marker? That doesn't make any sense, why isn't Jack immune?"

Nova: "Query: From the report, the Goa'uld died outside of him before it could fully infest. That would mean no marker in the blood, yes?"

Sam nodded at that.

Nova: "Statement: Then this is a relatively easy fix. All you have to do is take Sam's blood, and separate the protein marker. But, as there is not enough time before those two break down, just take out all the red blood cells and such that their bodies will reject, and give them a 'general boost' as it were with all of Sam's protein markers."

Hammond and Daniel look to the doctor that is with us, and he nods his head.

???: "Yes, that will most likely work, and is their best hope in this situation."

He then starts to explain what Sam will need to do with all that she has in the room. About an hour later, Sam is holding a pan with three needle injectors on it.

???: "Looks good. Pick your first patient."

Sam: "Janet, since you're the Doctor here, we'll go with you."

She then sets down the pan, and takes up a needle and preps Fraiser for an injection into her shoulder. After injecting her, Sam then picks up the pan, and heads over to Jack. He flops down on his back from a curled position when Sam patted his shoulder.

Jack: "You look terrible."

Sam: "Thank you, Sir. I need to give you a shot, will you let me do that?"

Jack grunts in acceptance, Sam preps and then gives him the shot. We all look on and wait for something to happen. Noticing Fraiser starting to very slowly get up, Sam stands up and returns to her side, leaning down.

Sam: "Janet?"

Fraiser: "Uh. I'm hearing…?"

Sam: "You're hearing Ma'chello?"

Fraiser: "Yea!"

Sam looks at us and gives a nod. Fraiser then cries out and the creatures start to ooze out of her ears. She gasps in disgust as she backs away when they are all done leaving her. Looking over, you can see the same thing happening to Jack.

After returning to his senses he soon notices the creatures right next to his head. Grunting in disgust, he quickly sits up. He then, for some nasty reason, picks up one of the things to confirm it is indeed dead. Confirming it is and tossing back down to the floor, the three of them turn to us in the observation room smiling.

We quickly made our way to Teal'c after everyone was all (mentally) collected.

Fraiser: "I don't know if this will work, honestly. He'll have the marker, but he'll still have a Goa'uld larva. It all depends on how smart Ma'chello made the little buggers."

After informing us, she injected Teal'c with the last needle and we waited. A few moments later, Teal'c started to groan in pain and tensed up. This only lasted for a few seconds though, and soon he opened his eyes and half whispered "Ma'chello."

Everyone had relief on their faces as the little creature started to make its way out. Fraiser sucked it up with a small medical vacuum tube. Teal'c collected himself quite quickly then looked around at us. He gave us a tired smile and thanked us for saving his life.

Jack: "Anytime buddy. You do it all the time for us. It's only right we return the favour every now and then!"

Fraiser: "Yes, but you are still weak, and your Goa'uld larva even more so. Everyone, he needs rest, let's leave him be for now."

Nodding, they all wished him well, and we slowly filtered out of the medbay.

Hammond: "Alright people, get some rest. When Teal'c is all good to go, as with all of you, we'll have a short debrief."

Nova: "Statement: I'll hold you to the word short, General."

Giving me a small laugh, we all head our separate ways for some RnR. Guess I'll go back to surfing the web for now.

'Never a dull moment at the SGC.'