

Junta, a high school loser with a bizarre "female allergy" causing him to puke when aroused by girls, unexpectedly morphs into the "Mega-playboy". Suddenly, every girl falls for him at first sight! Caught in a tumultuous love triangle with the mysterious beauty Saeki Tomoko and the time-traveling Aoi Karin, Junta's life is turned upside down. Significantly diverging from the original storyline, brace yourself for a series of astonishing twists in this reimagined destiny. This story happened in an imaginary spacetime in which all main characters were 18+. More works from the creator: patreon.com/simgirls

Tomoko_Saeki · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Sports Festival

The long-awaited sports festival at Fukoma High School had finally arrived, electrifying the air with excitement and anticipation. Students buzzed around the campus, their voices a blend of eagerness and enthusiasm, participating in various events.

The heart of the excitement, especially for the boys who were practically in a state of frenzy, however, was centered in the gym, packed to the brim with students and faculty, all eager to witness the gymnastics performance.

This wasn't just any school event; it was the momentous occasion where they would witness the celestial spectacle of their dreams – the performance of Saeki Tomoko, the unparalleled goddess of Fukoma High.

Tomoko, hailed as the No.1 Miss Fukoma in the history of the school, was not just a mere mortal to these boys; she was the epitome of divine beauty, an ethereal presence that outshone all others. No other girl in the annals of Fukoma High could even cast a shadow in the radiant glow of Tomoko's magnificence.

The air buzzed with anticipation, with boys showing their adoration in creative ways. Some had crafted towering banners emblazoned with Tomoko's name, while others donned handmade T-shirts bearing her name, each more elaborate than the last. A group of particularly zealous admirers had even composed and practiced a chant, a hymn of sorts, singing praises of Tomoko's unmatched beauty.

Inside the packed gym, a group of male students, brimming with excitement, were huddled together, their conversation centered on the day's most awaited event.

"Man, have you caught a glimpse of Saeki Tomoko in her gymnastics suit? I'm telling you, she's hotter than even Yoshizuki Iori at her best!" a senior boy exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Come on! Let's be real! Well, if Iori's a star, then Tomoko's the BIG BANG, the entire galaxy exploding into existence – there's just no comparison!" another chimed in, their shared laughter echoing around them.

A few steps away, a group of female students watched this display with a mix of annoyance and envy. Rolling their eyes, one girl raised her voice slightly, unable to hide her frustration.

"Oh, please. BIG BANG?! More like a BLACK HOLE. Can't believe you guys are falling for her act."

The boys turned, surprised by the interruption. "Act? Saeki-chan's the pride of Fukoma, not some performer putting on a show," retorted one, his defense of Tomoko evident in his tone.

"Excuse me? What pride?! Remember the Sea Zone drama? So much for 'Miss Fukoma'," another girl added, her voice dripping with skepticism.

"Enough of that Sea Zone Bullshit! That was just a rumor with no evidence!" one boy countered, his face flushing with a mix of irritation and loyalty. "You're just jealous because she's all hot and popular and you're... well, not."

The comment elicited gasps from the girls, who looked at each other in disbelief. "Jealous? As if! We just don't like how she turns the festival into The Tomoko Show. This school isn't just about her, you know."

As if on cue, an announcement over the loudspeaker signaled the start of gymnastics performance, drawing the attention of both groups.

On the stage, Kotomi readied herself for her routine. Her compact stature and light frame, perfect for gymnastics, combined with intense training, marked her as an outstanding gymnast.

Kotomi's club routine captivated the audience with its technical complexity and precise execution. Her effortless moves and acrobatic skills, honed by extensive training, highlighted her natural talent. As she finished, the gymnasium erupted in applause, acknowledging her skillful performance and dedication.

The teachers nodded in approval, joining the applause for Kotomi's performance. They exchanged remarks, suggesting that Kotomi would be the ideal candidate to represent Fukoma in the upcoming nationwide school competitions.

As Kotomi's performance ended, the crowd's focus began to shift. Cheers for her skill lingered, yet a wave of anticipation for Tomoko grew. The audience, spellbound, awaited Tomoko's appearance with bated breath.

Kotomi, feeling the audience's attention wane, was left with a tinge of discontent. Despite her success, she sensed the crowd's eagerness for the festival's highlight – Tomoko.

Tomoko stood ready, a mix of nerves and excitement in her eyes, feeling the weight of expectation. Junta, amidst the crowd, watched her intently, noting the subtle rise and fall of her chest as she took calming breaths, sensing her anticipation.

As the announcement for Tomoko's performance crackled over the loudspeaker, a wave of excitement surged through the audience. The shift was evident; where there had been polite applause for Kotomi, there was now a feverish buzz of anticipation. It was a testament to Tomoko's charisma and the enigma she represented.

Tomoko stepped forward, her every movement followed by hundreds of eyes. As the spotlight found her again, bathing her in a warm, ethereal glow, the gymnasium fell into a hush of awe.

As Kotomi retreated backstage, the gymnasium exploded with cheers, especially from the boys, literally thousands times louder than before. Kotomi's face twisted into an expression of deep disgust.

As Tomoko stepped into the spotlight with roaring cheers, she quickly found Junta in the crowd. Their brief eye contact communicated mutual support and encouragement. Junta's reassuring smile and nod boosted her confidence, silently affirming his belief and support for her.

And soon, the pop music blared through the speakers, a chart-topping hit from the hottest girl's group, setting an unexpectedly bold and modern tone for her performance.

With her eyes closed, Tomoko took a moment to immerse herself in the moment, letting the surrounding noise and music fade into a distant hum. Her mind centered on Junta, drawing upon the depth of their connection for strength. As she opened her eyes, she began her routine, not as a pursuit of technical mastery but as an expression of her inner self – free and resilient.

Her dance was unconventional for rhythmic gymnastics, more akin to the choreography of a pop music girl's group. Yet, there was an undeniable smoothness and fluidity in her movements, her natural grace and charm shining through. Tomoko's figure, soft and flexible, added an ethereal quality to her performance.

The ribbon in her hands became more than a prop; it was a vibrant expression of her emotions, swirling and cutting through the air in rhythm with her movements, captivating the audience with its hypnotic dance.

Junta's gaze followed Tomoko with unwavering attention, his admiration evident in the way his eyes lit up each time she executed a move with her characteristic grace and charm.

As Tomoko's performance gained momentum, the boys' admiration overshadowed the initial murmurs of envy. Their cheers and applause filled the gymnasium, a testament to Tomoko's mesmerizing effect.

Kotomi, watching from the wings, felt a surge of frustration. There she was, a seasoned gymnast with undeniable talent, and yet the crowd seemed enamored with what she saw as a mere pretender. With each of Tomoko's graceful yet non-traditional moves, Kotomi's irritation grew, her feelings akin to a soda bottle vigorously shaken, ready to burst.

But then, a sly smile curled on Kotomi's lips. She had an ace up her sleeve - her brother Yuzuru, inconspicuously disguised as a Fukoma student, mingled within the crowd, unseen yet ominously present.

Yuzuru, standing amidst the throng of people, focused his formidable telepathic abilities directly on Junta. His voice, though unheard by others, resonated clearly in Junta's mind.

"I must apologize, I underestimated your resilience last time. Now let's play again!" He communicated with a tone that blended respect with a challenge.

At that moment, Yuzuru tapped into his telekinetic powers, subtly manipulating the fabric of Tomoko's leotard near her shoulder. Unbeknownst to anyone, a small tear appeared in the material, revealing her bare shoulder, creating an unexpected and embarrassing wardrobe malfunction for Tomoko.

Tomoko's fluid performance came to an abrupt and awkward pause as she instinctively reached to cover the tear, her face turning a shade of red from surprise and mortification. The crowd, initially caught off guard, began to murmur in a mix of confusion and sympathy, their enthusiastic cheers dissolving into a hushed buzz.

Tomoko was swept back to the incident at Sea Zone, a reminder of vulnerability that she had hoped to leave behind. This sudden exposure in front of the crowd, more than mere embarrassment, reignited a familiar sting of helplessness and public scrutiny.

As she sought Junta's eyes in the crowd, a mix of reassurance and self-consciousness washed over her. The incident, mirroring her Sea Zone experience, left her grappling with the fragility of her idol persona and the unsettling feeling of her privacy being invaded once again.

Watching Tomoko's wardrobe malfunction, Kotomi couldn't hide her satisfaction. Remembering the Sea Zone incident, she saw this as the deepest fear of her rival. Her grin widened; she felt her plan was working brilliantly to bring Tomoko down.

From the sidelines, Junta's heart raced with a mix of concern and fury. His eyes darted through the crowd, searching for the culprit behind this. Yet, finding the sabotager in the sea of faces was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Tomoko locked eyes with Junta, a silent plea in her gaze. In that brief look, they shared confusion and determination. Junta nodded subtly, assuring her of his steadfast support.

Yuzuru's menacing telepathic message to Junta, "Act quickly, or there will be more consequences..." was a chilling hint of his next sinister move.

Before Junta could intervene, another piece of Tomoko's leotard gave way, an opening in the fabric from her breasts to her navel was torn, exacerbating her exposure and vulnerability. A collective gasp rose from the audience, their expressions a mixture of shock and disbelief.

Kotomi, witnessing the unfolding drama, could barely conceal her glee. She jumped in delight, relishing in Tomoko's misfortune, her satisfaction evident in her triumphant grin.

In a moment of desperation, Junta teleported in front of Tomoko, his Gakuran jacket in hand, intending to shield her from the prying eyes. But as he moved to drape the jacket over her, he suddenly found himself frozen in place.

Yuzuru, having anticipated Junta's protective instinct, had seized control of his movements, turning him into a marionette against his will.

To the collective horror of the onlookers, Junta's hand, manipulated by Yuzuru's invisible influence, tore yet another strip from Tomoko's leotard. Tomoko shuddered, the tearing leotard finally revealing her hot, wet sex to everyone that cared to look.

This egregious violation of Tomoko's dignity and Junta's autonomy sent a wave of shock through the crowd.

With a determined grunt, Junta shattered Yuzuru's invisible hold. "Whoosh!" In a flash, he activated his teleportation, zapping himself and Tomoko out of sight. The audience gasped, their shock echoing in the sudden void they left behind.

The rumors about Tomoko and Junta at Sea Zone, which had been simmering among the students, now seemed validated. The evidence was there for all to see, and the reaction was immediate. Many who had been undecided about the rumors now believed them wholeheartedly.


In a blur of motion, they teleported away, finding sanctuary back at Tomoko's home.

Once there, Junta struggled to find the right words to explain the situation. He decided to be forthright, telling Tomoko that someone had used telepathic power to control him. Tomoko, her feelings for Junta deepening, looked into his eyes and found the trust she needed. She didn't need to fully grasp the bizarre situation; her belief in him was clear. Her affection was evident in her acceptance of his explanation, no questions asked, trusting Junta's word over needing to understand every detail.

With the air charged between them, Junta leaned in and kissed her hard, a passionate response that both acknowledged and rewarded her choice to trust him.

In the midst of their intense exchange, Tomoko's torn leotard left her feeling more vulnerable than ever in front of Junta. The fabric's tear added a tangible sense of exposure, heightening the emotional intensity of the moment.

There were more tears in her leotard now, on her belly, and wherever else he had found the cloth becoming inconvenient, allowing him access to all of the places that people had wanted to touch on her for quite some time, ever since they could see that she was going to be beautiful.

Breaking the kiss, Tomoko, with a mix of concern and care in her eyes, asked Junta if he was feeling hungry. His nod in response was almost immediate, a silent acknowledgment of both the physical and emotional energy they had expended. Understanding his needs, Tomoko took his hand and led him to the kitchen, her torn leotard forgotten for the moment in the wake of their newfound closeness.

As Tomoko bent down to open the fridge, she turned to Junta with a playful smile and asked, "What kind of dressing do you like? Whipped cream or chocolate sauce?" Junta, a bit puzzled and curious at her question, watched as she took out a can of whipped cream.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Tomoko started to spray the whipped cream all over her exposed body. Junta watched, intrigued by this unexpected turn of what he thought was going to be a simple meal.

Tomoko continued tearing at her own cloth until her front was fully exposed, bringing the torn cloth behind her, so that it fell against the back of her legs, rather than the front, so that as little as possible could interfere with Junta viewing, touching and even, tasting her with the whipped cream.

She let go of the cloth, and as she brought her hands up to hold behind her neck, she stroked her sex then squeezed her bare breasts, making sure that he was well provoked visually. She laced her fingers together behind her neck, then leaned back against the root of a counter, letting her hair fall back as she arched her back, presenting herself in the sexiest way she could imagine while she was standing.

Junta watched her with intent intensity, seeing how well she displayed herself to him without laying down or moving.

The sight of the whipped cream-covered Tomoko struck Junta with a realization – he was about to indulge in the world's most delicious meal. Driven by a sudden, intense surge of hunger and captivated by the playful setup, Junta didn't hesitate.

He leaned forward, eagerly savoring the sweetness of the whipped cream. He moved methodically, his lips and tongue working to clean every inch of her creamy, baby-like smooth skin, fully immersed in the world's No. 1 delicacy of Saeki Tomoko.

When all the whipped cream on her body was replaced by Junta's saliva, Junta stepped back, motioning her forward as he leaned against the kitchen counter. "Come here you little witch, always full of wicked perverted ideas. I think it's about time that I really start with your punishment..."

Tomoko gasped, feeling more vulnerable than she would have if she had been fully naked and walked toward him, trying a slower, more sensual step than she normally used, the brush of the moist cloth against the back of her thighs reminding her that she was well and truly exposed for his pleasure, a thought that she found both arousing and satisfying. "What will you do to me, Momonari-kun? I never hurt anyone, did I?"

Junta didn't answer her. In a swift movement, he reached out and took her hands. With a distinct ZAP sound piercing the air, the environment around them began to transform dramatically. Right before Tomoko's astonished eyes, their surroundings shifted, whisking them away from the familiarity of the kitchen to somewhere entirely different…


DISCO TANK, the hottest night club in Roppongi, was a pulsating world of its own. As Junta and Tomoko appeared out of thin air, they were immediately enveloped in an electric atmosphere charged with energy and excitement.

The club was packed to the brim with a sea of young, fashionable people, each moving to the rhythm of the thumping beats that reverberated through the space. The air was thick with the sound of high-energy music, a blend of the latest tracks that had everyone's adrenaline soaring. The bass was palpable, vibrating through the floor and into the bodies of the dancers.

The interior of DISCO TANK was a visual spectacle. Multi-colored laser lights shot across the room in synchronized patterns, cutting through the dimly lit space with beams of neon blue, vibrant red, and electric green. These lasers created an almost tangible texture in the air, adding an otherworldly quality to the club.

In the pulsating heart of the club, Seto Ichitaka and Yoshizuki Iori swayed to the rhythm of the music, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. The dim, multicolored lights of the club cast a magical glow over the couple, recently reconciled after weeks of effort by Ichitaka to win back Iori's trust and affection after that dinner night at Sea Zone. The air was thick with the beats of electronic dance music, and the couple, lost in each other's eyes, danced away the remnants of their past misunderstandings.

As they danced, the crowd suddenly erupted, and to Ichitaka's utter astonishment, Saeki Tomoko, the enchanting high school girl he had been unable to forget since their encounter at the Sea Zone, appeared in a dancing cage hanging above the center stage!

The dazzling spotlights focused on Junta and Tomoko inside the cage, casting deep shadows that obscured their faces from the crowd below. Despite this, Ichitaka instantly identified them, especially Tomoko. Her unique posture and silhouette were unmistakable, even in the dimly lit, energetic atmosphere of the disco.

Ichitaka, transfixed, felt as if he was in a dream. He had been haunted by thoughts of Tomoko, her image visiting him in his sleep, her charm lingering in his mind.

Iori, sensing the shift in Ichitaka's attention, felt a familiar surge of jealousy and anger. The memories of their conflict at Sea Zone, triggered by Tomoko's allure, came rushing back.

She watched as Ichitaka, whom she had fought so hard to forgive and trust again, was once again captivated by the high school girl. Iori's emotions teetered on the edge of fury, her eyes flashing with indignation and hurt.

Inside the dancing cage, Junta positioned her with the dance pole the way he wanted her to be, her hands gripping onto the pole, her legs parted a little, leaning forward so that if he were to walk around to the front, her lips and breasts would be readily accessible.

Reaching down, he took the bottom of the flap of cloth that hung down the back of her thighs, and ripped apart the back of her outfit, making sure that she was finally fully exposed, both the front and the back side.

Then he started stroking her legs and ass with both hands, often running his fingers up the inside of her thighs, teasing her by only touching lightly her wet lips, or spreading them, and touching the soft tissues within with the tip of a finger, then releasing the pressure as she started pushing her hips back to increase the stimulation.

In the next instant, Junta vanished from the cage, only to reappear seconds later, this time with a bottle of pink bubbly champagne in his hand. Effortlessly, he popped open the bottle with a single hand, the sound echoing crisply in the charged atmosphere of the disco.

Tomoko watched as he took a deep drink of the sparkling wine, then began lowering his lips to hers, his eyes holding hers the way a snake's holds the eyes of a bird. As he kissed her, she felt his tongue pressing against her lips and she opened her mouth, accepting not just his tongue, but the wine from his mouth, her tongue eagerly battling with his in an ocean of pink champagne... As they kissed, his hand slid over, stroking her perky breasts, causing her nipples to rise to attention.

Tomoko swallowed the wine, and broke the kiss, gasping for air, one hand trying to grab Junta's to stop his plundering of her breasts... "People… They are watching us!"

Many people on the dance floor had stopped their movements, their gaze now fixed on the spectacle above, and the open admiration of the men there caused Tomoko to blush down to her nipples. The fact that Junta didn't take his hand from her caused her to squirm and struggle futilely with his hand, trying to pull it from her breasts.

Junta turned her head to face him, his eyes burning down into hers. "Saeki-chan, you've been trying to be the center of attention with your body ever since I met you. Now you are... don't make me disappointed."

"H... Hai." Tomoko nodded. Junta's hand on her breast was getting to her, making her aware of a tickling heat between her thighs… and then Junta disappeared once again, leaving her alone in the cage.

The DJ quickly adapted to the unexpected situation with professionalism: "Yo, yo, yo, Disco Tank fam! Check this out – we've got a smokin' hot surprise just for you tonight! Feast your eyes on the dancer's cage above the center stage for a sizzling performance by a real stunner! Let's pump up this joint, folks! Hype up for our mystery star hittin' the floor tonight! I wanna hear ya'll roar!"