
DM Grimm In Game Stories

My players and I play d&d games. I decided to turn some of the stories into books. I do hope you enjoy. If you are interested and would like to join our games. My discord CountryGrimm#3800

DMGrimm · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

F**k That Elf - 4

The human moves ahead of the drow leading this time into the new area, thirty feet ahead. The drow follows behind twenty-five to be beside him and spots a dead body to the right. The human moves to ten from the body. While the drow moves right beside it with her weapons at the ready. She checks to see if it was carrying anything and sees more spears, and the rest are the same as the other corpses. "More spears over here." The human takes them and adds them to his back sash. They see another small crack that requires dexterous movement. The drow steps up, looks in the hole raises her arms and twists to fit through, cartwheeling through easily. The human goes through the crack. Forcing his way through bowling over the drow, knocking her in the head with a knee. As the human stops just before getting impaled on a sharp stone on the wall. "Fucking cannonball." They both see another body to the right, and behind it is another small crevice that turns. The drow moves past the human ten feet and looks left, seeing a very large pocket room that has been mined out heavily, with just under a half dozen bodies scattered around. "Well, I can see where they found them at. Lots of dead bodies in here…. Uhhhhhhh" The drow pulls out a small package of herbs and fits it in her bandana as the smell of decay is much stronger here. Then looks at the walls and ceiling of the room, looking for pockets she is unable to see and more of the leech creatures but sees nothing but stalagmites and stalactites and the corpses.

The human ties some of his rope from his dungeoneer's pack, to his spear, and throws it into the corpse to his right. As the drow steps ten feet into the room on the left, recasting the light spell that wore off and making the dancing balls of light drift into the room and over the closest corpse ahead of her, once again leaving the human in the dark. The room ahead of the drow sparkles a bit and casts little green reflections of the light. "Ooooo." The drow pauses as she takes in the beauty of the room. The human is only able to see a few sparkling rays from the corridor the drow entered. "You might want to come to look at this Mr. Monk, this is quite interesting here." "Why do you insist on wasting my time with such glowing rocks?" "You'll understand once the effect it's doing. It's quite nice…. Almost like a dance party in the upper sections of the city" ''Dance party?" "What, do you not have those?" The human takes on a blank face. "What makes you think I'd ever have a dance party?" the human sighs and takes a ten-foot step around the corner, looks at the drow, then turns to walk away "I…. Uhh… So they don't do dances at your monastery?" "Do you know what I hear when I listen to you talk about shining rocks?" "What's that?" "This…. Looky here such a shiny little rock, I'm sure it's worth so much if you gather a few and take them with us if only the monk would help me and be intrigued in this endeavor but alas he is not because he has nothing to give for it" The drow crosses her arms and sighs "Ahhhhh…. Well, fuck if that's how you're gonna be." The drow drops the dancing lights and the room goes dark. "Well have fun dear." The drow makes her way to the corpse on the left side of the cavern stealthily, keeping an eye on the ceiling, spotting five things out of the ordinary, and as she tries to back away. There is a loud crack, and one of the things falls from above, missing her. The human takes a seat and sits there, listening to see what is going on. The drow pulls out her bow and tries to hide against the wall on the right side, aiming a shot at one of the stalagmites that look odd, causing some of the stone to chip away, before moving over to the left side of the room, using a large stalagmite as cover. The human monk starts to meditate listening to the sounds of the drow fighting and a crash. "Ahhh, she can't be quiet can she?" The human opens his eyes and is unable to tell they are open, so he focuses only on what he can hear, which is not much other than an arrow hitting stone and a falling crash, so the monk keeps meditating. The drow sneaks to her left ten feet and aims at the one creature in the far back on the ceiling and attempts to shoot it with an arrow. "ACK! Fuck off!" The arrow misses the creature and hits the stone wall at the back of the cave where the arrow shatters. "Divines be damned." She moves back twenty feet and stands beside the monk. "As soon as I can, I'm about to light up the place. I've been trying to get them to drop. But I keep missing."

The monk hones in on his hearing and starts to hear small feet, grinding on stone to his north. The monk throws a rock blindly into the darkness. Where he heard the noise., echoing off the ground closer than the sound of the noise from before. The human moves forward, using his quarterstaff as a cane, moving ten feet before running into a wall. He hits the ground with his stick listening to the echoes and feels the wall smooths out to his left, and right, noticing a sharp projection on it. He moves to his left and pulls out a torch to begin lighting it. The drow moves ten feet north stealthily, and scores a substantial hit against one of the creatures, making it fall. The human hears the thump and rocks fall from above. The drow watches as slime drips down one of the rocks before it falls from the cavern's ceiling. The drow then moves to the left, five feet around a small corner of rocks hiding from sight next to the human groping blindly for his tinderbox. The human freaks out as he feels the drow brush against him, and strikes out, hitting her soundly across the back with his staff, causing another bruise. "Ow! What the hell was that for!?" "That's what you get for not saying shit." "I'm not one for talking while there is fighting." "Yeah, you're also one for getting punched for not talking either." "What?" "If I hadn't known you were there I would have lit this torch, and you would be blind." "Oh….well, I did tell you I'd use my dancing lights when and where I can see. By the way, one of the big ones fell." ''So it was what you're doing." ''That's what my bow is for." ''And what is it for?" "Taking things out from far away so I don't have to get close."