
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

Asmohawk · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

Worst First Encounter

It's a Goblin!

Draven was shocked his hands began to tremble not out of excitement but fear. In the game, he would casually walk up to such a creature and mindlessly attack it who cares if his character got hurt or died it was just a game. But this was real life what if he can't beat it? he doubted he would get a second chance and could walk back to his corpse after dying. He was level 0 and that thing is level 2! All the cockiness from before vanished as he came to terms with reality. Draven took a few deep breaths. "Calm down man it's a low-level mob with no magic I'll just attack it from afar and kill it before it reaches me."

Draven gathered some courage as he channeled another Fire arrow and dumped more mana into it than before, better safe than sorry he thought. Draven took aim and right before he let it fly the Goblin turned his head and noticed the bright light of the flames radiating from the arrow. Draven released the arrow and it bolted toward the Goblin's head. The Goblin let out a loud screech as it quickly stood up trying to flee but to no avail, the Arrow struck it in the Chest, unlike with the tree this even stronger arrow dug a hole leaving a bowling ball-sized open window in the goblin's chest. The arrow crashed into the ground behind the goblin leaving a trail of flames in its wake. The goblin collapsed into a pool of blood.

Beep! You have Slain Goblin level 2!

Beep! Tutorial Tipp announced please Loot the creature for XP.

Draven scratched his head "I need to loot the goblin to gain XP?" "Seems odd but whatever" Draven walked over to the goblin corpse and lowered his hand to begin searching the half-naked creature but before he touched it another screen appeared titled Loot.

Similar looking to his Storage menu the loot of the goblin was displayed and had a convenient button to loot all. Draven mentally clicked on loot all and the items transferred over to his storage.

He looked through the items and found 5 copper coins, linen cloth x1, Dagger 1x, and a black orb called Novice XP Orb. He hovered over the orb but before he could read the description he heard a loud screech coming from behind him as 3 goblins carrying daggers in their hands charged toward his location. "Shit" he yelled as he fumbled with the menu trying to close it but they were already on him.

He used his sword to block one of the daggers and pushed the goblin back knocking it over but a second goblin came from the side thrusting its dagger toward his exposed side. Time seemed to slow down, this is it Draven thought to himself he was so focused on the loot he didn't even think to check his surroundings.

He tried his best to jump backward, but he could only watch as the dagger penetrated his leather armor about to dig into his side. Clink! A loud sound of metal colliding could be heard as the dagger hit his skin he could feel the pressure of the weapon but it did not penetrate. A wave of relief hit Draven but soon after, the relief transformed into pure rage, this piece of shit mob tried to kill me! He extended his dragon claws in his left hand and slashed at the Goblin that tried to stab him and with minimal effort slashed through flesh and bone, its head fell tumbling to the ground as blood splattered in all directions.

Beep! You have Slain Goblin level 2!

In the corner of his eye, he could see the third Goblin jumping towards him with its Dagger raised above its head. Draven overpowered the goblin in front of him whom he had parried before and charged it with a forward thrust of his sword impaling the goblin as he took several steps forward to dodge the third goblin's jump attack.

Beep! You have Slain Goblin level 2

 Before turning around he summoned a wall made of earth behind his back as he already anticipated the third goblin's next attack. Draven quickly turned around and heard the thump of the goblin striking the wall. The earth wall turned out to be a lot larger than planned it was roughly 4 times his height and twice his width. The creature raised its head revealing 2 rows of hideous sharp discolored teeth and a loud terrifying screech sounded throughout the forest. It's calling for backup! Draven thought. In the future, he will need to kill them unnoticed.

The goblin had turned around and began to run away. No you don't Draven yelled out. He quickly sidestepped the wall to get a clear view and summoned another fire arrow and sent it flying, the arrow struck true impaling the goblin through the back this time leaving a baseball-sized hole in its body. The goblin without another sound dropped dead in a pool of blood.

Beep! You have Slain Goblin Level 3.

This time Draven decided to quickly loot the goblins and hide, without looking he clicked on loot all for the first and second goblin then ran over to the third and did the same without pausing to think he continued to run forward through the open space of the forest looking for a place to hide. But only after a few steps, a large Humanoid creature came running through the bushes accompanied by another 3 Goblins. Draven looked at this larger creature. It was roughly three times the size of Draven and a darker shade of green compared to the goblins it had two tusks growing from its lower jaw. Its piercing solid yellow eyes made Draven's spine shiver. Draven activated his Mystic eye.

Hobgoblin Level 5

Health: 30/30

Mana: None

A Hobgoblin! And it's level 5! Crap I'm still Level 0 what am I doing here!

Draven cursed under his breath. His experience as a raider started to kick in "Eliminate the trash then focus on the boss." Draven thought to himself. Draven started running away in the opposite direction as the goblins started giving chase. Draven formed another trusty Fire Arrow and poured more mana into it making it longer. As soon as the arrow formed Draven spun around and launched it straight down the middle of the clearing as planned the goblins chased him while running clumped up in a group. The arrow pierced through the chest of the first goblin and deleted the upper right chest and shoulder of the goblin behind it. Both collapsed to the ground.

Beep! You have slain…

Beep! …

Draven ignored the messages for now. He was feeling exhausted but He went to form another fire arrow for the last goblin this one was much smaller than the last but Draven didn't pay any attention to it and immediately let it fly. the arrow this time did not disintegrate a portion of the goblin but embedded itself into its chest burning the goblin, it fell to the ground wailing in agony rolling one way and then the other until it finally went silent.

Beep! You have…

Draven was gasping for air at this point. Just a little more he thought and ill hide without looking at the loot. He raised his hand to summon another Arrow.

Beep! Error Mana insufficient.

Cold sweat ran down Draven's spine. He was out of mana! He looked at the Hobgoblin charging at him it was much slower than his smaller counterpart but looked much beefier. In its hand, it did not carry a dagger but a large Draven-sized club that looked like it could shatter his skull with one swing. Trying to slow his breathing Draven grabbed his sword with both hands running away wasn't an option anymore the Hobgoblin might be slower than the Goblins but he could tell it was still faster than him. He charged forward hoping his attack did more damage than the creatures.

Draven aimed for its right leg and slashed from below in an upwards motion the sword penetrated the skin and dug a few centimeters into the Hobgoblin's flesh. Draven did not stop there and continued to run past his enemy not wanting to receive its club to his face. Unfortunately, the Hobgoblin could react quite fast. Its green face turning red with anger quickly swiped in a backstroke motion striking Draven in the back, he was slammed into the ground and slid through the dirt coming to a stop a few meters ahead. Draven coughed up dirt and blood struggling to breathe. He quickly looked at his health

Health 11/20

Crap that thing did almost half my health with one swing!

Draven used his Mystic eye again staring at the Hobgoblin

Health 25/30

"Not good! I need to run!" Draven pushed himself off the ground and took off as fast as his legs could carry him but after a few seconds, the Hobgoblin was already on him. It raised its Club in the air getting ready to crush Draven into meat paste. All he could do was block the attack with his sword. The club hit the sword and Draven could feel he was being overpowered cracks formed on the blade Draven turned his body sideways and a second later the sword broke and the club continued its path downward slamming the ground next to Draven's feet. Draven let go of the handle of the now broken sword and grew out his dragon claws on both hands Draven jumped higher than he had ever before and dug into both sides of the hobgoblin's lower neck. Draven opened his mouth and sank his teeth into the center of the creature's throat.

The Hobgoblin roared in pain twisting his body left and right trying to throw Draven off but he had a firm grip. The blood of the creature began to gush into his mouth the thick raw blood had a strong metallic taste it was without a doubt the most disgusting thing that he had ever tasted. The hobgoblin swung his Club against Draven's back again but he gritted his teeth and bit down harder causing him to involuntary swallow a portion of blood. Draven now full of disgust and rage brought his legs together pressing his heels against the creature's chest and with all his might he pushed off. His claws ripped through the creature's neck and his teeth tore out the Hobgoblin's throat. Blood sprayed out soaking Draven but he was too tired to care as he fell to the ground on his back. The Hobgoblin dropped his weapon and clutched its throat staring at Draven wide-eyed not expecting this outcome it tried to roar but this only caused more blood to spurt out of his exposed throat. It began to sway from left to right trying to stay on its feet but within a few seconds, it collapsed to the ground.

Beep! You have Slain Hobgoblin level 5.