
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

Asmohawk · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

Saving the Novice's

Draven stood in front of the beheaded Troll as its body slumped down into the dirt. A near-endless stream of blood spurted out from its headless neck. Draven touched its body and hit loot all, looking at the contents he received from the troll its heart stood out. "I've never looted a heart before maybe it's used in some potion?" Draven thought to himself. Another 3 Trolls stared Draven down he was standing between them and their feast which made them very angry they wanted to rip him into shreds for getting in the way but he had killed a fellow troll so easily so they became wary of him. Draven noticed their behavior. "You guys get a lot of shit in stories for being stupid but from all the monsters I've fought, you are the only ones to think twice before attacking me so in a way you're the smartest monster I have seen yet," Draven said complimenting the Trolls. "Not that it will save you or anything but I figured I'd say something nice before using all of you as walking meat dummies to test my sword against." He said as his eyes turned cold before walking forward.

Seeing Draven advance the Trolls attacked him together as they all raised their fists and slammed the ground where Draven stood. Thinking they had killed him as there was no sight of him anymore they began to feel happy again. They started walking towards the sleeping piles of meat. What they didn't know was that Draven had shadow-stepped behind them and was already in midswing. With a mighty swing of his sword, he severed the legs of the first Troll causing its body to fall to the ground. Draven then jumped into the air and with a front flip added momentum to the downward strike. He cleaved the next troll from the shoulder to its waist before the blade stopped cutting its body. He then pulled the blade out which ripped and tore the flesh of the troll causing it to splatter towards him. Draven then finished his moveset with a spin slashing into the last Troll's torso again Draven wasn't able to fully cut through the entirety of this large creature getting stuck halfway. He then pulled on his sword shredding through more of its flesh before killing it with a strong kick to its chest causing his upper body to swing outward like a door as its lower torso remained stationary. 

"This feels incredible my attacks generate so much power when swinging something like this," Draven said quite pleased with the results. 

<The same goes for a staff by having your magic go through focus that can withstand the spell you are casting attack or effect will be multiplied grade of focus. There have also been swords utilized as well it just requires crystal gem attached to it.> 

Draven thought about what AL said he hadn't even thought about getting a magic user weapon like a staff or wand but it was obvious that he should have one and if he could combine it with a sword that would be even better. Pushing thoughts of future purchases to the side for now Draven took a look around the battlefield while looting the Trolls. The Villagers and his party came running back to greet him now that the Trolls were dead. Everyone began to excitedly ask his party about his identity only to find out that he was the leader of the Town they were joining. A wave of relief washed over them hearing that they would be under his care and wasn't a stranger they might have to go against in the future. Some had already steeled themselves to beg him to take them in had he not been a part of the town they were going to. 

"Gather all the wounded I'll fly you guys back home," Draven said looking around quite a few people were lying on the ground unconscious. He wanted to make sure they were quickly taken care of. In the distance leaning up against a tree, Draven saw Ross struggling to stand up. God damn, you guys left Ross to die? Draven said looking angrily at Greg and the rest of his party before rushing over to help him stand up. Draven had barely touched his ribs as he felt them give in and shift causing Ross to scream out in pain. I think your whole ribcage is broken, he said looking at his friend with a bit of pity. Luckily their bodies were much more durable than a regular human or there would be no way he would have survived that attack. "May get over here and heal him," Draven ordered. She quickly came running over. "I barely have any mana left I think the most I can do is a lesser heal without needing to be carried myself." "Do it then it's better than nothing" he said I just want him somewhat stabilized before transporting him. 

May then cast a lesser heal and Draven could visibly see his ribs start to take a normal shape again they were likely still broken but at least they weren't dangling around inside his chest. Draven walked past Greg and the rest while he used Psionic Magic to carry Ross. "We will talk about this later." He said with cold eyes as he walked by. Greg looked like he was about to shatter into a million pieces he never meant to leave Ross behind. Everything happened so fast that he just assumed he had gotten back up again after being whacked. He always got back up. Greg didn't even think to look for him as they retreated. Leaving behind a bunch of strangers was one thing but he would have never left Ross behind had he known he was severely injured from that attack. But he as the tank was the defacto leader when Draven wasn't around. It was his job to keep track of these things. He had to admit to himself that it was his fault. Just thinking about how those trolls would have eaten up Ross had Draven not shown up made him want to curl into a ball in the woods and never get up again. 

But he couldn't afford to do that in this world. Here they needed to learn from their mistakes and move forward otherwise they might not survive the next time they make that mistake again. So Greg picked himself back up and resolved to become a better leader and take what Draven would have to say to him later to heart and learn from it. "Don't be so harsh on Greg it wasn't his fault. I charged in again like an idiot and got bitch slapped into oblivion. You already warned me before to stop doing that. Looks like I didn't learn my lesson yet. My blood just starts to boil from excitement when I fight that I just stop thinking and rush in," Ross said to Draven as he was being magically carried. They were already far enough away to where Greg couldn't hear them anymore. Draven sighed as he looked over his shoulder and saw how devastated Greg looked after seeing Ross sprawled up against the tree. It seems he didn't leave him there on purpose. "Alright, I'll let him off the hook this time. I also think I have a solution to your blood-boiling problem unless you're just naturally a death-wishing maniac it's likely due to a negative side effect of your class. It's something I have learned to fix but it is costly. Before Ross could start asking about the specifics Draven raised his hand. "We will talk about it after everyone has healed up and got some rest."

Ross simply nodded as he allowed himself to lay back and close his eyes he was so tired and every little bit of him hurt badly. After arriving in a semi-decently sized clearing Draven began to make a replica of Flying Brick he made earlier for the people of Sanctuary he made it slightly wider to make room for the people passed out or injured that would be lying down. "C'mon everyone hop in make sure to lay the injured down gently there's enough room for everyone," Draven called out to the group. After Draven placed Ross who was now passed out on the Brick Jennifer approached him. "Draven we were ambushed by..." Draven held up his hand again. "Whatever it is it can wait until later help me load these people on so we can get everyone healed up that is more important now. Whoever attacked you guys is no one I can't deal with so tell me all about it later." Jennifer nodded and began helping him load the injured on the Flying Brick. After 15 minutes everyone was finally aboard the aircraft and Captain Draven took it to the sky taking extra care to maintain its balance so no one was further injured by his poor flying skills. 

While flying at a decent speed it took only 30 minutes to arrive at Ironforge. Draven quickly made them all citizens and attached them to a couple of barracks buildings that had yet to be inhabited. He told them to pick a room for now and if there weren't enough rooms they would need to double up for now as there was a bunk bed in each room. Draven then took the rest to the medical facility and had each member cured of their illness Ross took a whole 15 minutes under the the med pod before he was fully healed. In Med Pod time that was like forever. After everyone was sorted out he brought his party to the town hall and let them get some sleep Draven was pretty tired as well the day had been very eventful. Lying in bed Draven looked at the Town upgrade timer there were still another 6 hours left before the construction was complete and Draven couldn't wait to see the changes tomorrow. He closed his eyes and found sleep in mere moments. 



Hey guy's sorry for the short Chapter came home a bit late today from work and with three kids it can be tough to get as much writing done as I would like. To make it up to you guys I will have a long and juicy chapter lined up tomorrow to check out the Bronze Town, Some New classes for the Gang, and a revisit to the Lizardmen cave to find out what Is in their town and beyond the point Draven couldn't see. I'm positive you guys will like what they find. Also, I'm still trying to come up with a name for Draven's party instead of having to keep calling them the gang if you have any ideas go ahead and comment below.