
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

Asmohawk · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

Another Clue and a Goal

Draven feeling a lot better now shoved his dad out of the way as he was still laughing his ass off. Looking at the Town Map he noticed there was no cemetery so after looking into the shop there were several that he could purchase ranging from a personal cemetery to a large cemetery suited for the entire Town. Draven was short on funds so he made his way toward a store Terminal to unload all the useless items he had in his inventory. He entered a weapon shop and accessed the terminal after placing his ID card in. Checking his Inventory he decided to sell all of the Tridents he got from killing the Naga leaving only the boss's weapon he made 11,358 gold on the weapons alone. After opening all the clams he obtained a lot of pearls that sold for another 480 gold.

Adding a cemetery allowed Draven to expand the town a bit to make space for the land required. He spent 400 gold and gave up another 2 tonnes worth of stone so it was easy enough to farm on the mountainside. Draven then hit accept after choosing a nice spot near a church building behind the Town walls. As soon as he hit accept the robots came back and began cutting all the stone and created an entrance through the wall that led into the plot allotted for the cemetery they then began to build walls around the area. Thin stone paths were made as well to allow someone to walk along the graves. Each grave site had a tombstone already placed that allowed the Mayor or Vice mayor to edit to engrave the details of the person buried there. 

Satisfied with the cemetery Draven called his father and some of the men walking around to help him identify and bury the bodies he would hold a burial ceremony later. Draven using his magic dug the holes for all those that had died. After everyone was identified Draven went to work on engraving the tombstones for every one of them. He didn't bother writing any dates as no one knew when they were born or what day or year it was but underneath all their names Draven wrote "Here lies a defender of Ironforge who gave their life so that others may live. You will not be forgotten." Draven then announced he was going to begin the ceremony and that all who wanted to participate may do so. Draven then waited 30 minutes as the entire village other than those standing watch came to say their goodbyes.

The ceremony itself went by quickly no one shed any tears as these were all strangers it was sad to see that no loved ones were present but that's just the way it was. Draven was happy to see everyone come together to pay their respects regardless and that was more than he could ask for. Using his wind and earth magic Draven placed all the corpses into the graves and sealed them 6 feet underground

After all was said and done Draven was in a bad mood and headed back to his office in the town hall to take another look at the Auction house. It didn't take long to reach his office and he fully immersed himself into the Auction house terminal. But no matter how much he looked there was nothing he could afford that was near his level requirement other than raw materials. There was an entire set of leather armor that each gave incredible boosts to agility including set bonuses to critical chance and damage to daggers that had caught Draven's eye, but they wanted 200,000 gold for it! who was supposed to be able to afford this? Professions and item drops seem to be big money at the auction house. He will need the craftsmen to start raising their profession skills as soon as possible to start earning money. Draven also wanted to start working on his professions as well he had a lot of ore on him but seeing as his class was more suited to leather, he needed to start killing some beasts.

"I wonder if there are dungeons in this world like in the game." he wondered. That would be the best outcome he could just farm a dungeon over and over again. But this was the real world and he doubted monsters had a respawn timer. With nothing in the Auction House that Draven needed to spend his money on he opened up the Town Shop to see what he could buy there. He could start with repairing the damage from the fight perhaps. There was in fact a repair button most of the damage was minimal and could be repaired for tens of gold whereas the two buildings that his dad and Craig had flown through had two separate costs to fix. One was the cost with materials and the other was the cost without materials. If Draven had 800kg worth of stone he could repair one of the buildings for 100 gold. Without the stones on hand, he would have to pay 1000 gold. He instantly hit repair all and provided the stone that he dumped out of the window for the bots to gather. Moving down the list of things to purchase there were many buildings such as a small doctor's house that had 4 med pods that cost 10000 gold and even an entire hospital that had 2000 med pods that cost well over 1 million gold. Draven was curious and decided to see what the most expensive thing in the shop was that he could buy and after a few minutes of scrolling down, he had reached the end.

Golden portal 100 million gold.

<Create a portal to new lands where the weakest creature is ranked gold.>

<Take notice once the portal is activated it cannot be deactivated and any creature or being can traverse through portal.>

"That's why!" Draven shouted out to no one in particular. They were currently in a place where only creatures below gold rank existed. The Town's communication isn't activated because they are truly the furthest to progress in these lands but only because everyone else that came before if there were any has either died or moved on to the gold-ranked lands. The auctionhouse is apparently connected to all lands whereas the communicator is only connected to where they are. As soon as Draven felt that things started to make more sense he came up with even more questions that he couldn't answer.

He was certain now there was no one before them here and they have progressed the furthest. If the Golden Portal was open somewhere then it would need to be protected to ensure other creatures didn't come through meaning another town would have to exist. But what is the purpose of all this and why couldn't you deactivate the portal? wouldn't it cost a tremendous amount of energy to keep it open? Seeing the description used the word beings he has to assume they are talking about humanoids from other worlds or maybe they are talking about other continents on this world? 

Draven scratched his head furiously as he just couldn't wrap his head around their situation. things made sense on the surface but as you dug deeper nothing made any sense at all. But he felt like a great weight was lifted off his shoulders as he was now certain that there was no way he would randomly encounter some level 40 being to ruin his day. He could continue as he was and power level at his own pace. Speaking of power leveling he needed to get back to it Craig had achieved level 13 whereas Draven had just reached 15 who's to say someone else hasn't already achieved level 20 and just hasn't found an Iron Town yet to settle into?

System show me the SP tab.

SP – 80

Ancient Dragon SP - 98


- Mana Comprehension Iron Tier – 150 sp

- Mana Absorb – 60 sp

- Dual casting – 200 sp

Ancient Dragon

- Adolescent Dragon Scales – 80 sp

- Adolescent Dragon Wings – 600 sp

- Adolescent Dragon Muscle Tissue – 120 sp

- Adolescent Dragon Skeleton – 280 sp

- Adolescent Dragon Tendons – 120 sp

- Dragon Breath Organ – 500 sp


- Lightning Arms Iron – 100 sp

- Lightning Legs Iron – 100 sp

- Lightning Bolt – 40 sp

"What is up with those prices System!" Draven yelled out angrily. "I thought I was looking at the auction house for a second! I can barely afford anything on here!"

<Beep As the user increases in Rank so will cost of skills, as it takes a large amount energy to perform such changes. The be required hunt creatures increase sp rather than purely rely on excess received from leveling up.>

Of course, the system always has a logical answer to everything which annoyed Draven to no end. Draven had to take a deep breath to calm himself down. He had earned an excess of Dragon Sp from hunting Naga as they are considered reptilian but only a portion as the official classification was humanoid. But Draven was in a Lizard gold mine and elementals were considered beings of pure mana, so Djinn was also covered. That left wolves for Raiju or he could perhaps double up if he found an electrical-type elemental, but he hadn't seen one yet. Nor, has Draven seen any wolves yet either, but wolves on earth were no stranger to mountainous terrain so he figured he would come across some in this area as well.

Draven decided to go with Mana Absorb and Adolescent Dragon Scales seeing they were almost the only things he could afford right now.

Mana Absorb – The user's skin is now able to absorb mana not only from nature but from other beings as well. Physical contact is required.

Dravon didn't bother reading the description of the dragon scales as he knew the drill.

Draven took a deep breath as he prepared himself for another torture session.

After cursing pod users under his breath Draven reluctantly hit accept.

Draven did his best to stay standing he was tired of always collapsing to the ground every time this happened. It wasn't too difficult at first as his skin started to only itch like crazy. He couldn't feel any major changes only the unbearable itch. Shortly after His scales began to enlarge he could feel the added weight. The pain was tolerable as the scales coming out of his body forced the already existing tears in his skin to grow slightly larger. The color of his scales became much brighter almost like polished metal. Before he knew it the process was over and Draven rejoiced in knowing he took it standing up and not curled up in a ball on the floor. Draven flicked against one of his scales and was impressed at its durability he could feel how incredibly dense his scales were now. They have to be bulletproof at this point Draven said with much glee as he imagined walking through a gunfight like some badass. Little did he know that his hatchling scales were already more durable than any Kevlar vest. Draven wanted to get started right away but he was mentally exhausted and figured tomorrow was just as good as well. He walked to the room next to his office as that was the Mayor's bedroom and fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.

Jennifer POV 


Jennifer was practically running around in circles with a face as red as a tomato. "I mean this is fine, right? But what if he doesn't like me and I just made a total fool of myself and now he hates me forever!" She said pacing back and forth. "But it's not like he pushed me away or anything so that must mean he likes me!" Jennifer was having a full-blown, out loud conversation with herself as she paced back and forth in the main street in town. People couldn't even pretend not to hear her as they were sure people in Novice Village could hear her. "Sooo what happened" came a voice that spoke directly into Jennifer's ear. Jennifer spun around and saw Celine appear in front of her. "CELINE! how long have you been standing there? I told you not to use your ability to sneak up on me!" Jennifer yelled out while pouting. "Hehehe." Celine giggled as she waved her hand. "I can't help it you learn so much about people when they think you can't see them. Like how someone kissed Draven and then ran away squealing like a piggy."

Jennifer's face turned red all over again. "... I'm not a piggy..." she muttered under her breath. "No you are not," Celine replied. "but you almost had piggy babies though! I mean did you see the snout on that guy that captured you?" Celine provided visuals as she used her thumb to push the tip of her nose back to emulate the nose of a pig while laughing her heart out. She then started making pig sounds by letting out a few oinks. "Stop! You're creeping me out he was disgusting, and he squeezed my ass the whole time he was carrying me, my skin crawls just thinking about it." Celine took it a step further and started chasing Jennifer around while making oinks sounds along the way still laughing. "Stop teasing Jennifer, Celine I'm sure that whole situation was really scary for her" another girl called out.

Celine stopped and looked at the girl. "Ughh fine! May is always the buzz kill." Celine sighed as she found a random barrel to sit on. Jennifer was nearly in tears at this point. "Thanks, May she was super mean to me!" Jennifer called out while pointing a finger at Celine she however just shrugged. May patted her on the head with a smile that didn't seem all too friendly. "So what's this I hear about you kissing Draven?" May asked while pulling off the largest creepiest smile she could muster. Jennifer tried to turn away she knew they would squeeze every single detail out of her if they caught her. So she put some strength into her step and tried to dash away but Celine Manifested in front of her again. Turning around Rebecca had also joined the fun and blocked off her only escape. "Hi Jenny, I heard you have some beans to spill," Rebecca said as all the girls closed in on her. Shortly after being tickle tortured Jennifer gave in and spilled the beans without leaving out a single detail.

May looked at Celine with her hand covering her mouth. "Oh my so bold, I wonder how many boyfriends she's had before to give her that kind of confidence." She said looking at Celine. Copying May she placed her hand over her mouth as well with a smug look on her face. "Probably a lot! I wonder how Draven would feel if he knew how experienced she is." Celine replied with a pompous voice. "You're right I'm sure he would much rather prefer someone purer such as I. Rebecca said after she put the back of her hand to her forehead acting overly dramatic. "Or I" both Celine and May replied while copying Rebecca's hand gesture as they all laughed. Jennifer pouted as she walked to each of them and bonked them all on the head. "some friends you all are! She said angrily but in the end, she knew they were just joking with her. So what should I do? Do you guys think I made a big mistake too? Jennifer asked as she could feel a tear starting to form.

Celine walked over, "No way that guy probably has the number 1 spot on the planet for most desirable bachelor. He's stronger than everyone else and a total hunk. I mean those abs are chiseled and those horns are damn sexy with that long black hair. Total bad boy vibes if you don't make a move, someone else will. I'm surprised half the women in town haven't already jumped on him yet." Celine said as she raised her arms like a grizzly bear to give out another visual. "Probably because he's always out doing something." May chimed in. "You rarely see him and when he comes back, he's even stronger than before," If you want him you're going to have to make more moves he knows you're interested now, and seeing how he looked after you kissed him he is interested in you too so don't waste any time." Celine said while pointing toward Jennifer." 

"I just don't want to go too fast and make a mistake that ends with him not wanting anything to do with me anymore," Jennifer said. Rebecca looked at her as if she was crazy. He is a guy you don't need to propose to him just start dating him. I'm telling you some other bimbo will snatch him up if you don't. Including me i mean the man exited that ogre's Shadow reached in his back and crushed his spine with his bare hands looking like some kind of demon lord if that doesn't get your motor running nothing will Rebecca said. "Or how after saving you he used wind magic to lift you and floated you away to safety like some kind of princess!" May replied "After he casually waved his hand and killed a group of invaders like it was no big deal even that grandma back in the village would probably spread em for Draven! Celine said laughing. Jennifer looked like she was about to drown in tears at this point. "Look jokes aside we won't make any moves on him but you need to grow a pair and get to work because we aren't the only girls in town. Jennifer nodded quickly several times as she resolved to spend more time with Draven. 

"I don't really know what to do though will you guys help me? She asked. All three of them gave her a thumbs up and started scheming on ways to get the two alone together. Greg and Ross who had originally been walking around town with Rebecca were dumbfounded by this whole situation. "I feel like I owe it to Draven to warn him from this life-ruining invasion of the crazies," Greg said to Ross. "I mean can't she just tell him she likes him? What's the point in scheming like that?" Ross replied. "Yeah, that's women for you they love creating drama but I agree we should talk with Draven before it's too late I think they are already naming Jennifer's future children," Ross answered while pointing to the girls as they were scribbling names into the dust-covered street.

"Oh, it's far too late for that." a voice came from behind them. Both Greg and Ross could feel their hairs standing up on their necks. They turned around and saw Celine standing behind them daggers in hand. "SHIT IT'S CELINE!" The boys ran as fast as they could but no amount of running was going to help them escape as a wall of fire suddenly blocked their path. "Where do you boys think you are going?" Jennifer said smiling as her eyes glowed in the darkness. With their only escape blocked and the group of girls barring their way back they gave up and let out a silent prayer for Draven as he was going to need all the help he could get.