
Shiva, Djinn of Ice

There is a refined young girl south of a tropical island, the island is rich in natural resources that many trades come to them but rejected, to preserve the nature, they ban any mechanized and non-eco friendly materials near the shore.

The Hairi Island is where the young Leono lived for dacade with her sister, they lost their parents in the great war 5 years ago.

They lived independently together and occupies the each other's needs.

Leono is so charming and beautiful that many men wants to court here even in her young age, her sister demands that she should be the one they court as she is older and more mature.

But the beauty of Leono is no one to deny for, men from neighboring islands and countries came back after seeing a glimpse of Leona's beauty, all of them bring fortunes and treasure just to make Leona their's.

Leona is so terrified and stressed to all the men wandering everytime and everday in front of their home.

A chance had came, Leono sneak out the village of the island and go far away to the other end just to escape the people and avoid in sight.

While walking she walked up at the cliff to view her village from far away, that the houses has little lights in it.

Taking a little more step the ground broke and she fell so from above and landed at a soft pool of water.

It shines like a gem, she stand up and find her way out but she seemed to be lost and trapped.

She tried to seek help but she knew no one will know if someone is trapped here underground a cliff.

As she go through the light outside the hole where she fell is getting thinner and darker.

And at the dark she saw the glimmering shine of some crystals.

"Ice?" she said in cold while trying to warm herself by rubbing her palm to each other

"Ice hear at a tropical island?" she added

She go further and the light become more brighter as she go deeper.

There she saw a tomb of weapons in front of her, there is a Bracer for the arm, a Band for the leg, and a Necklace for the Neck.

"Beautiful" she said in awe

She tried all the jewels and they all fitted right perfectly to her, but she removed the bracer and band as they are big and dull enough for her leaving only the necklace in her body.

She take a glimpse of the jewel in the pendant and rub its shine with her fingers.

"You who seek comfort!" a humanoid voice spoke through the pendant in the necklace

A djinn emerged from it and talked to its servant.

"Servant, what is it that you seek?"

"I grant you three commands" it added

"Who are you?" Leona asked the djinn

"I an Shiva, djinn of Ice and Cold, with my power no love can withhold" it said in rhythm

"A djinn?" Leona assured

"What are you doing here?" she added

"What am I doing here, isn't it you should I asked about it?" Shiva feedbacked

"What do you want me to do?" it emphasized

"With my 3 command I can help you" it added

"I want to escape this island and be alone" she asked

"Then your wish is my command" Shiva sparkled like a crystallized ice strucked by a stream of light

The underground dungeon is gone and they are summomed abobe the cliff once again.

"We're back in the surface... At the cliff" Leona said in shock

Shiva re-emerge inside the necklace and spoke through it.

"Pick-up the stone and give it to your sister" said Shiva

Leona ran as fast as she can to here sister, it was already dawn and the people will soon rise up.

She got back home early before her sister would wake up and then a person knocked at their door.

Leona opened it and it was one of ther court man, Leona locked the door again to block some unwanted persons inside.

Her sister saw her lying on the door awkwardly and smirked, her sister went to the kitchen to cook their breakfast.

Leona said that she wanted to go to a journey to find the rightful man of her beauty she said and gave the stone.

The stone turned out to be a mythril gem, a very rare and strong mineral that is said which can cut the dragon's skin.

Her sister is shocked about the stone and discussed her journey afterwards.

Leona said that if someone can give her another mythril gem, then she will marry that man, and Leona also asked to soread her words to the entire village.

Leona opened the door witj a bag in her back marching towards the boat for her leave.

Her sister bid farewell to here and before Leona sail out, she stood and gave a speech to anyone in the vicinity.

"Men, my courtmen, find and search a Mythril Gem and give it to my sister, then I shall let you court me..." after saying that she rowed the boat towards the sea

"Let's escape the island and search for freedom" Shiva said