
DJ's Marvel Academy

26 Year old Damien James hates his life, and one day he gets an anonymous text of he could leave world for Marvel's will he, find out. -------- I will try my best to upload at least twice a week. Also write in the comments if the chapters are too long. Sorry for changing the name late, but it feels better to me. *Disclaimer* I Do No Not Own Marvel or Naruto or any Third party refrences.

Rad_da_Boss · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
13 Chs

6 A Dream Come True

It's the following day of the prelims and DJ is asleep. Miles and the others are in the room watching him.

Miles: 'whispering' think we should wake him up, it is 10 am already.

Jenna: 'whispering' Why, it's Saturday he deserves the rest, after all he fought hard yesterday.

Josh: Plus he made Sam and I a little bit richer.

Gen: 'whispering' will you be quite you're gonna wake him up.

DJ: I've been awake since 9am you guys.

Miles: Oh, why haven't you gotten up yet?

DJ: Because I'm exhausted, honestly though it's nice to relax once in a while

Miles: Well since you're up, wanna go shopping with us?

DJ: Depends on what you're shopping for.

Gen: Clothes-

DJ: Good night 'he rolls over'.

Jenna: As well as some music, video games, and movies.

DJ sits up real fast, with his covers falling off his shoulders and revealing his upper body.

DJ: What music store?

Miles: That new one that opened in the mall recently, um what was it called.

DJ: Hard Rock Records?

(A/N Is there a place actually called Hard Rock Records, the name just popped up in my head, I don't wish to be sued.)

Miles: Yeah that's the one.

DJ: I'm in. 'he stands up from his bed revealing his boxers remembering who's around him he tries to cover himself' Haha oops.

Every girl but Jenna cover their eyes.

Jenna: Huh, white with red hearts, who would've guessed.

DJ: Um, I'll be out in a minute.

A few minutes pass everyone's outside the door waiting for DJ. The door opens with DJ walking out wearing his black jacket with Shift written in red, in the top left corner, blue pants, a pair of sunglasses hanging from his shirt, his bandana in his left back pocket, and his gloves in his jacket pockets.

Jenna: Wow you clean up good.

Miles: You know I just noticed that Shift logo on the corner, that's cool.

They all start walking down the hall.

DJ: Yeah, I designed it myself as well as what's on the back. 'he walks forward a little faster showing his back to the others'.

Gen: Okay I don't say this much, but that's awesome.

On the back of DJs jacket are Three red straight lines and Shift written in Japanese Katakana form on top of it.

Later in the mall

Jenna: So Tiger, what you gonna get?

DJ has his sunglasses on.

DJ: Obviously the Mary Jane's new CD, and maybe some other stuff like some Japanese Hard rock or something like that.

Miles: Good taste bro.

Gen: Oh yeah we have a surprise for you later DJ.

DJ: What's that?

Gen: Nope, like I said it's a surprise.

DJ: Man, that's no fun. Oh there's the Hard Rock Records store.

They enter the store and are greeted by the sound of rock music playing in the store. They split up checking out different CDs.

DJ: Awe, man this is one of my favorite songs.

???: You got good taste kid, how can I help you today? 'said by a very pretty brunette with brown eyes, bright red lipstick, blue eyeliner, two piercings in each ear, and a tattoo on her hand is the Mary Jane's band logo'.

DJ: Yeah, do you guys have the latest Mary Jane's CD, yet?

???: Again good taste, yeah it's in the Ms' section, third row down.

DJ: Ah, thanks 'he walks over to where she said and he finds it' got it, Awesome I love the cover it's really cool.

Miles: Oh yeah, Gen and I were there when they did the photo shoot.

DJ: Lucky. Now to the Js'.  'he's humming the song that's being played over head' *singing* Take it, break it show me what you got. Ah, there we go, some Japanese Hard rock and Metal, I'm done here.

He then walks over to the counter and puts the CDs on the counter, and the girl takes them and scans them, as she does this DJ is tapping his fingers to the beat of the music being played.

???: Good rhythm kid, you play drums or bass?

DJ: Drums, you?

???: Bass.

DJ: cool, hey what's your name?

???: Janette.

DJ: I'm DJ.

Janette: Well DJ, that'll be $41.35.

DJ reaches behind him grabs his wallet and pulls out a debit card and hands it to her.

DJ: There ya go.

She slides it and it confirms.

Janette: Alright, that'll do it.

She hands it back to him, he puts it away.

DJ: Thanks see ya around.

Janette: Yep, don't be a stranger.

The others are still inside so DJ sits on the bench in front of the store, but just as he is about to sit he turns his head to see a burger kiosk and goes to it.

Later on everyone else comes out of the store they look around for DJ, they then notice a figure in the corner of their eyes, so they turn to see DJ walking up to them with a tray of sodas. He stops in front of them.

Miles: Awe, thanks man I'm parched.

DJ: Nah, these four are for me, this one is yours… *chuckles* I'm just kidding here. 'He hands them the tray and they each take one'

Jenna: Thanks hotshot.

DJ: No big deal, okay what to next?

Gen and Jenna: Clothes!

Both DJ and Miles quickly lower their heads in defeat, because they know what will happen. A few minutes have passed and Miles and DJ are holding girls clothes over their arms.

DJ: I this would happen.

Miles: Me too….Hey could you hold these for me, nature calls.

DJ: Yeah go ahead.

Miles quickly tosses his pile onto DJs and runs out the store. DJ smiles and walks over to the register and sets the clothes down.

Jenna: Hey DJ, this is gonna be the last pair I try on. 'she throws out a pair of pants'

Gen: Same for me. 'she throws out two shirts'

DJ: Alright.

DJ adds them to the pile.

DJ: I'd like to buy these.

Cashier: That's nice of you.

She rings everything up.

Cashier: okay that totals out to $956.44.

DJ: Wow that's how much my best suit costs. 'he reaches behind and brings out his wallet and pulls out his debit card and hands it to her, she scans it, it then confirms after a few seconds'.

Cashier: Thank you for your purchase, and that was real nice of you, you know.

DJ: Yeah I know, I guess I was raised right.

He walks out the store and sits on the bench holding all the girls clothes. A few minutes later he sees the girls come out of the changing room, then they look around, they talk to the cashier and she points to DJ, almost immediately their eyes widened. They walked out to him.

DJ stands up and they start walking.

Gen: You do know I'm loaded right I could paid for them?

Jenna: And I have no shortage of cash either.

DJ: Yes, I figured that, but I'm a nice guy… and I'm not broke either.

Jenna: I must say your parents raised you right. 'she wraps her arm around DJs'.

Out of nowhere a woman about a foot shorter than DJ comes up behind them.

Molina: In more ways than one, hon.

DJ stops at the sound of the woman's voice and turns around his eyes grow wide.

DJ: Mom?

Jenna let's go off DJ's arm.

DJ: What are you doing here?

Molina: Oh, I wanted to see a movie, but your father was busy with work, so I came by myself and watched the movie I wanted to see, but enough about me what have you been up to?

She said looking at both Gen and Jenna.

DJ: I'm out with my friends, we came to get some video games, movies, and music.

Molina: Has it just been you three here all day?

DJ: Oh, no there's one more he's in the bathroom.

Miles: Not anymore, hi I'm Miles.

Molina: Hello I'm DJs mother.

Miles: Oh, cool.

Jenna: You have one amazing son ma'am.

Molina: In what way is he amazing?

DJ: It's not what you think mom, I swear it. 'DJ takes off his sunglasses, Molina looks in his eyes'.

Molina: Okay I believe you, so how have you been doing in school?

DJ: Oh, great my grades are average but good and I've got quite a few rivals as well.

Molina: Very good..

Miles: Not only that, but he won the preliminary match for the King's Game.

Molina: That's my boy, so did you fight the strongest in the school yet?

DJ: Actually according to him the second strongest, and was an Asgardian and I smoked him.

Molina: Wonderful, so who is the strongest then?

DJ: The Asgardians younger sister, she's my age.

Molina: A girl, huh don't hurt her to bad, but don't go easy either even if it's a girl she's strong.

DJ: Right.

Molina: Have you discovered any new abilities yet?

DJ: Not yet, but I'll let you know when I do….. hey wait a minute we're in New York, we live in-

Molina stops him.

Molina: I know where we live, what I said about your father being busy, it's a "business trip".

DJ: Oh, who's the target?

Molina eyes the other kids.

Molina: Akai te wa nyūyōku ni arimasu.

(Translation- The Red Hand are in New York)

DJs eyes widen

DJ: Nyūyōku ni wa nani ga aru no?

(Translation: What are they doing in New York?)

Molina: Anata no otōsan ga nan'nen ni mo watatte motte ita mono ga tsuini hyōmen-ka shimashita.

(Translation- The thing your father has been searching for has finally surfaced.)

DJs eyes get even wider. The others are watching them talk, DJ turns to them.

DJ: We're gonna have to take a rain check on the movies and games, something important has come up.

Jenna: Is there anything you want us to do?

DJ: Yeah tell miss Romanoff I won't be in school for a while.

Starts walking the other way.

Miles: Okay, but what's up?

He turned to them.

DJ: Something you can't even imagine...Okutangādo has appeared.

Apologies, used Google Translate, hope I didn't accidentally offend, that speaks Japanese. If you enjoy this novel, then go check out another one my friend and I wrote together. It's called... Ark of Time: Rebirth

Rad_da_Bosscreators' thoughts