

Have you ever got hit on your head while swinging in a park and fainted? well me either but our MC here was actually lucky enough for that to happen to him ...well....because thats how he will get the divine system. chapter length - 1200-1300 words give it a try. ;-)

GGslayer · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Death of a Goddess

"Think that you want to leave this dimension and return to where you came from"A mysterious voice of a women echoed in Adam's mind.

Adam didn't know who was the owner of the voice or where it came from, he just instinctively wanted to believe what was told to him by that voice.


Adam suddenly came back inside of his own body and found hinmself sitting on the bed inside of his room.




Far away, very far away from earth , very very far away from the milkyway galaxy and the local star cluster... Even further than the universe which seemed like a giant bubble with countless bright and dim, dots of light , there existed a multiverse inside of which were countless as such bubbles as our own Universe , there were big bubbles and small bubbles.

however, above the multiverse there were niner Layer Of Void.

Even above those layers there was a small sperate dimension that seeemed to be a giant ball of dazzling multicolored light like a sun to the nine layers of void.

Inside of the ball of light , there existed a multicolored dream-like dimension seemingly endless.

There existed a palace inside of that endless dimension , a palace made of dazzling glowing dream-like crystals.

Inside the palace , in a room with a bed and a table , there was a lady watching outside the balcony ,her eyes like stars and suns that will make you bow down when you look at them and her huge chest with the S-like curve and her super beautiful face with long crimson hair, wearing a multicolored cloak and white jade like skin were the flawless features of this women.

Her beauty was otherworldly that could incite war between universes.

However , at this moment, her whole body wavered and started to become transparent slowly but steadily. It seemed as if she will disappear at any moment, her crimson hair waving at the gush of wind in the balcony from which one could see beautiful multicolored mountains , lakes and rivers.

Everything seemed incredibly beautiful beyond comparison.

The women, on the verge of disappearing was smiling with her crimson hair and her multicolored cloak wavering with wind, creating a dazzling heaven-defying beautiful sight that can make any soul in the world dazed for eternity.

"Fate... The only concept that even after creating, I couldn't get a full understanding of.. has proved me wrong."the women sighed with a voice that echoed inside of the fabric of space and time.

"To think that there still existed a soul completely in sync with me and for 'It' to actually appear inside this dimension... only Fate can do something like that"her figure was fading with every word she speaks and small particles of light were being created from the fragments of her body.

"Lucky boy, If you are really the chosen one then I will not question destiny and do my best with all I have left in me." even that voice was now starting to fade.

The women then beautifully ,elegantly and gracefully lifted her right hand and all the fading light particles started to gather on her palm and her rate of fading also increased untill she fully disappeared like she never even existed remaining only the ball of light that was on her palm ,floating in the air.

With a gentle breeze all the curtains inside the palace flapped and the ball of light was no longer where it was when the curtains calmed down.

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