

In a world where monsters lurk in the dark. A boy named Kyler Pearce aims to eradicate the monsters that slaughtered his family

DaoistL8MLSc · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs


In a seemingly desolate road, a black colored military vehicle could be seen driving on top while going through a strangely calm forest.

In the military vehicle, four teenagers and a middle aged man who is driving the military vehicle could be seen. Among the teenagers, there are two boys and two girls seated in the vehicle.

"Lieutenant David, what exactly is a Lamia?" One of the boys asked as he stared at the middle aged man driving the military vehicle. When the middle aged man named David heard the question they just asked him, he didn't even turn his head as he calmly explained.

"According to ancient records, Lamia is an ancient child devouring monster who lurks in the dark to capture some certain children and devouring them whole"

When the boy who previously asked the question heard the answer, him along with the two girls in the military vehicle went pale while having a frightened expression. Only the boy who sat next to the one that asked the question was completely normal. As soon as Lieutenant David got a glimpse of how composed the boy was, he couldn't help but be shocked as he thought.

'This kid called Kyler Pearce is actually this calm when he knows he is about to battle a terrifying monster!'

Apparently, the teenagers in the military vehicle are none other than Pearce, Drake, Roselle and Viona. Although David was first shocked by Pearce,he quickly calmed down as he thought again.

'Well, I expect nothing less from an abnormal first year'

«Just a stage 6 in the Body Tempering Rank is making this brats toe be petrified» Pearce's replica suddenly said as he looked at the teenagers beside Pearce with disdain.

«How many times do I have to tell you? They aren't like you!» Pearce replied as he rolled his eyes angrily at his replica.

«I don't care» The replica suddenly said with a straight face

‹The heavens really don't like me› Pearce thought with a helpless expression now on his ethereal face.

If Lieutenant David currently knew what was going on in the mind of Pearce, he would instantly be shocked to death.

"We have arrived" Lieutenant David suddenly said as the military vehicle stopped. When Pearce heard what Lieutenant David said, he couldn't help but be surprised as he thought.

'So fast? It hasn't even taken up to an hour'

But what he didn't know was that the military vehicle his group is using is one of the fastest military vehicle in the Monster Slaying Regiment.

When Lieutenant David and the four teenagers came out of the military vehicle, they saw themselves standing right in front of a steel gate which had silver colored sign board on it.

On this silver colored sign board, they could see the word 'GREEN CLOVER VILLAGE' written on it in bright green color.

«Be careful Pearce, I can feel a strange aura coming out of the village» The replica suddenly spoke solemnly.

«I know» Pearce replied as he became vigilant while inspecting his surroundings. Not only him, but the whole group also became vigilant when they felt the strange aura from the group.

"I only have a rule for you all onece we get into the village. And that is don't split up" Lieutenant David solemnly as he began to walk towards the gate of the village.

'I just hope you can follow the rule you just set' Pearce thought as he tag along with Drake, Roselle and Viona to follow Lieutenant David as he walked towards the entrance of the village.

'Hmm?' Pearce thought as he felt a dreadful gaze locking onto the group his group. But when he turned towards where he felt the gaze from, he didn't see anything there except some bushes.

'Maybe a misconception' Pearce consoled himself before following Lieutenant David into the village.

But as soon as they got into the village, in the bushes Pearce previously looked at, a black figure that radiates a dark and gloomy aura suddenly came out as he silently stared at the gate Pearce's group passed through for some time. But not long after, the figure spoke in a deep and frightening voice.

"Mother will surely be happy when she knows what happened here"





'This is unexpected' Pearce thought as he looked at what was going on in front of him in a bewildered expression.

Currently, when Pearce's group got into the village, they could see various tall buildings, cars driving about in the village. But the shocking of all is that they could see a few helicopters flying freely in the sky!!

"Is this really a village?" Roselle couldn't help but ask after staring at the 'village' in front of her with a bewildered expression.

"Be vigilant" Lieutenant David reminded solemnly.

"Yes Sir" the four teenagers finally came back to their senses as they replied solemnly.

"We will first get stay in a hotel or an inn till when night falls. By then, that when we find clues for the whereabouts of the monster" Lieutenant David said his plans as he began to walk into the 'village'

"Yes Sir"The four teenagers said in unison as they followed their group leader.

And so, Lieutenant David and the four teenagers walked into the advanced village. After taking a cab that drove them to a motel, they paid the driver before getting off the cab.

"Why does this motel feels strange to me?" Viona suddenly asked in a low voice while staring at a rather quiet motel in front of her.

"You feel it too?" Drake suddenly asked with a surprised expression on his face.

"Since this place feels strange from all of us. This is where we will start searching for clues" Lieutenant David spoke as he walked into the motel along with the four teenagers.

When they got into the motel, they could only see a single person staying at the counter at their left hand side of a rather long hall. But what makes this place a bit creepy was that the lights keep twitching while the person at the counter wore a black hoody which covered the person face completely.

When Lieutenant David and the teenagers saw this scene, although they were a bit tense, they still steeled themselves and walked towards the counter.

"Excuse me, I would like book three rooms to stay" Lieutenant David said while silently keeping his hand on a sheathed sword at his waist. But in the next moment, he moved his hand away from the sheathed sword.

"For how long are you going at the three rooms for?" Said the hooded figure as the hood was slowly removed from his head. When the middle aged man and the four teenagers saw the person's appearance, they silently sighed in relief.

The person at the counter seems to be a 17 year old teenager that has a messy looking dark hair that matches his dark gloomy eyes.

"Just for two days" Lieutenant David said indifferently.

"That will be 150 bucks" said the gloomy looking teenager.

"Here" Lieutenant David said as he brought out a small stack of bucks from his wallet and placed it on the counter. After the gloomy looking teenager confirmed how many bucks was on the counter, he brought out three keys from the drawer and gave Lieutenant David while saying.

"Your rooms is at the second floor. The room numbers are 16,17 and 25"

"Ok, thank you" Lieutenant David said before him along with the four teenagers went up the stairs which is right beside the counter.

But as soon as they went up the stairs, the gloomy looking teen suddenly had a frightening smile on his face as he spoke deeply.

"Looks like mother will be having a feast tonight"

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