

In a world where monsters lurk in the dark. A boy named Kyler Pearce aims to eradicate the monsters that slaughtered his family

DaoistL8MLSc · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs


"Hmm?" The werewolf suddenly hummed when it felt a strange aura coming from the humans that was bound in chains. When turned it's gaze to where that aura was particularly coming from, it find out it was coming out of a 13 year old boy that had a silky green hair with bright green eyes.

«It seems this monster can feel my presence» Pearces' replica suddenly said with a gloomy expression on his face.

«What!?» Exclaimed Pearce in his mind as he had a shocked expression on top the horror filled expression on his face.

"Bring that boy to me" The werewolf suddenly spoke in a deep feminine voice. This shows that the werewolf in the lead is obviously a female.

"Yes mother" said the werewolf standing right next to her as he dashed towards Pearce that was bound in chains.

Although Lieutenant David was extremely flustered when he saw one of the werewolf carry Pearce towards where the leader stood, he couldn't do anything since he was also bound in chains.

'Damn!! Why am I stuck at the 8th stage of the Spirit Fusion Rank!?' Lieutenant David thought as he gnashed his teeth in hatred for his weakness.

"Let me go!!" Pearce shouted as he tried to struggle free from the hands of the werewolf that held him. But no matter what he did, he couldn't break free that iron fists.

"Mother, i have brought him" The werewolf that held Pearce said as he dropped Pearce right in front of what seems to be his mother before dashing to stand behind her.

«Looks like our journey ends here» The replica said with a helpless look on his face. When Pearce heard what his replica said, he began to fall in despair as he muttered.


'Why am I having a dangerous feeling when am looking at this boy' The werewolf referred to as mother thought as she slowly approached Pearce that was on the floor. But right when she was about to reach Pearce, something happened.


"Who!?" One of the the werewolves that stood behind their mother exclaimed with a vigilant look in his face

"It seems we have visitors" The mother slowly spoke as she turned her gaze to the entrance of the hall.

Right when she did that, a monster that was half human, half snake barged into the throne

hall as it exclaimed.

"Your Majesty!!, There are in–"



But unfortunately, it couldn't finish it's sentence he was suddenly divided into two before falling lifelessly to the floor. Right when the monster fell to the ground, three silhouettes suddenly dashed into the hall.

When Lieutenant David saw these three silhouettes, his dejected face suddenly brightened as he thought.

'They have finally arrived'

"Oh? There is actually a Qi King Rank monster here" said a strange looking man that has an hunch back.

When the teenagers apart from Pearce heard this voice, there face suddenly became hopeful as they thought all together…

'Sir Demon'

Apparently, the three silhouettes that appeared in the hall are actually Menacing Demon, Lieutenant Felix and Venerable Dreadful.

When the werewolves mother saw these people, her expression suddenly became solemn as she slowly commanded…

"Wolf 1, take the lady. Wolf 2, take the man behind the leader while I will take the leader. As for you Wolf 3, kill this boy right now. Am having a really dangerous feeling while looking at this boy"

"Yes Mother"

And so, Wolf 1 and 2 vanished along with their mother as they clashed with the three people that just appeared in the hall.


Clang! Clang! Clang!


While staring at the Battle that has begun in the hall, Wolf 3 suddenly had a sad expression in his face as he muttered.

"Why do I always get the most boring job?"

"Wolf 3!!!" The werewolves mother suddenly shouted after getting a glimpse on what's going on at the front of the throne.

"Am on it mother!!" Wolf 3 hastily said as he went towards Pearce with killing intent radiating out of his body.

"Pearce!!" Along with Lieutenant David, the three teenagers exclaimed with a panicked look on there face while staying on the floor.

But right when wolf 3 could use a killing move on Pearce with his razor sharp nails, an unexpected event happened..







"No…" Pearce muttered as he slowly fell into despair. But right when he was about to fully enter despair, he heard a loud explosion at a distance.

'Are those reinforcement?' Pearce thought with a hopeful expression on his face. But that expression quickly died down when he saw three people dashing into the hall.

'These people won't be enough to free us' Pearce thought as he began to slowly fall into despair again.

"If these people can't save us, that means we are all going to die" When Pearce said this, he finally fall into despair. But in the next moment, he saw a man wearing casual clothes, a woman wearing a long blue gown and a little girl whose hands was held by both the man and the woman flashed past his eyes.

When Pearce saw this, his expression quickly transformed into a resolute one as he thought..

'No, I can't die now, I haven't avenged my family'

'I refuse to die now!'

'i need power, give me power!!'

Although he screamed these sentences in his mind, he didn't tell his replica a single thing which made his replica began to have a strange feeling in him.

«Why am I having a dangerous feeling?» The replica said with a confused expression on his face. But not long after he said that, the place he was began to shake violently…

Rumble!! Rumble!!

«What is going on!?» The replica exclaimed with a panicked look on his face.




"WHAT THE F**K!!?" Wolf 3 exclaimed as he was sent flying by an irresistible force 30 metres away.

'What is going?'

This same thought was currently in the mind of everyone except Wolf 3 and Pearce in the hall. Even the people previously battling paused as they looked towards where the noise came from.

Clang!! Clang!!

'Oh no…' The werewolves mother thought as horror dawned on her face while staring at a 13 year old boy who was freed from chains.

Not only that, but this 13 year old boy was currently hovering on the air as his eyes were completely black, his long green hair was floating as if they were live snakes in his head and a black mist was hovering all over his body.

'What happened to Pearce?' Lieutenant David thought with a shocked expression on his face.

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