
Master and Disciple


"Under tutelage? You mean you're taking me as your student!?" Sieg asked in confirmation…

"Yes, are you willing?" Wilson confirmed as he stared at Sieg. If this was his home, no need to even think of taking him as a teacher, people like Sieg wouldn't even dare to look at him in the face nor the hem of his clothes or else they would be punished for blasphemy. He was also doing this because he saw Sieg's memories, he was pretty sure that even the most wicked man would feel bad for what Sieg experienced ever since birth.

As for Sieg, he was so excited that he started shaking, without further ado he knelt in front of Wilson, placed his left hand across his chest and said: "This junior is willing!"

Wilson then stood up and placed his hand on top of his head and a bright light covered Sieg's whole body. When the bright light disappeared, the process of master/discipleship was already done. Both of them smiled as now thier fates are tied to each other already.

"Since you took me as your master, this is your first gift from me." After that, *jade slips* appeared one after another. It piled in front of Sieg who is amazed yet puzzled at the same time.

"What are these Master?" Sieg has no idea on what are these items and why this was his master's first gift for him.

Wilson just merely smiled and said: "Pick one and place it between your eyes then inject some ki in it, you will know."

Sieg followed Wilson's instructions, he picked one random jade placing it between his index finger and middle finger, the he lifted it, placed between his eyes and injected ki in it. The jade slip emitted a bright light and Sieg felt dizzy all of the sudden. He frowned because of something strange happening inside his head. Countless of informations are being branded on his brain automatically and after some time his eyes constricted and then immediately replaced by joy.

"Plants and Vegetations Volume I" this was the content of the first jade slip.

Jade slips are a very common item on sects and clans, most of the time they are used to store informations about almost anything. Martial artists can also use jade slips to inscribe whatever informations that they want using ki. Compared to using a pen and a paper, this is far more convinient.

Sieg was jumping with joy, he once again saluted Wilson expressing his deep gratitude to him. Wilson nodded and said: "Take your time to go on each and every single one of those jade slips. Tell me once you're done, then your proper training would start." With that Wilson vanished leaving Sieg shaking with excitement as he stare fervently at the jade slips in front of him.

Without wasting time he picked another jade slip, then his eyes shone a brilliant light as he compiled the information that he just got.

"Cultivation Realms"is the title of the jade slip that he just read which further expanded his horizons.

Summarizing the informations, Sieg learned that after one finished the Nine Steps of Awakening (1st step to 9th step) one needed to form a Pillar which has different stages: Mortal, Earth and Heaven, with Mortal Pillars being the First Stage and Heavenly Pillars being the Last Stage. Upon forming a pillar one would be considered to officially step on Foundation Establishment Realm.

Then after Foundation Establishment comes Core Formation Realm, and Void Realm. Sieg felt a strange longing feeling as he finished digesting these informations. It was said that a Foundation Establishment Realm can destroy a mountain with a punch, while some at Core Formation Cultivators can bury a whole city with a palm. He wondered just how awesome it would be to have that kind of strength, he would very much want to see if those people would still dare to insult him after that.

Sieg then once again picked up another jade slip and read it. Then he re-organized his new found information once again. "The truth behind Soul Seas", this information basically said that the 7 different type of soul seas (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, inidigo and violet) does not really decide the fate of a person. While they do have a certain effect when it comes to cultivation speed or comprehention skill, at the end of the day it is still one's efforts, luck and perhaps destiny would really determine if they will be a legend.

Time flew by, minutes became hours and finally, Sieg was done reading and digesting everything that is written on the jade slips, his eyes are bloodshot and he's suffering through mental fatigue but his mood couldn't even be better. He was like a dry land whereas the informations on the jade slips are waters that he was thirsting for longest of time. He sat in silence and meditated to recover his mental condition, after an hour he finished and stood up, he went outside to see his Master, who has his hands clasped behind him and staring at a distance.


Wilson turned his head and smiled lightly at Sieg as he said: "You finished reading those fast."

"Yeah! I must thank Master again for broadening my horizon using those jade slips." Sieg replied bowing to his Master once again.

"Hmm very good. Now i reckon that you want to start the training already right?"

"Yes Master."

Instead of saying something, Wilson sat down and gestured Sieg to sat down in front of him as well. Sieg was of course puzzled by this but followed anyway. Wilson asked him a question: "Tell me kid, why do want to become a Martial Artist?"

Sieg was silent, he sat there dazed for a second. He was caught off-guard by his Master's question. Inwardly, he started to question himself as well. Since when did he started to become a martial artist? He recalled his past, his memories with a lot of different people. Everything that happened to him, he reached out to those one by one and slowly formed his answer.

"At first it was because of self validation." He said after being silent for a while, "You probably don't have any idea Master but I don't know who my real parents are. I have a total of ten foster parents, the first couple found me inside a forest being eyed by a snake. The man was bit by the snake trying to save me but the doctor said the snake wasn't poisonous, but couple of weeks after, he died, the woman did too because of depression. Then everything went to hell afterwards. All of the ten pairs that wanted to adopt me died cause of 'various' reasons, that's the time when they branded me as a 'Cursed Child'." Sieg's tone of voice toned down by this point. These memories weren't very pleasant to him but he still chose to tell his Master about it.

"They would always whisper behind my back and wouldn't even dare to get close to me, like i have some sort of epidemic that can be passed onto them just by looking. It even went to the point that they banished me inside the city and was forced to hole up in this forest. Where my first foster parents saw me. I experienced a lot of things, I was forced to struggle with everything i have just to eat something, I even started to forget that i can speak since there's no one else here to speak to. I was so affected by the whispers of the people and even started asking if i'm really cursed but no one would answer. But four years ago i met my bestfriend."

"I pushed her away first since i don't want her to die by being with me but she was headstrong. She said it didn't matter what those people said, she do what she wants because she can. That is her personality, and she wanted me to become her friend and i can't do anything about it. She was also the one who introduced martial arts to me but… Who knew that our days are just limited to one year of friendship? She died, a huge boulder colapsed and unfortunately crashed the lower part of her body, she also suffered major blood loss since her body was crushed into a paste by that boulder." Sieg's tone of voice is getting lonelier and lonelier as he speak.

"In the end she told me to live on, but how could I? At that moment I was so ready to die with her but she prevented me. She said that I have to be strong, so I trained martial arts, I wanted to fulfill her last wish. I want to smack the faces of those people who ridiculed me for being a 'Cursed Child'. I want to become strong so that i can prove that I'm not cursed but i guessed my destiny wasn't with me. I have a Red Soul Sea."

"After three years of doing breathing exercises my only progress was sensing the ki in the air, as for absorbing it? No luck. I also gradually forgot everything. Unknowingly I started to accept everything, I was thinking that maybe I really am cursed, maybe it's really better for me to just stay inside this forest, that way I won't hurt anyone, and that maybe this is really my fate. That's not until i accepted you as a Master and learned all the informations just from now." Sieg's tone of voice brightened a bit as he was saying this...

"When i read about those people who can fly, who can summon the rain and command the clouds, there was this strange…longing I think. I'm not very sure about why I suddenly felt that either but it was so strong. I feel that if i refuse to answer it, I might regret it for the rest of my existense. So at least for now, that's my reason."

After speaking these words, there were some strange silence in the atmosphere, Wilson was looking at Sieg strangely. His eyes are glittering brightly as he recalled everything that Sieg told him just now.

Granted that most of these, he already knew since he scryed his memories but his last sentence struck a deep note in his heart.


After a minute or two, Wilson began roaring in laughter. It echoed on every corners of the forest, Sieg was baffled, shocked and scared at the same time. He just don't know why his master suddenly went wild, he even started to think that maybe saying all of those was a wrong decision afterall.

Wilson's roaring laughter ended after some time. He looked at Sieg with piercing eyes which cause the latter to be alert. His gaze was so fierce that Sieg's body hair stood up, he started cursing his loud mouth for the first time and was in deep regret.

"Since you found your own reason for training martial arts then it is good. Today will mark the first day of your training. I forgot to tell you that I, Wilson Avangard was also known as an Imperial Demon Teacher back at my home. I only raise monsters and if you want to answer that calling of yours you will suffer, is that clear?" Wilson's voice is deep and loud as he introduced his 'title' to Sieg who's now has a constipated expression on his face. But he gritted his teeth, straightened his back and answered loudly.

"Yes Master!"

"Good!" Then Wilson disappeared for just a moment, then he showed up with a wooden stick on his hands. His posture was very intimidating, he was holding the stick on one hand while his other hand is bended behind him then he said. "I will teach you how to walk properly…"

"To walk properly?" Sieg was puzzled as he asked himself 'Isn't just walking? Should be easy enough right?'

Little did he know that his peaceful days are now numbered.