

Consciously or subconsciously, life is a force that drags us in, deep into dimensions. We are married from birth to our purpose in life in one way or the other even without knowing, but faith in God will bring us face to face with this reality. Even if we do whatever to run away from this reality, it will somehow find us and drag us into aligning to who we truly are beyond the knowledge impressed us by the mind rebranding system in the form of secular and religious education, and we now think, we are what they told us we are. This is the reason for misplacement of our true identity in God and that is why we often struggle for recognition instead of staying to whom God has created us to be. You are uniquely unique, independent, but dependent on your programmer, who is a higher force beyond the confines of your thought grasp. Journey into the deep! I grew up to know myself as an alien in this world of some certain happenings around my life, which gave me a course of concern. It seems as if I think differently and see things from a different dimension and I could not just understand why then, while I was growing as a child, but now I know and understand better. This book is spirit breathed revealing a journey into great awareness, pointing to the realization of self beyond self-designed ideologies. A lot of things that was happening in my life while I was advancing from the cradle that I could not just explain, because it was my days of ignorance, evolving into the more complex world that threw me into chaotic state of thoughts, not knowing exactly what to hinge on as reality. There were things that kept recurring and calling my attention deeper and these things were never letting me be. One of the notable experiences I had, that I will never forget, was the experience of recurring convulsion that almost ruined my life. God can never let you be when you have His Divine seal, you are not your own, you are His very own, the earlier you know this, the sweeter will life become for you, and the swifter things will answer to you and work in your favor even when it seems working against others. This is why He cannot leave, nor forsake you, because you are His project program #Reality reached from my personal experience#. discord link:https://discord.gg/JQCAZ3

Patty_Egah_Ikwue · สมจริง
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What is CC? CC is simply Call Code, which means Double C, expressed as DIC, meaning Divine Current Call, which reveals direct instant call straight from eternity contacting my heart to rest in my mind to impress knowledge of the Divine and you will get to find out what I mean by this even as I use my literal experiences to prove the reality. It is for real very real!

This was how the real journey started into the reality of my purpose in God to expose all of Satan's wiles and all of his deceptive codes of which his greatest weapons of destruction are Religion and Secularism. The truth is the reality we see is only but a reflection. I mean the reality of the physical world is a mirror effect of the spiritual world. Life is programmed with a code called TIME and the Programmer who is all knowing have distributed these codes into His programming book called the WORD, where vehemently everything that happens in this terrestrial plane is programmed and coded into the chapters and verses of its pages where every reality is revealed.

I did not observe the date 06-06-06 because I was not mature enough spiritually to understand deep things, but 2016 called my attention deeper despite it was after someone had reminded me. Before this date, God has been calling me frequently and the experiencing was really tiring because I did not know it was God that was calling me and I had no body to share my experience with like young Samuel who had Eli, though I met my Pastor John Mullah Zing, but he did not really give a pointer to know if it was God, but I never stopped there, I kept on trying to find out. The moment I stopped trying by myself to find out, but start depending on God, that was when the veil was removed and I discovered a serious shift has occurred in the realm of the spirit and energies are being released from higher dimensions beyond the confines of man's thought. This recurring time kept flashing me over and over again, but this time, it led me to start writing some books like "The Reality of Forbidden Fruit", after which, another one followed up immediately and this one was titled "Marriage; watch it!" and it went on to "The Dynamics of Marriage", and "Understanding the Purpose of Marriage before entering". The Reality of the Forbidden Fruit was divided into three books because it was very voluminous, so from that, I was able to have two other books titled "Total obedience to the will of God" and "Returning Back to the Place of God's original Intention". When you notice, you will discover a sequence of 3 recurring. I mean 3: 3 which explains still the pattern I have earlier emphasized and it perfectly align with my recurring dream; that reveals that I need to write mathematics exam that I missed in SSS 3. The date 06-06-16, if I am to pick the S, which is defined as form 6, and for the date, we have 06.06.16, while for the class, we have SS and sequence of 3 which implies the sequence of 3 is my program code which is calling my attention to some thing very important, then I must have to calculate to find out.

SS.S^3, 6 represent number of man and I am a man with 5 senses.

If the date 6.6.6 flashes me, it implies there is a shift in the realm of the spirit from 5 senses to 6 senses, what could this be?

I was in SSS 3^C which implies, I need to calculate to find out what C is.

What is C? Could C be my Program Code (PC) or Call Code (CC)? Am I like a personal computer? Whose personal computer? I couldn't just stop asking questions and I could not share my experience with any person before they will start thinking I am going nut. I was strong willed and patient to follow the pattern of what was happening to me, with a mind to know for real, where all these is leading, and I know for sure it will end me somewhere deep. Yes! It is either my program code or my call code, because they mean the same thing. Therefore, I must have to use the shift in the realm of the spirit that reflected as the date 06.06.16 by neglecting the coefficient (i.e. 666) to calculate my call code; because God has been calling my attention beyond the knowledge that I am called, just the way we all know we have a calling, but have not really found out exactly what is written concerning us in the Bible, because the life history of everyone on earth is written in the Word of God, if not, such would not have been existing. If you are existing; all that is pertaining your life is written, go and find out and stop living your life without a clear direction, and stop operating based on trial and error principles, because that is exactly what the devil wants you to be doing, so he could pounce on you whenever he feels like.

But what is God calling my attention to?

Oh! I got it now; He has been calling my attention to the date 666, in order to calculate my Divine Call (DC), to be able to defile Alternating Current (AC) of the Anti-Christ in the time we are in. This simply implies it will be Divine's Current against the Alternating Current, where by Deep Dark Secrets will be exposed and what looks like will have it true nature revealed in the face of light, even in our religious world, including Christianity which the devil will use as one of his greatest tool to cause deception and cause many to fall especially some elects, who would not want to move beyond the truth that they have known, hinging on the knowledge within the capacity of what they have being imparted. A lot of people will miss it because of deliberate ignorance.

Call code is simply defined as Divine Call (DIC) and in order for me to have this prove with simple mathematics, I have to use the date to calculate to know exactly what my assignments are in this perilous era of shift when the veil has been removed and energies are released from higher dimensions of the spirit to set the lower dimension unrest, because of the varying high frequency, men will have a lot of activities happening in their head, such that if you have not the right energy regulator, it will so frustrate you. Faith in God is the right energy regulator, while fear is the wrong energy regulator that will torment your life (1 John 4: 18).

What flashed me from the realm of the spirit that reflects in the realm of the physical in the form of recurring time? It is simply the light of God that quickens the mind to see beyond the carnal dimension and that light is the very person of God that can only live in our heart to control our mind. A lot of us are possess, but not with the spirit of God. The truth is, if you are not possessed with the Spirit of God, you are possessed with the spirit of the devil and your mind can never be a neutral ground. So every body you encounter in one way or the other is possessed, you are, I am and we all are, but the question we should always answer is, "Possess with what?' it is what you are possessed with that you will be led by, and a lot of us are possess with what looks like Christ (Christians) and some, with what does not looks like Christ (Muslims), but the real things is those who are led by the Spirit of God.

Romans 8: 14

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

1 John 3: 1, 2

But what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore, the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.

That we should be called what? Did the Bible say Christians? No! What did the Bible say? The Bible said, "Children of God" and added that the world did not know us, but what did the world who does not know us called us? Christian! Not just that, the world did not also know Him, so how can the world name by Him? Something is definitely wrong and we are not just careful enough to depend on God to search it out. What is Christianity? Christ-like! Is Does the definition Christ-like align with God's own as belonging to God? Because we were bought with a price and we are the sons of God (children), the redeemed of the Lord and He knows us by His very name, not a name that looks like His name. We must be careful to understand how the devil has so used religion to twist things to make it look like the ordained truth. The Bible is there for you, go check it out. I give you just three Scriptures (Acts 11: 26, Acts 26: 28 and 1 Peter 4: 16), you can tell me after what you found out. And also may be you should tell me where any of the great Apostles said, "We are Christians". The statement "Suffer as a Christian", does not connote "We are Christians", but you can bring it on, if you have a different truth from the very truth as ordained.

SSS 3^C = 666 3 was the sequence of my flash code

6 is simply the number of man with 5 senses which implies S = 6

Proving the identity of current or eye mathematically, which typifies the life that kept calling me

(S^3)3^C = 6^3

3S^(3C) = 6^C since S = 6

3^(3C) = 1^C which gives us 3^3 = 1 i.e.

27 = 1, where 1 is an identity of an eye with numeric code 9, proving that there are 3-eyes reflection on the physical world and this reflection is simply the three eyes of Divinity contained in the Spirit and Mind of a man, and without this, the communication can never be effective i.e.

27 = 9+9+9 and 9 has the alphabetic code I (eye), evident in DIVINITY, such that as in reaches our heart it becomes Spirit with the body of a thought, and our soul it becomes mind, with the body of a will that drives every of our decision in life. Therefore, I have been able to prove that 1 is the Vine (Connecting rod or pole) that links our spirit and mind to the factory of God's mind, to get eternal impulse incidence on the surface of our mind, through the connecting wires of the spirit evident as the two eyes. But we still need to find out what C is and in doing that, I am going to spread around the three sequences to balance both the physical and the spiritual reflections i.e.

SSS.3^C = 666.3, note that S = 6, there SSS cancels out 666 and we will be left with 3C = 3

Therefore, C = 1

(If you are calling, don't call 99, call 11 (symbolic))

What do 99 mean? 99 means double 9 and double 9 is simply DI9 and D = 4, while I = 1 as an identity of 9, so if you combine it, what you will have is 419 and the devil is the 419 who deceives us to steal, kill and destroy (John 10: 10).

What do 11 mean? 11 means double 1 and double 1 is simply DII, simply put 1 is an identity typify eye and 1 is Vine, Double Vine is Divine, Divine is simply someone who will reflect the character of the Vine, to counter the devil's wiles to steal, kill and destroy and that is also evident in the part b of John 10: 10, which implies, the life abundance can only come via true knowledge which must be Divine Revelation Truth.

So 411 will counter 419 and the 419 in this context is simply the AC group (Anti-Christs), while the 411 is the DC group (The Sons of God).

Since we have come know what C is, we can now define correctly Call Code (CC), by first of presenting what C is and C is 1 and 1 is simply VINE, which implies if C is Vine it further explains that the call is a DIVINE CALL (DC) channeled against the Anti-Christ (AC). Since I have come to know that the call is a Divine call, then I have to find out what this Divine call is, but because my call code is CC (11) which simply defines recurring time or events, it is sure definite that everything about my life is divinely programmed.


The recurrence that led to this was in a sequence of 3 i.e. S3 (i.e. I was the one who was experiencing the sequence of 3). So I need to calculate to know what my Divine Call (DC) is

S, S. S3 = 6, 6, 6

6, 6, S 3 = 6, 6, 6

S3 = 6

S = 2

So this implies my call position is 2. What does this explain?

God calls a man and empowers such man and that empowerment is as a result of the Holy Spirit who is the Divine Seal, that cannot be broken called ANOINTING that breaks every yoke, no matter how strong and impenetrable that yoke me be. It then means, the sequence of my call is in two faces and I need to find out to know what the faces are and I sure know the reason for the faces is to counter the two face of the devil which is DECEPTION and LIES.

Now, right on this date 16- 06 – 16, the Divine Revelation Codes (DRC) was released to calculate the reality of the evil programs. If the faces are different, then, it implies it is double anointing. What could this be? I have a divine clue!

My date of birth and my position in my family

Date of birth: 15- 11- 85

Position in my family: 11

What is the common factor from the above?

11 is simply the common factor, and 1 is revealing my CALLER who is God Himself (Divine Programmer) in the person of the Vine, the Way into the father's mind (Dimension of complete light).

11 simply explain the light of God in a man's heart and when we substitute C for 1, we will have 11 = CC i.e. 1^2 = C^2, this explains the power which typifies the anointing of the person who has the Divine call (Acts 1: 8). This means the person have double portion of anointing, so I need to work with the consciousness of my Divine call and be alert to His revelation to unlocking each codes per time.

C^2 = 1^2 = √1^2 this simply mean, my call in I AM who is the caller is wrapped up (protected) in the current of the Vine which is the very life of God and completely sealed in the Divine (lost in the light of His glory) to intimate Divine Revelation Insight (DRI) even I am connected to Jesus Christ. It means the person has double portion of anointing, so I need to work with the consciousness of Divine call and be alert to His revelation that will enable me to break each code per time. It also implies I have a relationship with the Vine who connects me to the impulse of Divinity's thought. If He is the programmer, I am the program and the relational code will become my position in my family which is 11th as stated. This position became very symbolic because a lot of notable events occurrence fell in to align with the number of my position. I was tormented for 11 years with convulsion; my NYSC was delayed till 2011, so in order to get call 1, I have to follow to check from what is written in the programming manual with my decision over time with the proportional relationship 1: 11.