
What Villains do

As Varian waited in the outer space for Bali to take off, a squadron of space shuttles streaked across a small asteroid belt, their speed turning the floating rocks to rubble.

As they approached his space ship, they didn't slow down at all. Instead, they accelerated.

Their stealth wore off and the defense systems of the space station Varian was near identified their presence.


A blue light flashed and an alarm bell went off. The emergency department of the space station was informed immediately.

"Uh? Huh?" The man in charge, a level 8 looked at the holograph in his comm and gaped.

"Motherfuckers!" Flames engulfed his body and he shot out into the space.

Even if he thought with his knees, he knew these intruders were up to no good. He needed to stop them in time or his little space station's funds would be cut.

"Argh!" But he was only a level 8.

He was too slow.