
Wait, Wait, What?!

It was the most bizarre space flight Kye ever took. During the whole flight, Maya and the woman started to converse on topics he couldn't understand.

The woman who he initially thought of as an evil goon actually started crying in Maya's arms.

"…all gone."

Maya too wiped the tears off the corner of her eyes and sniffed. "We have to live on for them."

Even though Kyle refused to make sense of those words, his brain did. It told him exactly what Maya's actions meant.

But he refused that possibility. It was too much for him. Perhaps there were other possibilities.

Maybe this woman was Maya's relative. Even though the excuse sounded far-fetched, it was better than the other option.

As he waited in silence, their spaceship finally stopped. It was a rather desolate asteroid—likely a hollowed-out one from extensive mining in the fourth century.

But Kyle's attention was hooked by the spaceship that was already present on the asteroid.