
Divine Mark War

Bone Pattern: A mysterious rune attached to the surface of the bone that can inspire various powers. Ossification: Stimulates the power of bone patterns, instantly turning humans into a ferocious killing machine covered with scales, the primary form of bone patterns. Armorization: Like a war machine, it is covered with terrifying armor that ignores any thermal weapons, and has the power to destroy the world. Its combat effectiveness is no less than that of a nuclear bomb. If one day, the world is subverted and changed because of a [bone] from the starry sky, would you believe it? Earth is just a cruel hunting ground. The humble me, but I will definitely hold on to this world; I will step through the void, just to find the secret behind the vast stars, and open this door of light that is closed to human beings.

KenyattaPeng · ไซไฟ
104 Chs

Chapter 94 - Brush of Luck

Inside the jungle.

Wang Zheng checked the map, which is only the most common electronic map, except for the names of places, there are no signs.

This world, there will always be many business opportunities appear, depending on how you grasp it. At least Wang Zheng had to praise, some people do business, directly is pervasive. Just like now, you do not have any logo on the electronic map, no problem, just spend a few hundred dollars, you can download a map, the electronic map of your replacement.

A few hundred dollars, Wang Zheng of course, is willing to give up.

On the forum, find a copy of the most complete map around the town of fallen leaves, and after spending six hundred dollars, download and replace it.

In just a dozen seconds, the map was updated.

Once again, opening the electronic map on the martial artist terminal gave Wang Zheng an immediately different feeling. Every place, markings are made, including what vicious beasts are active in this one area and what the level is. With just a glance, one can see what places are more dangerous.

"This six hundred dollars, it is worth spending."

Looking at the map at a glance, the next thing Wang Zheng needs to do is simply to find out the right place to hunt for himself.

"Nowadays, with his own power, it is no problem at all to deal with the level two vicious beasts."

The discounts, the previous in the college when the ferocious beast identification class played a big use, almost looked at these maps on the logo, the mind immediately appeared in the information of this kind of ferocious beast, do not have to go online to check the ferocious beast encyclopedia.

Eventually, Wang Zheng's eyes were placed on the place of Lu Naiwan.

Between the mountains and forests, occasionally came some beast roar, faintly to the ears.

Half an hour later.

Lu Nai Bend is a desolate place, a very large bend made up of mountain peaks, looking at it, you can only faintly see some mountains in the distance. A large number of fatty growth of reed grass, do not know how many vegetarian ferocious beasts will be attracted to this place.

Martial artist's body, in the strength and speed of the addition, can make many for ordinary people can not do the move to.

For example, here, the cliff is everywhere, but Wang Zheng still from the cliff, by this some protruding rocks, little by little to jump down.

Falling into the bend of the Lu mud, Wang Zheng did not first go looking for the beast.

When he came, Wang Zheng actually thought about how to use his advantage. What is the difference between simply looking for the fierce beast and other martial artists? Since he has a bone pattern guiding assistant, he can definitely be different from others.

What impressed Wang Zheng the most was actually the effect produced by using [Lucky (Little)] for the first time.

A cat-clawed beast with a fine quality bone tattoo.

Since luck could still be used in this way, why did Wang Zheng need to look for ferocious beasts like other martial artists? It was completely possible to use luck and find ferocious beasts, even ferocious beasts with bone tattoos.

The output rate of bone tattoos was still really ridiculously low, and Wang Zheng did not understand the chance of about 25% that the books said was brought up by that bastard. The Iron Blood Warriors had killed four hundred Ironback Sword Wolves and only had two Bone Marks, which was equivalent to a 0.5% chance.

Sure enough, sometimes many books can kill people.

Brush up on luck, that's what Wang Zheng wants to do now.

3000 points once [Luck (small)], put in the past, Wang Zheng will not even use it until the last resort. This is the main reason why there are too few lines of power.

But now is different, nowadays, even if Wang Zheng has hung up four small items of training, he still has nearly a million lines of power left to use, 3000 points of luck once, is not yet in Wang Zheng's eyes. Naturally, the "wealthy" Wang Zheng didn't mind using his tattoo power to brush up on his luck.

The fact that there was a bush that allowed Wang Zheng to hide himself and take advantage of the fact that it was a high altitude, allowed him to observe the area.


With the prompting voice after deducting 3000 points of tattoo power, [Lucky (small)] officially took effect.

Looking at the green icon hanging on the vision began to count down, his own body has a zephyr saint's luster like, these are the performance of this [lucky] after it takes effect.

Countdown to five minutes, what Wang Zheng can do, is to wait.

[Lucky] how to define, Wang Zheng can only be a rough guess, still need more experiments to master some of its rules.

Right now, everything can only be alert, eyes skimming around.

This process, only five minutes, but to Wang Zheng's feeling, but became nervous.

Time, soon passed half, just around or calm, there is not a trace of movement. Wang Zheng is not in a hurry, several times [lucky] it is at the last moment, before finally is used. It's as if you never know what the next second will be like.

"Be patient."

Wang Zheng hid in the bushes and let his nervous heart become calm.

"3, 2, 1, 0 ..."

The effect of [Lucky (Small)] disappeared and everything was calm, nothing appeared as Wang Zheng imagined.

Wang Zheng was disappointed, but it was to be expected.


Once again, [Luck (Small)] was activated, and just like just now, the effect was attached, and then the countdown began.

When the time countdown reached a minute or so to go, there was definitely movement in the barren grass not far away. Wang Zheng's eyes narrowed, directly is the rune pattern gun to set up, the entire Lu mud bend highest vicious beast level will not exceed three, is dominated by the first and second level.

Wang Zheng's hand is a three-stage rune gun, against this three-stage below the vicious beast, will be very easy.

Hiding himself, he could do it easily with one hit.

In the scope, as the barren grass was overwhelmed, a figure appeared, only this one figure's action was not very sharp, a closer look revealed that one of its legs was bitten off in half, which seemed to have happened not long ago, and the broken leg was black and rotten.

There will be tearing and killing among fierce beasts, for food, for survival, it is not strange to see injured fierce beasts.

Just ...

Wang Zheng's eyes were huge, this one was only a second grade third class rat-headed beast, it had a rat-like head, but the limbs were somewhat like a tiger, with two fracture-like protrusions on the back, unspeakably ugly. The reason Wang Zheng paid attention to it, not its identity, but under the scope, can still see a hint of it has a faint glow at the rib cage.

Martial artists who do not know what this means, only the light of the bone stripe can cause this kind of halo effect.

"Bone pattern!"

Wang Zheng got excited and almost shouted out in surprise.

A fierce beast with a bone pattern and injured definitely needed luck to be able to encounter it.

What made Wang Zheng even more excited was not this one, but the fact that his vision was feasible and that it was indeed possible to brush up on luck.

This rat-headed beast of the second level and third class, which was not yet aware of the danger, was walking here hopping and jumping, raising its head from time to time to look around.


When the sound rang out, before the rat-headed beast could react, the whistling bullet had already blasted a huge bloody hole in its head, almost shattering its head. The tremendous force lifted it over and it fell on its back in the grass.

Wang Zheng's marksmanship is bad, but after aiming a shot for so long, and is intentional, a hit is normal.

The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the rat-headed beast, Wang Zheng rushed out from the bushes where he was hiding and quickly approached the rat-headed beast.

This one rat-headed beast has not yet entered the state of ossification, so presented in front of Wang Zheng, only a fur. The fur is hard, but Wang Zheng's strength is not weak, the strength of his arm burst out, so that the hunting knife will cut its ribs.

Soon, will be a piece of rib bone knocked down, is a piece of emitting a faint white bone pattern, in the sunlight, the runes floating and disappearing.

"Hahahahahaha ..."

Wang Zheng couldn't help but laugh, although it was only an ordinary bone pattern, but Wang Zheng was satisfied. The second level third grade bone tattoo, sell on six or seven hundred thousand is not a problem at all. He now has two or three million in his hand, but this amount is simply not enough, he still needs to earn more.

The body of the rat-headed beast was not taken care of, and even the skin Wang Zheng did not want.

Once again back in the bush, Wang Zheng had even more anticipation for what was going to happen next.

"Turn on Luck!"

With the opening of [Luck (Small)], a new round of the 5-minute countdown began again.


"Tenth time."

The effect of [Luck (Small)] could only be described as average, but the 3000 tattoo power cost was the real strength that Wang Zheng could generously use constantly. It didn't matter if the effect was worse, as long as the price was right.

Ten times in a row, he did not receive any change, much less a fierce beast appearing, Wang Zheng was not in a hurry and continued for the eleventh time.

"Turn on the luck!"

On the eleventh time, there was finally another movement in the distance.