
Divine Heavenly Lord

  It was a sunny day in a wonderful world, with a golden sun hanging in the sky releasing the might of the morning sun    Giving everything under its light rays a touch of gold to it from its light, making it majestic, those that were under the light ray of the sun felt some magical power coming from the sun and it was refreshing their bodies filling them with strength as far as the plants on the earth, the seeds in the earth and the sand itself was feeling the wonderful power of the sun. The power coming from the sun was like a strong will giving life to everything in the world. After the sun started releasing this power to the world a calm and peaceful breeze started blowing in the world and the awesome thing that happened was that this peaceful wind was sweeping the power coming from the sun into every single place that the light ray could not enter. The wind was increasing the places where the power of the sun could enter no matter how dark the place was or how tough the thing might be. As long as the thing could feel the air, be it living or non-living things they were all receiving the power from the sun that was directed to them by the wind. The scenario of the world was beyond words. The buildings of the world look like what were made out of the finest jade in the world.   The world was like paradise with magnificent plants with every fruit on a tree giving off special air making one want to eat the fruits just from seeing it alone.  Helping themselves to see how wonderful this special-looking fruit is, what it will taste like, and how beneficial the fruits are after eating. They were different flying creatures in the sky fly to some trees to take some fruit for themselves for food. The World was filled with magnificence and tranquility. The peaceful nature will make one thinks that this world was always peaceful with no difficult period to face at all like a perfect world with no injustice and everyone could live without having fear of a war coming to take loved ones from them and ruining their life  Is there any world without war, without the struggle of survival, and without taking the side of someone close to you over some stranger? Welcome to a world called Eden where magic and immortality exist. From the beginning of the world there magicians and cultivators everywhere. With these two schools of thought focus on their different field of practice.

HeavenOasis · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

Chapter 9 Sold-Out

Oliver was happy about his first success. He started cutting the wind antelope and putting the part of the wind antelope into his bag and wore the bag on his back. After he had placed the bag on his bag and decided to start heading back.

"What, where am I? Oliver that he had run way deeper into the forest than what he had planned. With his excitement of before he did not take note earlier about where he was and with his chase and aim to kill the wind antelope, the only thing he was seeing the whole time was the wind antelope that he was chasing.

"Am I at the boundary between the outer region of the ninth forest and the middle region of the ninth forest?

Oliver felt cold sweat covering his forehead and his clothes was covered with sweat immediately. He knew he had made a big mistake of not taking note of his environment and what was going on around him. He learned and knew the advantage of paying attention to his environment.

"I need to leave this place the blood of the wind antelope will attract dangerous spirit beasts and since am close to the entrance to the middle region of the ninth forest, I should head back before things got dangerous for me". Oliver quickly calm himself he knew bothering will not settle the situation the best thing to do was quickly leave and start heading back to the ninth city.

With how mature the wind antelope was Oliver knew that his hunt was fruitful and he will be able to pay for an apartment from the crystals stone he will receive from selling the wind antelope, what he just need to do was kill another wind antelope, if it is not as big as the one he already kills. It will be enough for him to sustain himself for some time before he will need to hunt again.

Oliver started heading back as soon as he start walking he was uneasy inside he felt danger lurking at him. He observed the surroundings but he could not find where the feeling was coming from. He continued walking but he was still feeling danger all around him. Oliver felt he was afraid and was imagining things because he had gone too far into the forest exceeding his ability so it was not out of place for him to feel fearful as he was heading back since his mind was not clouded by anything this time, completely clear and he could see everything around how thick and desolated the forest was.

Five minutes after Oliver started walking he saw a little cat staring at him, the cut was cute with pointed ears at the tip of its ear there was pointed thin fur on both ears and under its face, and its jaw was also pointed fur on both sides leaving just under the jaw empty.

The cat was completely white like snow with only the pointed fur on its ear and under its jaw was blood red with blue eyes.

'It is just a cute cat what is there to be afraid of". When Oliver saw it was just a cute little cat he could not help but walk closer and try to touch it. The cat just stood in place and was watching Oliver as he was about to touch it.

"What am I trying to do, I did not receive any information concerning this cat that is before". Oliver step back immediately as the thought pop into his head. It was then that he remember clearly that will the creature that he received information about the cat was not part of it and every spirit beast that he receive information about was life-threatening and it will take a lot of effort to capture one alive and thinking about train it was beyond his control so it was best not to get close to it.

Oliver was looking around him, he was weighing the cat and trying to see if there was another path he could take to pass by making contact with the cat and the cat was also looking at him. To Oliver, if the cat wanted to attack it could have done it but it had not taken action it was best for him to run away before the cat will act.

"Why is this the only path to head back in such a big forest? What a waste! Oliver felt frustrated with the way things were playing out, he knew if the cat decided to attack although it might look small and what can't cause any threat. He knows deep down the cat can take his life if did should attack not the wind antelope that he was able to kill because his strategy played a major role even if he plan ahead of time for the little cat before him he won't be able to do anything to it because he lacked the strength.

Oliver felt death was closer to him than he could imagine, he looked at the cute eyes of the little cat that was still in place not moving like he was staring at terror, and what will end his life.

"I least I was able to kill a wind antelope all by myself as a weak mortal"

"If am going to die here I should be proud of myself at least". Oliver was consoling himself.

The little cat looked at Oliver like it was not interested to stay there any longer and it immediately run off passing Oliver he was looking dumbfounded.

"What I did not end up dying here" Oliver was roaring with happiness that even his emotion was over the place no one was willing to die. Just facing death and surviving Oliver felt his luck was shining very bright on that day.

"What happened that will make the little cat run off, without doing anything to me? Oliver felt things were not right but he did not know why.

"No, I have to be sold out". A cry of worry sounded