
Divine Fear - The Chronicles Of The Gods

When your life is shaped by an untrustworthy prophecy.... When your own life no longer belongs to you... What would you do? When Yona's divine blessing is imminent, she is anything but thrilled about it. Her life is completely derailed on this day when deep family secrets come to light. As if that weren't enough problems, she seems to be haunted by a darkness whose extent on her life is not yet apparent. But as the saying goes: even in complete darkness, a little light can always appear. You just have to look for it... This book takes you into a richly detailed fantasy world full of mystical creatures, doomed loves and breathtaking adventures. Have I aroused your interest? Then I look forward to welcoming you to my little fantasy world. Attention! This book contains the topics: " Fatal Relationships" and "Heartbreak" ;) Update always: Every Saturday or Sunday Updates are additionally possible Monday - Friday This story contains the genres romance and fantasy. This book is protected by copyright. Any infringements will be followed by legal action!

AislinBosch · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs


I looked back and forth in amazement between the old man Helium and Lucian. "Do you mean something about the theocracy of Testios?" I asked and Lucian raised his eyebrow briefly.

"You know them? You unworldly creature know them?" he asked and I nodded. Somewhat offended, I sneered at him: "Dasha, the pirate captain, told me about them.

"That explains your knowledge," he said, puffing slightly. "What do those idiots want with the book and why did they want to sacrifice Dasha?", Lucian asked the old man and he smiled mysteriously.

"These are interesting questions," he said. "I will try to answer them. But first, I think it's time that you knew some important details about the book itself."

"All right," Lucian said after a moment. "Tell us everything you know."/

The old man nodded, his eyes shining brightly as he began to speak.

"When the old gods ruled our world, there was complete euphoria in the air. The ancient gods were led by Jupiter, the god of the sky. His disposition is unrivalled." The old man walked through the curious room and seemed to be lost in memories.

"His representative is Neptune the god of the sea and Venus the goddess of love. These three gods were honoured and given gifts by the creatures that dwelled on the world before us. But where there is life, there is also death. The brother of Jupiter named Pluto rules the underworld and governs and judges the undead."

I listened intently. So there were more gods? I peered at Lucian and wondered who he served, but as I had learned, I would probably never know.

"The Book of Shadows was created for only one reason," the old man said and I looked at him eagerly.

"Once, when Neptune and Pluto quarreled, the earth shook and everything came apart at the seams. Since the ruler Jupiter could control Neptune but not Pluto, he had to act. Pluto's power was equal to Jupiter's, which is why he created a divine artefact with the help of which anyone who possessed it could enter the underworld and live there. For no god except Pluto was able to enter the underworld. Because of the existence of the artefact, Pluto refused to perform his duties before Jupter destroyed the divine artefact. But Jupiter refused his request. Since then, Pluto demonstratively leaves his realm from time to time and travels the world."

"The Book of Shadows contains the knowledge and instructions for how to create a new divine artefact," the old man continued. "One that could grant the owner access to the underworld and the power of Pluto himself. It is said that whoever possesses this artefact could rule over the dead and the undead."

Lucian and I exchanged a glance, both of us feeling the weight of the knowledge we had just gained.

"But why would the Theocrats want it?" Lucian asked, breaking the silence.

The old man's smile faded as he looked at us seriously. "The Theocrats believe that they can use the power of the artefact to bring about a new age of purity and righteousness," he said. "They want to use it for their god Testios to gain control over the undead and create a world where only their beliefs are accepted."

I shuddered at the thought, feeling a sense of dread wash over me. It was clear that the Theocrats were dangerous, and we needed to stop them from getting their hands on the Book of Shadows.

"But how do we find it?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly.

The old man's smile returned. "I believe I can help you with that," he said. "But it won't be easy. The Theocrats have hidden it well, and they will stop at nothing to protect their secret."

Lucian and I nodded, knowing that the road ahead would be difficult. But we were determined to succeed, to stop the Theocrats and protect the world from their twisted beliefs.

Suddenly, the old man's expression changed and he looked down at his hands. "But there is another problem," he said gravely. "Adelaide, the shopkeeper, has had a part of her soul sacrificed to Testios."

"What do you mean?" Lucian asked, his eyes widening in shock.

"The Theocrats have been performing dark rituals, sacrificing innocent souls to their god in order to gain more power," the old man explained. "Adelaide was one of their victims, and now she is dying. Her soul is being consumed by Testios, and there is nothing anyone can do to save her."

I felt a lump form in my throat as I realized the gravity of the situation. "Is there anything we can do to stop Testios?" I asked, desperate to find a way to help.

The old man shook his head sadly. "I'm afraid not," he said. "The Theocrats' power is too great. All we can do now is try to prevent them from causing any more harm."

"But we have to do something!" I protested, feeling a surge of anger at the injustice of it all.

"I understand how you feel, young one," the old man said kindly. "But sometimes there are things that are beyond our control. All we can do is try to make a difference where we can."

Lucian placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, and I looked up at him gratefully. "We'll do everything we can," he said firmly. "We won't let the Theocrats get away with this."

The old man smiled at us, his eyes twinkling with pride. "I knew I could count on you two," he said. "Now, let's get to work. We have a Book of Shadows to find."

The old man leaned forward in his chair and looked at us intently. "The Book of Shadows is not just any ordinary book," he said. "It has been enchanted with powerful divine mysteries that protect its secrets. And to make matters worse, it has been hidden away in a place that is only accessible through a special gateway."

"A gateway?" I asked, intrigued.

"Yes," the old man replied. "It's a gateway that only opens under very specific conditions. And those conditions can only be fulfilled by those who possess the key."

"And where can we find this key?" I asked.

The old man smiled. "You already have it," he said, pointing to a small pendant that hung around Lucian's neck. "

Lucian's eyebrows drew together. "You know very well that only divine and mystical beings are allowed to pass through the Gateway! I mustn't interfere too much with the human world, you know that!"

The old man smiled slightly and pointed at me. "She is the child of a prophecy and is therefore entitled to walk through the portal."

"She's what?!" asked Lucian, startled, staring at me. His gaze was piercing. There was a brief flash in his eyes, but he seemed to catch himself quickly.

My gaze rested on him. Yes, according to the grey weeping willows, I was the child of a prophecy that had to die in order to live. An absolutely stupid prophecy in my eyes! Whoever wrote it should have made more of an effort and gone into more detail.

"Yes, everyone says I am the child of prophecy, but that is irrelevant to you now. What is this gateway?" I asked with interest.

Lucian shook his head. "You are.... oh holy shit...." He seemed to have to sort out his thoughts first.

"I'm what?", I asked and Lucian shook his head. But Lucian seemed to have regained his composure. He grinned cheekily and looked deep into my eyes: "Who would have thought that you unworldly creature would be the child of prophecy? That someone like you is that is really frightening."

I gave him a nasty look.

"That's enough! There is balance in my home!" The old man looked at us warningly.

Lucian cleared his throat and turned to the old man. "Forgive my outburst."

The old man nodded. "The gateway to the book of shaddows is located in a place known as the Shadow Realm. It is a dimension that exists parallel to our own, but it is shrouded in darkness and is home to many dangerous creatures. The only way to enter the Shadow Realm is through a gateway, and the only way to access a gateway is through a key."

"But you already know all that, don't you?" The old man looked at Lucian. "You're a regular there," he said, and Lucian nodded in agreement.

"So how do we use the key to open the gateway?" I asked and looked at Lucian with interest. Slowly I realised that Lucian really wasn't human.

"That is a secret that only a select few know," the old man replied."But since your companion has the knowledge, this should not be a problem."

Lucian nodded in agreement, but sighed softly.

We thanked the old man for his help and knowledge and he wished us luck on our journey. As we left his house, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that Adelaide's fate had left me with. I knew that we had to stop the Theocrats and prevent them from causing any more harm, but the thought of Adelaide's suffering weighed heavily on me.

Lucian must have noticed my distress, because he squeezed my hand reassuringly. "We'll find a way to stop them," he said. "And we'll do everything in our power to make sure that no one else has to suffer like Adelaide did."

I smiled weakly at him, grateful for his words. "Thank you," I said softly.

"Lucian, can you take me to the harbour? Dasha told me that you will know where she is staying."

Lucian sighed again. "Yes, I'll take you there, follow me."

I couldn't figure out Lucian. First he was nice, then he was an ass and finally he was unbearable from time to time.

When we arrived back at Halor harbour, we stopped in front of a house.

The building is two stories tall, with shuttered windows on the upper floor and a welcoming entrance on the ground level.

Above the door, a sign depicting a mug of frothy ale swings in the breeze, inviting travelers inside for a rest and refreshment. The smell of wood smoke and roasting meat wafts out of the open windows, tantalizing your nose and reminding you of the hunger in your belly.

Outside, a few tables and benches are scattered along the cobblestone path leading up to the inn, providing a place for weary sailors and fishermen to relax and enjoy the view of the bustling harbor. The clank of rigging and the calls of seagulls mix with the hum of conversation and laughter coming from within the inn, creating a lively and inviting atmosphere.

Overall, the inn exudes a cozy, rustic charm that beckons you to step inside and experience the warmth and hospitality.

"From here on, we part ways. In there you will find the pirate captain. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning," Lucian said and I nodded. "That's ok, see you in the morning." I smiled slightly and he returned my smile lightly.

"See you tomorrow worldling." With those words he disappeared into obscurity and I turned towards the front door of the house.

I watched him for a moment before stepping through the door.

As I entered the inn, the warmth and smells enveloped me. The atmosphere was cozy, and I could see sailors and fishermen relaxing and enjoying their meals and drinks. I made my way towards the bar and saw a woman with fiery red hair standing behind it. She wore a black pirate's hat and a leather vest that accentuated her curves. Her green eyes sparkled as she looked up and noticed me.

"Welcome, what can I get for ya?" she asked with a smile.

"I'm looking for Dasha," I replied, feeling a bit nervous.

"Dasha?" she repeated, her smile fading slightly. "What do you want with her?"

"She's waiting for me. I'm part of her crew," I lied to avoid further questions from her.

The woman studied me for a moment before nodding. "Alright then, I'll let her know you're here." She disappeared into the back room and returned a few moments later. "Come with me."

I followed her and we entered the back room.

"There you are, landlubber," Dasha shouted drunkenly at me. The crew was sitting at a long wooden table. Everyone seemed to be having a good time.

"Beauty!" My eyes fell on Throd who came up to me swaying slightly and then bluntly put an arm around me. "There... you're.... again... you... gone... for... long time."

I laughed, feeling relieved that everyone seemed friendly and welcoming. "Sorry, Throd. I had some things to take care of."

I liked Thod. He reminded me of Lito. His manner and his scent.

But it wasn't him. Thod was in front of me, not Lito, and I had to get that into my fucking head.

"You are the prettiest Yona. Such hair. I've never seen hair as beautiful as yours! Snow white, so beautiful!" slurred Thod and Dasha nodded in agreement. "The Queen of Snow is standing right here in front of us!" I laughed. "Ok enough you drunkards."

I sat down next to Dasha. "Dasha it's about Adelaide."

I looked at Dasha with interest, but her eyes were cloudy from the alcohol. "What about the scarecrow?" she asked.

"She's going to die." I waited anxiously for her reaction. I wondered how she would rule. Surprisingly, she started laughing. "Adelaide won't die, she'll outlive us all!"

"No she won't. A part of her soul has been stolen. She will die Dasha."

Dasha seemed to come back to her senses slightly. "What did you find out?"

"The Book of Shadows was stolen by the Theocrats of Testios and Lucian and I will set out to retrieve it."

"Who is Lucian?" asked Thod, dropping down beside me. Dasha and I ignored him and continued our conversation. I had no time for his jealousy. After all, I had just told Dasha that Adelaide was going to die.

"So now it's got the scarecrow too for once. What can we do?", Dasha asked.

"Nothing.... you will have to say goodbye."

Dasha laughed out. "What a fucking shit! Fucking theocrats. I hate them. They are the evil of this world."

"Seems so," I replied and sighed. I couldn't stifle a yawn either.

"Go to bed landlubber. Before you leave tomorrow, we'll talk again."

I nodded. "I will. We'll talk tomorrow."

"Night landlubber."

I turned and left the room. I just wanted to go to bed."

"Good night beauty!", Thod called after me as I left and I felt a smile grace my lips.