

WARNING (ADULT CONTENT ) Alvina Seth a very beautiful witch was faced with the challenge of protecting her people from the powerful and heartless vampire lord Dean Quinn. In other to defeat him she has to find his weakness so she could use it against him. A very difficult task cause she knew he won't spear her once he discover who she is. Dean a very cold vampire, one can hardly detect he's plan. Alvina mom was murder by a vampire. consume with bitterness and rage. she vowed to kill Dean Quinn which was their lord.

Martins_Mary · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

You need to leave

Dean open the door gently, She was sitting on the couch, Alvina turned towards the door when she heard it open, shiver ran through her spine, she took in a deep breath trying her best to calm down

"how are you feeling?" he looked at her as if you trying to know if she's fine or not" you have been asleep for two days now" he said with a straight face.

" two days?" she muttered looking at him

" I'll send of the driver to drop you off at your place, you seem fine now" Dean said ignoring her questions

" well I don't have anywhere to go" she replied

" can you work for me?" he said ask coldly

" yes, I can" she replied " as a maid" he asked again. Alvina simply nod her head .

" okay, we are leaving now" he said walking out of the door. Alvina followed behind to the entrance of the palace, he never for once looked back at her.

Ethan was already outside waiting,

" what the fuck those he have in mind" he muttered to himself.He just weave at Alvina with a smile. When Dean was closed to him,he whispered to he's ears " what the fuck are you doing" he asked him

" I need a personal maid, she could do that work"he replied

Dean and Alvina got on the same car while Ethan took another one.

The car was damn quiet which made Alvina uncomfortable.Dean got a message on his phone which made his aura terribly dark and cold, she was freezing from the cold. Alvina rapped her hands on her body. she looked like a lost child. She felt the cold down her spine. she didn't know when she held his hand .Her hands were so cold , the aura he was excluding just vanished into thin air as he stared at her with concern. There car bumped into something.

"No matter what , don't come out " his aura returning even more stronger. As soon as he left. She heave a sign of relief. Alvina started hearing noise from the outside, she peep through the window and Dean was fighting with some vampires. She could beg non of them touched him cause he was super fast and each move has a vampire down.

one of the vampire broke the glass door, he was staring at her with does yellow eyes, his fangs were out ready to drink her blood, she haven't seen any vampire like this, she didn't know if it was a vampire or not but one was sure she needs to kill it" damn I don't have weapons" she muffled looking scared and she can't use spells cause Dean was close by, using spells will expose and she can't take that risk., he was bringing his fangs to her neck

" Dean" she screamed out, someone stabbed it from behind ,the vampires blood spilled on her body, when the body dropped on the floor, Dean was standing behind it.

" Dean are you okay" Ethan asked walking towards them

"yea let's go, we need to reach the airport in less than an hour " Dean told him

" your car is destroyed, we'll use mine" Ethan said

"Are you okay little miss" Dean ask her

she shudder a bit " yea am okay " she replied stammering.she looked around the bodies in the around the place. She felt a sharp pain on her leg, she had a piece of glass on her leg and blood was tripping from it

" let remove the glass" Ethan said squatting down, he removed it , tying her leg with handkerchief. He stood up staring at her.

" thank you"she said her gaze fix on him

" we need to go" Dean said coldly

"she can't walk" Ethan said to him

"I'll carry her" Dean replied carrying Alvina up, she rapped her hands around his neck

Alvina could feel her heart racing.

" next time he might as well feed her" Ethan chuckle.

They arrived at country Vince late, Ethan has volunteer to carried but Dean just ignored him and carried her by himself, he could feel her heart beating faster

" relax, it not like I fingered you or something" Dean said looking at her. She buried her head instead on his chest. He open a room and laid her on the bed. Their both gaze at each other, Dean gently caress the place she had the injury in her legs. He wasn't doing anything erotic but she was feeling hot inside. He gently removed the handkerchief, the blood had stopped flowing. He then look up to " I'll call one of the maid to assist you in bathing " he said quietly still not breaking his eyes from her. The knock on the door made them to break the eye contact

Ethan came in with a first aid kit

" I'll need to dress your wound" Ethan said. Dean got up and left the room

" what your name? " Ethan asked smiling

" Alvina " he said , she looked at him tense, did he figure her out " nice bracelets you have there" he added looking down at her wrist , then back to her face, she smiled at him relaxing

" my mom gave it to me when I was nine" she feel more relax with Ethan than Dean