

WARNING (ADULT CONTENT ) Alvina Seth a very beautiful witch was faced with the challenge of protecting her people from the powerful and heartless vampire lord Dean Quinn. In other to defeat him she has to find his weakness so she could use it against him. A very difficult task cause she knew he won't spear her once he discover who she is. Dean a very cold vampire, one can hardly detect he's plan. Alvina mom was murder by a vampire. consume with bitterness and rage. she vowed to kill Dean Quinn which was their lord.

Martins_Mary · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


Ava was laid in the forest near the cave, her entire body is glowing white. She looks beautiful like she wasn't dead but alive and just merely sleeping.

It was a glass coffin, one can see Ava's body lying there. Alvina has stopped crying already she looked lost in her own world, she was staring at space not thinking about anything.

Her world has shattered, nothing make sense anymore. The memories of Her mom kept playing on her mind.

" Vina it's time to drop your rose, the other witches are waiting for you" Luna gently shake her a bit, jotting her back to the present. Alvina looked around at the people present, they were all holding their roses, dress in white. Spells were used to light up the entire place, sparks of white and blue light fill the entire place, Alvina was made to drop her rose on Ava's body first cause she's the queen's daughters. Other witches will do so after her.

she held her rose up and stare at it for some minutes, tears rolled down her eyes. she still couldn't believe that her mom was gone for good and she wasn't coming back. Alvina bent over to the coffin, tears flowing down her eyes. She gently place the rose on her mother's chest.

" goodbye mom, you will always remain in my heart."she said with a teary eyes. Alvina stood up, turned back and walked away without looking back. she couldn't bear to see her mom being buried before her eyes.

The witches step forward and started dropping their own roses on Ava's dress. They grave has already been dug so they cover the coffin now fill with roses and lower the coffin to the ground pouring sand slowly to cover it. They covered the ground with the sand, the witches gave Ava a moment of silent just standing by the grave side without uttering a word.They began to leave one after the other till no one was there again apart from Luna. She was standing by the graveside it was dead silent now. She didn't know why she was still there. She turned back to leave but heard footsteps coming closer , she held her dagger close to her and hid by a tree close to the grave. she could see who was coming from where she was hiding. The figure was getting close , she could see the person now standing by the grave side. it was "Alvina where were you" Luna asked coming out from her hideout.

Alvina was startled cause she didn't expect anybody to be there. she knew everybody was gone and then nobody will dare stay there cause it was now dark. The witches have removed the spell.

" what are you still doing out here Luna, you are supposed to be with others" she asked with a worried look on her face

" yea, I don't know why I stayed back, maybe it because you were coming back and then you would a shoulder to cry on" Luna replied forcing a laugh just to light up the mood.

"what would I have done without you Luna" she was crying again, Luna walked up to her and gave her a warm hug.

"don't worry about a anything, cause every Little thing is gonna be alright" Luna pat her hair in a friendly manner.

They both sat down, the place was silent making the place uncomfortable for them both.

" I'll take revenge for my mom, I'll take Dean down no matter what." Alvina broke the silent she looked at Luna " I couldn't protect my mom but I have a responsibility now and that's to protect our kind from that ruthless vampire" she held Luna hands together

" thanks for always being there for me, you are like a sister to me and I really appreciate your present in my life" she was really grateful Luna was here with her

Luna only smile " let's join the other witches, it getting cold out here" she stood up helping Alvina to get up as well

"You are now our queen, so you need to be strong for us" Luna cheer her up

Alvina smiled back at her