

This is my story. I grew up in a village of slaves in the kingdom of Erlösung. My mother, a prostitute in a brothel, was my only family, and I loved her dearly. My only friend was the chief's granddaughter. Despite not having much, I treasured our time together and the memories we made. Everything changed when a soldier discovered my mother's true identity as an elf and a witch. In order to protect me, she sacrificed herself, and I found myself in a precarious situation between life and death in the Cave of Between. After being attacked by the guardian, an ancient dragon of chaos, my soul was spirited away to the underworld. My journey has been to escape the seven hells and to grow stronger for my quest of seeking revenge for my loved ones. My name is Alonne Snowseek, and this is my story.

jFrazierSan · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Updates on chapter 5

Sorry everyone, I just found out that I won't be back home until the 6th of July... On vacation