
Discovering the past, living the present and wanting the future.

A girl knowing nothing of her past yet finding it... Will it have an affect on her present or future?... Shall we find out?

Zeaque · อื่นๆ
13 Chs

First day of the new school term part 1

Rhayne's pov

When I woke up the next morning it was still raining heavily. So I just washed up, put on a t-shirt and sweat pants, then went downstairs to make breakfast. Breakfast was a simple dish of eggs, bacon, toast and sliced tomatoes with melted cheese on top.

Soon everyone came down for breakfast and we all sat around the table. I told them that I wanted to go for another run when I'm done eating. They all know that I love the forest when it rains, for me the scent it gives off is just amazing and that makes me not care if I look like a drowned rat at the end after running in the rain. My father and brother don't understand how I can like it but that's why I have mom, she like love that scent as well.

Unfortunately mom told me that I couldn't go since we are expecting company soon. The company that she is talking about is most likely the other families that moved to this town with us. Yeah four other families beside us also left the pack to come with us. Luckily for us the place we moved to has an alpha pair that's really nice and understanding. When we told them about our situation they welcomed us to their territory warmly. It also seems they are a pack the has a long standing not to mention the alpha pair is also ancient. I'm not sure what species they are just that their pack don't consist solely of wolfs, their pack is a mix of different species.

Anyway back to the families that moved here with us, they are the Lorney's, the Grey's, the Swan's, the MacFields and then there is us the Darren's. I'm friends with the MacFields son Erin, the Swan's second son Felix and Zain the first son of the Greys. My little brother Jean is friends with Raymond the third son of the Swan's and Rimus the second son of the Lorney's. The first sons of the Lorney's and the Swan's already finished school and is traveling around the world for now.

Anyway the reason they are coming here today even though it's raining so hard, is most likely to see if we have settled down properly, since they moved here before us. They're probably worried that I might not fit in or like this place very much but they don't have to worry about that since this place is the best and it's mostly thanks to my mate, for the rest it's because of the forest.

After breakfast I went back to my room and yet again peeked through my window yet I still could not get a glimpse of my mate. I was pritty bummed out from that but not long after returning to my room, I heard my dad call me and say our guests have arrived. So I went down to greet everyone.

Like I said they really just came to check on us, or I should say me. I told them that I'm fine and they don't have to worry but they clearly didn't believe me. After we all split up, our parents all went to the living room, Jean, Rimus and Raymond went to Jean's room, where as me, Erin, Felix and Zain went to mine. When we got to my room the three of them at the same time asked me if is was really okay and I told them that I am. I could see that they still didn't believe me so I told them about my neighbor and that I've taken a bit of an interest in her, I just didn't tell them that she's also my mate. When they heard me say that, they were pleasantly surprised since they know full well I don't usually take interest in the opposite sex. They asked me what she was like and I couldn't tell them much since we haven't really talked to each other. But even so they were happy for me and were hoping everything would work out. Then we talked about tomorrow when the new school term would start and what our plans will be for it. Good thing is that our transfer to the new school has already been taken care of so we just have to go and collect our timetables at the office tomorrow. All of us are good at studying, though we each do have one or two subjects that we are not excellent at.

We talked a lot about school and about other things. In between everything lunch time came upon us and we went down to make some sandwiches, grabbed some drinks and snacks, and returned to my room to continue talking. We talked so much that soon it was night time and they went home.

After they went home I cleaned the dishes, bid everyone goodnight, went to my room and took a bath. When I was finished taking a bath I put on another pair of sweat pants and t-shirt and then got into bed. I took a peek again at my mates room but it was already dark in there so she must have already gone to sleep. Oh it also finally stopped raining at some point so now I could see clearly outside. Soon I fell asleep and welcomed my dreams.

In the middle of the night I heard someone scream and guess what? It's 2am in the morning again, this time though I wasn't mad but instead I was worried since I knew it came from my mate and last time when she came outside after screaming, she was crying. I didn't want to see her like that again but I also couldn't approach her since we are technically strangers. Still though I wanted to check on her, so I climbed over both of our balcony and took a peek through her balcony door window. There my heart almost burst out of my chest. On her right shoulder was a really bad wound and it was bleeding a lot. I wanted so badly to go to her, not only cause I wanted to check on her wound but also to just hold her in my arms because she was shaking really bad. I was just about to go into her room through the door which was open again but I heard her yell for someone called Miss Misa. Not long I heard someone approached her door but they hesitated a bit, I wondered why while hiding myself . As they were hesitating to enter her room, my eyes never left her shoulder. And that's when I noticed the blood but mostly the wound disappearing. I was fascinated and to be honest quite happy since I thought that maybe she's like me in some way but turns out that wasn't the case since after this Miss Misa came into her room and my mate told her what happen, Miss Misa told her that there was no wound and she must have been having a nightmare. After that Miss Misa left and I heard my mate say that it felt to real to be a dream. Not long after Miss Misa returned to my mates room and I went back to my room, trying to get my head around what just happened. It took me a while to fall back asleep but I did and soon it was time to get up and ready for school.

When I got to school after being dropped off by dad, me, Jean, Erin, Zain and Raymond went to the office to get our timetables. Jean and Raymond was a year younger than me and Erin and Zain was older than us. Soon we were led to our new class rooms by our homeroom teachers and I still don't know what my homeroom teacher is called.