
Disciple of the Multiversal Canon

Hayate Gekko was a proud shinobi of Konohagakure, advancing to the rank of tokubetsu jonin at a young age. His specialty was stealth and information gathering, while also armed with profound kenjutsu technique. But when he was dispatched on a mission to tail Orochimaru's underling, he was found out by Baki. After a short battle, he was killed. Hayate Gekko was dead, Kabuto and Baki were really sure of it. So who the hell is this man who could suppress Shukaku with flying swords? Why he looks familiar, why he's so similar to that dead man? World: Naruto ——— This is a fan-fiction.

amethystore · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Death and MBCC

CH1 Death and MBCC

Hidden beneath the lust forest in the heart of Land of Fire, lies one of the major shinobi village. Konohagakure no Sato, it was proclaimed to be the strongest hidden village in the Elemental Nations. It has been 62 years since the establishment of the hidden village, and Konoha still stood strong as the greatest military force in the world. But to some people, especially those who did not originated from Konoha, they don't share the same beliefs.

'To think that our ally, Sunagakure, has been colluding with Orochimaru?' Hayate Gekko mused as he just received vital information from his target. 'I need to hurry and report back to Lord Third.'

"Ah, and one more thing. Let me clear this mess up."

"No need, I will do it. The rat is only one, it will be easy."

Hayate tensed as he knew he had been had found out. He jumped down and ran away. But the Sand jonin was faster, Baki instantly appeared right in front of him brandishing his kunai which Hayate dodged by sommersaulting backward. He unsheathed his sword and run forward.

Baki was faster, but Hayate skill in kenjutsu is not to be underestimated. They kept exchanging blow until Baki took another kunai from his left hand and stabbed into his chest. With swift and deft hand, Hayate blocked it using the ring of a kunai. Baki then pushed Hayate and he slided through the roof tiles, damaging it.

Baki pushed forward, but he had to jump and change his direction because Hayate tied an exploding talisman into the kunai and planted it in the roof. The explosion created a distance, the following shockwave blasted him off. He fell into a roof of another building.

Baki still chased after the Konoha proctor. He couldn't let this little mouse alive. Their plan would be revealed if he could pass the information to the Hokage. They fell down inside the building because the roof colapse.

Hayate swung his sword and it was blocked by Baki's two kunai, he keep pushing his sword trying to slice the face of that tan-skinned Sand shinobi. But Baki proves to be physically stronger, and he still had another tricks on his sleeve. He opened his mouth and blow a fine dust. Hayate had to take a step back and closed his eyes.

"Got you!" shouted Baki slashing his kunai on Hayate's torso.

But he only slashed an air because Hayate has shunshined away. A kick greeted his face which was covered in cloth. Hayate used this opportunity to flee away. But Baki was stubborn and relentless in his pursuit.

'I need to get rid of him first.' Hayate couldn't beat him in speed, but he believed that his skill in kenjutsu and bukijutsu is higher.

He stopped and turned back, Baki also stopped on his track as he know that this would be the final confrontation of the hopeless rat. Hayate summoned two shadow clones, and he executed his killing moves.

"Leaf Style: cough, cough ... Crescent Moon Dance"

He moved in tandem with his clones and they slashed their sword from three direction: up, right, and left. Baki throw his kunai to dispell the one in the left, he punched the one who came from his right. But he got no time to deal with the real Hayate, only capable of dodging it slightly. The sword lodged in his shoulder pauldron, if he missed a second then it might be his head who was sliced like a watermelon.

Baki gritted his teeth and used his left hand to grab the sword, making Hayate unable to retrieve it.

"Your kenjutsu is impressive." Baki said, he pulled out his right hand. Without hand seals a wind chakra generated from his palm. "But, the wind blade is unstoppable."

Baki make a slashing motion, and a wind disc flew and hit Hayate's chest. The Konoha ninja was suspended in the air for a moment, and Baki used this chance to completely finish him off. Mercilessly sending barrage of wind blade.

"Unexpectedly, it took longer than I thought. This proctor, he's so slick ... slipping pass through me."

Kabuto standing in top of a building looked at the ongoing slaughter. When Baki finished dealing with Hayate, he left the area. Kabuto approached the dead corpse of the Konoha ninja and took some of his hair. He also removed the smell from the corpse.

"How unfortunate, you should've tried a little harder, sigh, but ... I'll keep this, maybe it will be useful in the future."

Kabuto leisurely leave the area, he even met with a patrol ninja from Inuzuka clan and smirked because his precaution proves to be on point. With the odor gone, the corpse won't be found until tomorrow and that's more than enough.


'Where is this?' thought Hayate Gekko looking at the strange place he was in. 'My chest and throat didn't feel itchy ...'

He was inside a pavilion which was like nothing he has seen in his life. Eight pillars made of marble were put in the shape of hexagon, the roofing were made of unknown wood but it was gilded with gold. There was no wall, but the outside was also out of the world. It was sea of clouds, as if the building was floating in the sky. Hayate was mesmerized and enjoying the view, forgetting his prior question and puzzlement.

"Ahahahahahaha ... does it hurt? DOES IT HURT?!?" deranged, maniacal laughter of a young woman sounded from the side.

Hayate Gekko alarmed as he turned to the source and tried to grab the sword on his back out of instinct. But his hand didn't grab anything, he turned his head to see that his sword is missing. And then he recalled that a moment before, he was clashing against the Sand Shinobi. But now, he was here.

He cautiously observed this place, if before his gaze was of amazement now it carried a discernment. In one side of this sky pavilion there was a bluish-gray haired woman siting in a chair, wearing a strange attire nothing Hayaye has seen before. It was black working blouse with a leather chest harness. She was focused fiddling with the small device on her hand.

Standing beside her was a teal haired woman with quite peculiar attire as well. She wore a tight fit inner clothes that extend to her neck, also tight latex-based blouse and pencil skirt. She also wear a overcoat, a military headress adorned her hair. This woman just silently standing there closing her eyes.

"Bloom here, till the day you wither."

"I smell the sweet fragrance of souls."

"Time. To. Die."

Hayate could hear another voices, they were undoubtedly voice of women ... but it didn't belong to either of these two. The sound came from the small device on the gray haired woman. Hayate was exhausted and he was also puzzled why he was here. Who were these two women?

'Should I ...' his hand turned to the weapon pouch, but the teal-haired woman stopped him from taking a kunai from it.

"I suggest for you to wait patiently and not do anything stupid. Mr. Gekko."

"Who are you, where is this place, how did you bring me here?"

"..." but the woman just cast a glance and then returned closing her eyes, refusing to answer.

"Wait a bit, sir ... I'm on my last wave in Broken Frontlines." this time, it was the gray haired woman.

Hayate decided to obey their word because while they seems like harmless, he feel that they're more dangerous than the Sand Jonin he just fought. It wasn't an exaggerration, it's just his instinct and danger sense as an experienced ninja. The blatant disregard and the nonchalant attitude in front of a ninja, only fool or those with more power can afford to do so. And Hayate didn't want to gamble.

"Finally finished ..." the gray haired woman put down the device on her table and stood up. She approached him and then said. "Nice to meet you, I have many names but you may call me Chief. The one who's showing scary face behind me is Nightingale."

"I'm Hayate Gekko of Konoha, from which country are you? And can you answer my previous question."

"Now, now this is not an interrogation Hayate-kun. Don't give me that scary face." the Chief gestured to the nearby sofa and said. "Please take a seat Hayate-kun, and Nightingale dear, could you brew us some tea?"

Hayate sat down in front of her, the 'Chief' had another device in her hands, this time it was a tablet. Nightingale came and brought a tray of freshly brewed tea with cookies.

"The variable that appeared in your world is just too troublesome ... sigh." muttered the 'Chief' as she let out a tired sigh.

"Alright, before briefing you about your situation Mr. Gekko, it might be better If I answer your previous questions. First, you already know me, I'm Chief, the long title is MBCC Chief and this is my adjutant Nightingale. You are in my office, and ... I brought your soul after you died. Which country I'm from? Well, in the past I have Indonesia citizenship. Any other question?"

There was a lot question that Hayate wanted to ask. "What is MBCC? And what I mean by where is this is, in which elemental nation are we? Is this Kumo? No, you said you bring my soul here after I died? So is this the Pure Land?"

The Chief smiled upon hearing that question and snapped her finger. With perfect synch, the teal-haired woman, Nightingale started explaining.

"MBCC stands for Multiverse Bureau of Crisis Control, a special organization set up to deal with Anomaly. Our responsibility consist not only arresting, controlling the Anomaly, we also use the unique power of Anomalies to deal with the various disasters."

"Currently, we are in a separate dimension. Detached from material world. Chief used this place for a meeting with the Anomaly because this is the only place that their power is negated."

"Yep, and I can play game in here as well ..." chimed in the Chief.

Hearing Nightingale explanation only created another question. What's a multiverse? Anomaly? Why would they got arrested, why then controlling and use their power? But Hayate think thay knowing their motives and why he was here is more important than satisfying his curiosity.

"So what's that about my situation, didn't you just confirm of my mortality?"

"Oh yeah, Hayate-san ... you're that Anomaly." said the Chief.

"Me? And what is exactly an Anomaly?"

"Anomaly is a term to reffer any being who has awakened a system. This was because a System User tends to bring various change if not chaos, unprecedented technological revolution, even capable of destroying a world given that they could develop the system long enough. Our job is to prevent that." Nightingale answered seeing that her Chief won't bother explaining descriptions.

"What is a system? And what is the condition to get them?"

"A system is a set of things working together as a part of a mechanism in order to be able to carry specific function. The function of each system is what makes them different from one to another. For example, a Template System would have it's core aspect revolved around the concept of Character Template. One of the function of the Template System it to provide the Anomaly with a Character Template and qssimilate it into the body to get the template's ability. For example ... if you have Character Template of Hashirama Senju, then overtime with training you can have the power and ability of the First Hokage."

Hayate widened his eyes hearing that, getting the power similar to that of the God of Shinobi. This system is too outrageous!

"But what's the point of having this ... system, am I dead already?"

"Hayate-kun, you're not dead. The system has sustained your life."

"Then I need to return, I have to report back to the Hokage."

"Sigh, let me tell you this ... girls don't like men who're too hasty Hayate-kun." Chief sighed and put down the tablet. "As I said, you are an Anomaly. And it is our responsible to arrest and restraint you."

She said that she would arrest him, but she did nothing to achieve that. This make him puzzled.

"You said something about using the power of Anomalies.

Do you want me to use that power to destroy Konoha?"

The Chief widened her eyes didn't expect such words coming from him. She joyfully laughed at the absurdity of the notion.

"Hahahaha, you sure say something funny ... rest assured, there's no way I'd force you to do that." she picked up the porcelain cup and take a sip of the hot tea. "I just need you to sign a contract with me, there's a lot of clauses in the actual contract but the main point is that you will not commit massacre to the innocent, unrelated people just to gain experience point, you will be handling specific task to prevent another Anomaly for appearing. Lastly, in some special case, I will be using your help when I needed it. Of course, the appropriate reward will be detailed in the contract as well. And again, don't worry you can refuse my call if you don't want to do it or it conflicted your interest. So how is it?"

Hayate still had some doubt regarding this. After all, based on their explanation it seems that the system did not came from them. So why they restrain and even captured those who received them? Even labelling them as something like an Anomaly.

"Few more question ..., I've memorized every lands in the map, and never I have heard Indonesia. You're not from the Elemental Nations, is that correct?"

"Your deduction is correct, I'm from Earth ... a parallel world different from your Elemental Earth. In my world, there's no Shinobi, no Tailed Beast, no chakra, no Sage of Six Path, no Kaguya Ootsutsu–, Aaa, did I said too much?" the Chief asked her adjutant, which the teal-haired woman sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"... and this contract, it's to restrain my power so that I don't use it haphazardly. But what if I refuse? After all, it's not you who bestow me of such power isn't it?"

"Well, I'm afraid that you have no choice but to accept it. If not, we will issue a mission to sent group of Anomalies to capture you." the Chief demeanor changed, her languid and sleepy gray eyes turn sharp as they pierced him, and a strong coercion struck over Hayate. "Let me tell you this Hayate-kun, we from the MBCC are really appreciative towards the Anomaly. In fact, you have the potential to be the world savior. However, power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupt absolutely. We're here as a safeguard, to prevent such ominous future that Anomalies can bring. After all ..., savior or destroyer is just two-side of the same coin."

Hayate Gekko grew tense as he looked at the smiling woman. He clenched his hand, and think about it for a second. He don't know about what kind of power he got, but he know that subduing her is out of question.

"Alright, I'm inclined to sign this contract rather than grtting chased by you. What kind of system did I awaken? Based on Ms. Nightingale's explanation, it seems that there's a lot of system type. So what's mine?"

"I've looked at it, and it was called Apprenticeship System."

"What does it do?"

"Well, that's something for you to delve and explore. Even for us, we do not know everything about system that awakened in each and every single Anomalies. So your discovery and report is important to us."

Hayate nodded and he didn't have anything to ask, he decided to sign the contract after reading them thoroughly.

"I'll see you out, Hayate-kun."

"Right, I haven't learn about your name, Chief."

"Hmmm ... are you curious? Are you interested? Well, what should I do, will the little Yugao be mad if her boyfriend suddenly interested with other woman?" she asked with teasing smile and upturned crescent eyes.

'Troublesome, isn't just asking your name? And stop glaring at me with that scary eyes, Ms. Nightingale. Jeez, if you don't want to say it, just don't.' thought Hayate.

"I see, so there must be a reason why you won't say it. But that's okay, we might be not be working together that much anyway. I'll see you later, Miss Chief, and Miss Nightingale. I hope you well." Hayate walked down to the stairs that lead to nowhere and his body started to disappear.

"Oh if he know ..." the Chief put her palm on her cheek while using her other hands to support the arm by hugging her bountiful chest.

"Chief, of all Anomaly that you captured. Why would you put so much attention to him? Even his system does not seems that strong, the overall assessment is only B-rank. So why?" Nightingale stood by her side asked with some vinegar in her tone.

The 'Chief' turned silent as her expression looked solemn, "His ability might be incapable of sudden outburst of strength, but if he's patient and had enough determination, this kind of system is perfect. Beside, he already died once. He will work hard to the bone just to get stronger and not experiencing it for the second time."

"... but that doesn't explain anything. You didn't put much attention to the holder of Template System, an S-rank Anomaly. She could achieve the strongest state much faster than him. I'm confused, Chief."

"NG, you silly girl. Don't overthink it, I just find him slightly interesting than the rest. That's all." the Chief pulled Nightingale on her waist and then laced it on her round ass. She gazed sharply at the little blue birdie and said, "So will you stop being jealous, it's cute but you need to trust me more."

"C-chief, this is inappropriate ..." the adjutant pushed her boss weakly.

"Ufufu, cute NG." she stopped teasing her adjutant and walked back to her chair. "Well, let's get back to work."